Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 900 Get real (4k)

Regarding the prohibition on casually insulting competitors...

Fang Zhuo can prove it is true.

Online public opinion is fermenting, and some Yike employees actively rushed to the scene to participate in the ridicule. Especially after Nokia launched a lawsuit, they were delayed in their work due to line confrontation.

It’s not that Nokia has no people, but it has a lot of people.

Some executives still claim online that the Nokia 5800 is a good phone, a new upgrade from keyboard to touch screen, and can bring consumers a completely different experience.

This is true to a certain extent, but it was said at the wrong time.

If it were this time last year, when the iPhone was about to be released and Mars was about to be launched, the 3.2-inch Nokia 5800 could be said to be a completely new improvement. However, one year later, with more than 10 million users of capacitive screen mobile phones around the world, today Let’s take a look at Nokia’s coffee shop...

It would be too conservative and a mistake in judgment.

Just like Fang Zhuo's interview with "60 Minutes", this is that Nokia underestimated the speed of change in the industry, and Nokia still maintains their judgment at least in terms of public opinion.

Needless to say, the confrontation between Yiko and Nokia on the Internet goes into detail. When Nokia executives angrily said, "As a self-proclaimed industry leader, ask Nokia first," and when Yiko executives ridiculed, "I want to ask the person who uses his mouth to assist Nokia?"... Communication becomes the output of emotions.

Regarding this situation, Fang Zhuo has always advocated politeness and sobriety.

However, as the person who took the lead at the press conference, he could not personally talk more about how to compete with Nokia, nor could he explain that he also had a lawsuit against LG Electronics. In the end, it was Yu Hong who stepped forward to put the situation under control and let everyone put it into perspective. Put more energy into the sales of Mars2.

After the Yike press conference on the 27th, the company's official website, Amazon, Deutsche Telekom and T-Mobile operator channels, small and medium-sized operators in various states in the United States, etc. are making final preparations for the release next month.

Compared with the difficulties in negotiating with channels last year, Yike has achieved outstanding results this year and has more experience.

Even though this press conference is not so orthodox and there are many competitors participating in the competition, the relevant media are still very optimistic about the sales of Mars2, believing that Yike can reach a higher level with its second smartphone product.

As for the sales volume at this level...

Several media outlets have unanimously predicted a figure of 15 million, which is much more optimistic than Fang Zhuo's internal claims about Yike.

One of the reasons is that it is said that Mars 2 will land in the Chinese market.

Because of this strong prospect support, Google's Schmidt even thinks that 20 million sales can be considered.

However, after he made an appointment to meet with Mr. Fang, in addition to showing optimism about sales, more importantly, he also showed that he attaches great importance to Nokia's lawsuit in Finland.

There was a lot of laughter at the press conference, and the media and public opinion were laughing and joking. Nokia's lawsuit is really serious, and it may have extremely adverse effects.

Schmidt was very worried about this. He talked about it immediately after getting into Mr. Fang's car: "Mr. Fang, once Nokia takes action, it may not be limited to Finland. We must pay attention to this matter."

"Yes, I received the news of Nokia's lawsuit, and I haven't had much sleep in the past two days." Fang Zhuo's face was serious, and his tone was equally worried.

"I will go to Europe next month to help negotiate patent matters." Schmidt wanted to fulfill his previous commitment and help Yike mediate.

Fang Zhuo was greatly moved: "Schmidt, inviting you to serve as a director of Yike is my most correct decision."

Schmidt said seriously: "Don't some people on the Internet call us the 'iron triangle'? Yike Mars is the king of Android, even if Samsung is willing to carry the Android system."

The two people's eyes met, completing an exchange of false emotions between the iron triangle.

Even though the relationship is fake, things still have to be done.

Fang Zhuo talked about the company's preparations for the sale and sales targets, and a lot of them were talking about the Chinese market that will open in August.

This is also the first time he talked about the consideration of price sinking for the popularity of Android system in China. Yike is an entry channel for two models in China, and will need an entry-level model in the future.

Schmidt listened intently.

The Android system and Yike have a foreseeable sweet period of bundling. What Google wants is to use Android to gain entry into the mobile era. This step seems to be the right one now.

In addition, Schmidt has another thing that he has not brought up yet. He hopes that Mr. Fang can also help mediate the use of Google in mainland China.

I mediate for you, and you mediate for me. This is reasonable, right?

The two met in detail not at the company, but at a golf club.

When Fang Zhuo heard the request from the CEO of Google while learning golf, he agreed almost immediately: "Schmidt, no problem, I can help find contacts and talk."

He swung an empty shot with all his strength, and almost immediately made a new request: "Speaking of which, I also have a little thing to tell you today. Can you help me introduce a friend from the Defense DoD, my Crystal?" The round factory will renew its license this year, and I don’t want the design of our entry-level mobile phone chips to be affected by this.”

Lao Shi, if you want me to mediate for you, then do me a small favor. This is also reasonable, right?

Schmidt was stunned for a moment, his thoughts turning between Qualcomm, the foundry, and Yike, and said: "I do know a few friends from DoD."

Fang Zhuo grinned. Of course he knew that the last time Tesco acquired a chip design company, Lao Shi helped. It was also that time that he got a glimpse of his close relationship with DoD. Considering the identity of the Google CEO, thinking about it, it has not been exposed yet. The prism door...

I need to change my mobile phone more often.

Golf is harder to learn than you think.

Fang Zhuo patiently tried this activity that he was not very interested in, and had a lot of communication with Schmidt. Google's demands for the Chinese market were not the focus. The focus was still on solving the threat of Nokia.

On this evening, Bingxin's senior management team led by Qiu Ciyun had already set off from Shanghai to renew the license for technology introduction and equipment purchase as planned.

At the same time, Qiu Ciyun also had to preside over the acquisition of the company founded by Liang Mengsong by Bingxin.

Liang Mengsong's non-competition agreement will expire in more than a month. Entering the ice core through acquisition is not only a reasonable process, but also a reward for his technical assistance over the past year or so.

The ice core has broken through the 65nm process. The leader of this work is destined not to be able to write Liang Mengsong's name, and he will not have any credit.

But both Fang Zhuo and Qiu Ciyun knew in their hearts that Dr. Liang, who had mastered the craft of Taiwanese writing, was a major contributor, not to mention the talents he helped introduce one after another. Therefore, the necessary remuneration and compensation were completed through acquisitions.

Once August passes, Ice Core will have one more co-CEO in charge of the 45nm process project.

According to Fang Zhuo's idea, Dr. Liang flew back to China on a private plane at the end of July. He happily went to Ice Core to be the technical leader, and he happily started the sales of Mars2 in the mainland.

On July 2, the ice core team arrived in Silicon Valley with various materials.

Qiu Ciyun met the boss who had been playing golf for two days.

"It shouldn't be a big problem this time." Fang Zhuo said about the license. "I just met with the people from DoD yesterday and talked about the process. The reply was very simple. Since there is a precedent from SMIC, , then follow the example."

"It does have some meaning in case law." Qiu Ciyun was quite pleased.

"There are no problems in our previous reviews. I also called Mr. Zhang twice. He has some useful contacts to see how we can escort him smoothly." Fang Zhuo pondered, "Also, I funded a New York Through the agency, the people inside can find out the relationship between the two departments, and Xiao Ao’s democratic resources can also talk about it. In short, we don’t need to hold back, and try to get it done in one go without any setbacks.”

Despite the "case law", we still try our best to avoid long nights and nightmares when problems do arise.

Fang Zhuo also has MIGA fund clients who are not convenient to mention, but he can still get some connections.

Qiu Ciyun visibly stayed for a few seconds after listening to the boss's arrangement, and then said: "Mr. Fang...I suddenly remembered the scene when we ran together for permission four years ago. You were trembling, and I was trembling too..."

Fang Zhuo frowned and retorted: "When did I become so frightened?"

Qiu Ciyun changed the adjective: "You are very nervous, and I am also very nervous, but now that I hear you say it, I don't seem so nervous anymore."

Fang Zhuo accepted this statement and pondered for a moment: "After all, four years have passed. Not to mention the changes, we have made some progress, right? Mr. Qiu, what do you think the ice core will look like in four years?"

Driven by Yike Mobile, the cooperation of major customers such as Qualcomm, the joining of Liang Mengsong's team, and the two swords of Hu Zhengming and his disciples...

Qiu Ciyun said seriously: "At that time, how could we compete head-on with Taiwan Ji on advanced manufacturing processes?"

Today's reporters have given up on the transition to 45nm and switched directly to 40nm.

In terms of advanced manufacturing process alone, the ice core is almost a generation and a half behind.

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly, not overjoyed. Instead, he said based on the matter in front of him: "In this case, we will probably have to worry about renewing the contract in four years."

Qiu Ciyun smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Fang, can't you let me be happy for a while first?"

"Then don't mention it, we'll talk about it later." Fang Zhuo could understand Mr. Qiu's mood.

However, the reality has already been mentioned.

Qiu Ciyun stood next to Mr. Fang, looking at the flaming clouds on the horizon. He felt both energetic generosity and deep worry in his heart, but he did not continue the discussion at this time.

After a moment, he suddenly said: "Mr. Fang, why do you always hit empty shots? Are you reluctant to play this ball?"

"You don't understand." Fang Zhuo replied calmly, "This is called padding. Hit out all the bad shots first, and then you can hit a good shot in the end."

Qiu Ciyun understood.

Nokia's prosecution in Finland appears to be more than just a catharsis.

Just before Yiko Mars2 was about to be officially released through various channels, Nokia directly filed a patent infringement lawsuit in Germany, requesting a ban on the sale of Yiko products.

Generally speaking, patent litigation is time-consuming.

Obermann, the head of Deutsche Telekom, immediately called his partners and made a vague promise: "Nokia's actions to hinder innovation will be difficult to succeed in Germany."

However, he also gave advice: "But Yike should still sit down and talk with Nokia. Even if Nokia proposes a higher patent fee than what is legitimately required, it is still necessary to resolve the patent licensing issue earlier."

Fang Zhuo thanked Obermann and accepted his suggestion.

Oberman also asked a question at the last moment of ending the call: "Mr. Fang, the Chinese market is also very important to Nokia. Can Yike initiate some patent actions there?"

"It's not easy." Fang Zhuo answered honestly.

"It's good to be scared." Obermann almost said it directly, "I believe Nokia will consider this factor."

"I hope so." Fang Zhuo included in the measurement category.

On July 10, Yike mobile phones were officially launched for sale. Just like last year, there were still users coming to pick up pre-ordered mobile phones in European and American markets, which once again caused queues.

However, this year’s Mars2 only has two weeks of pre-sale, so the queues will not last long. Moreover, both online and offline channels have sufficient stock. It is important that consumers who are interested in Yike mobile phones get the products as soon as possible. .

In the evening of this day, the sales volume of various channels has not yet been released, and new news came from Nokia again. They chose to file a lawsuit against Mars2 in the French court on the first day of the launch of Yike mobile phone.

Yesterday, Germany, today, France.


Fang Zhuo suspected that it would be America's turn tomorrow.

Such deliberate action on the eve and day of launch is as obvious as the launch of a touch-screen mobile phone on the 25th of last month.

"It seems that Nokia is serious. We must actively respond to the lawsuit and don't panic about it."

Fang Zhuo hosted a special meeting to reassure the company's executives: "We will discuss licensing issues with Nokia, and we will also deal with legal procedures that are beneficial to our Mars2 sales. There is no need to worry about the sales of Mars2."

The most important task of Yike Company at the moment is the sales of Mars 2. The "favorable response" he refers to is the suggestion from the legal department. First, delay the litigation process and time and let the company complete the product sales cycle. Even with the worst outcome, Minimize losses.

The brief meeting ended, and the latest news came.

——Nokia also sued Apple for infringement of its product iPhone.

"The competition seems to have become more intense." Fang Zhuo sighed after reading the information from his friends.

"So...the source of such intensity is..." Yu Hong left a fill-in-the-blank question.

The Yike press conference seemed to be a raging fire. Nokia, which was already ready to go, was not satisfied with using the underestimated 5800 to snipe, but also directly came up with a formidable patented weapon.

"Sue prosecution early or sue later. It's all prosecution." Fang Zhuo shook his head and said, "Putting the problem out will make it easier for friends to help."

Schmidt has already left for Europe.

In addition, Kong Yu has also made option subscriptions on Yike shares.

Nokia's sword will be in the limelight, but the audience must remember not to chase the enemy.

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