Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 974 Mr. Fang scolded Kallasvuo (4k)

Fangzhuo's first night in Washington was pleasant.

The big shot Geithner has not forgotten his old friendship, and his attitude is the same as before, even more magnanimous.

However, Kong Yu raised a small concern after the small banquet. Is the increase in profit sharing too smooth?

This night, it went from 30% to 65%. Isn't it a bit hot?

"Geithner dares to give it, but you don't dare to ask for it?" Fang Zhuo threw a cigar from the drawer to the gasoline man.

Kong Yu held the cigar, considered it and said: "Geithner's contact with us is not very frequent. There is no problem on our side, but on his side..."

He is not only worried about the mistakes of people on Geithner's line, but also worried about Geithner's own style.

Fang Zhuo understood what the Petrol Man meant, walked to the window, looked in the direction of the White House not far away, and said calmly: "Even if there is a problem with the people on his side, Geithner can solve it."

The relationship between Geithner, Summers, and Rubin is very close, and they are extremely powerful around the White House.

"As for Geithner's contact with us and me." Fang Zhuo smiled, "It is indeed not that frequent. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water."

Kong Yu didn't laugh.

Fang Zhuo felt that the gasoline man might have been shocked by the doubling of profits tonight, so he said a few more words seriously: "Geithner is our customer and will continue to be our customer. Why?"

Kong Yu replied without hesitation: "Because we can make money for him."

"Who in the entire United States has made more money for him than us in the past two years?" Fang Zhuo asked.

Kong Yu was startled, and after thinking about it carefully, it was really hard to refuse.

Fang Zhuo talked about a data reported earlier by Gasoline Man: “In the past two years, out of the more than 13,000 hedge funds and thousands of investment institutions in the United States, less than 20 used CDS to bet against the collapse of the real estate market. This is not true. Only a few of the 20 people actually bet heavily.”

"A very small number of companies made profits during the financial crisis. Some of them saved their capital, some suffered huge losses, and I don't know how many went bankrupt."

"Mr. Kong, you need to be more confident in your rare ability to make money."

The profits of MIGA funds are few and far between in the entire U.S. financial market.

It may not be the number one institution. After all, several institutions such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan are still taking advantage of the opportunity to manipulate crude oil, but they are still at the forefront.

This level of earning power is rare and hard to find in the world.

"Goldman Sachs is also making money, but Geithner won't put the money there, and he won't look for money from there this time. Goldman Sachs is so complicated that we can't be innocent." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Others can make money. Institutions are similar, and for the same reason, some of our special customers may have this idea.”

He continued: "What's more, for Geithner and others, is it easier to target a Chinese like me or those American institutions?"

Fang Zhuo shrugged and looked at Gasoline Man: "My weakness is also my strength. Yike's industry in the United States is very important. Geithner is not afraid of me going crazy. As for whether Geithner will go crazy, I think he should be quite normal." Yes, if something really goes wrong, the nested vests will be thrown out layer by layer and there will be an explanation."

Kong Yu was basically convinced, and he made a joke: "Mr. Fang, if something really goes wrong, you must hire the best lawyer for me."

Fang Zhuo smiled slightly: "Mr. Kong, you deserve the most expensive bail."

Kong Yu felt that he was worthy too.

Just as Fang Zhuo was about to continue talking about this topic, there was a call on his phone from Lu Peining, Xiao A's staff.

This is now the Cabinet Secretary.

The call didn't last long. Lu Peining is going to treat someone to dinner at noon tomorrow.

Fang Zhuo put down his cell phone and said, "Lu Peining will probably set up a table tomorrow. It seems that I am quite popular in Washington."

Lu Peining is not as powerful as Geithner, but he is closer to Xiao Ao. The latter's family fund disposal procedures are all handled by him.

Kong Yu said what Mr. Fang said: "You have me, and I have you. Lu Peining is very positive to us."

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly. There is me among you, and you among me. There is private among public, and public among private. You are afraid of me, and I am afraid of you. It's good.

At noon the next day, Kong Yu did not accompany him again. This time, in order to participate in the asset disposal, MIGA Fund also recruited a group of bankrupt elites such as Washington Mutual Bank. They were involved in the bankruptcy of toxic assets and happened to have rich experience. These still need He handles placement himself.

MIGA Fund always considers its customers and does what it does professionally.

Lobby leader Zhao Zhishan followed Mr. Fang, and she also played her due role.

Compared with the small banquet last night where Geithner brought more business guests, Lu Peining's lunch banquet was more focused on the leader's inner circle.

Lin Linzongzong, smile in response.

Lu Peining introduced, Fang Zhuo exchanged pleasantries, and Zhao Zhishan took the trouble to provide information.

"Robert Gibbs, Jr.'s press secretary."

"Lamer Emanuel, his chief of staff."

"David Atholod, his policy adviser."

"Valerie Jarrett, also policy advisor."

"Boss, these are people who came from Chicago. They are more core than Lu Peining. The offices of Emmanuel and Elselord are right next to Xiao O's Oval Office. This is very rare."

"Emanuel and Jarrett have a tense relationship, but Jarrett is a close friend of first lady Michelle, and it was she who recommended Michelle to become a consultant to the Chicago government."

Zhao Zhishan spoke in a low and dense voice.

Fang Zhuo took a few more glances at the four people she highlighted. These four people were in their own circle in the banquet hall.

He said: "It's not easy to remember. Give me a list of things I need to pay attention to tonight."

Zhao Zhishan nodded silently. He actually gave it to him yesterday. The boss might have been too busy to pay attention to it.

"They are actually more core than Lu Peining. I have always found the relationship between Lu Peining and Xiao Ao to be incredible." Fang Zhuo said.

Zhao Zhishan thought for a few seconds and briefly gave his opinion: "Four Permanent Attendants."

Fang Zhuo instantly understood his team's positioning for them.

"There are more Chicago gang members here today." Zhao Zhishan has already gone through today's guests. "Xiao Ao and some Harvard alumni have also reached good positions. More of the people who are highly praised by the outside world are local people in Washington."

Chicago, Harvard, Washington.

Zhao Jishan made the relationship very clear.

She added: "Among a group of capable people in Washington, Susan Rice is very valued. We note that her philosophy is in line with our expectations, which is to replace confrontation with dialogue, but she did not come today."

"Susan's father was a director of the Federal Reserve, so we should be able to interact with him through Geithner. Also, Susan has been fond of basketball since middle school."

Fang Zhuo nodded appreciatively, Xiao Zhao's work was very solid.

Seeing that his boss was satisfied, Zhao Zhishan took advantage of the situation and said, "Yesterday I submitted a list of eighteen people, which are relatively core and close names. Boss, today I will submit another list of people who may be more suitable for us to contact."

Fang Zhuo didn't say anything, but Lu Peining had already walked over again.

Zhao Zhishan stood in the boss's shadow knowingly.

"Mr. Fang, everyone wants to get to know you." Lu Peining said with a smile.

"What do I need to know?" Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

"Both Emmanuel and Gibbs are very interested in each other's funds." Lu Peining spoke more directly.

Fang Zhuo shook his head: "The current economic situation is still very hazy, and our fund is also observing the situation. If you are really interested in financial management, I will give you a clear path. You can try to buy our Yike or Apple stocks."

Lu Peining was a little surprised that Mr. Fang actually rejected the new customer.

"The fund recently had a business with good profit prospects. Now it is not suitable for new funds to come in. We need to protect the rights and interests of previous customers." Fang Zhuo further explained.

As a previous customer, Lu Peining didn't mention it. Anyway, he had already introduced him today.

He asked a question that Geithner also asked yesterday: "I heard that there is some friction between Yike and Nokia. Do you need to find someone to mediate?"

"No need for the time being." Fang Zhuo shook his head again and said, "Geithner talked to me about this yesterday. Yike can still hold on. Our profit forecast for this year is very good."

Lu Peining heard Geithner's name and did not continue.

He was rejected for two consecutive proposals, and said the third proposal with a smile: "Mr. Fang, when the Rockets won the championship, you didn't follow the team to the White House, right? Do you want to go to the White House today?"

NBA championship teams have the custom of being received by their leaders, but Fang Zhuo has never participated.

Fang Zhuo was a little moved when he heard this. He came here and it was quite interesting to stroll around.

He asked: "Is it appropriate?"

"There is no one more suitable than you." Lu Peining laughed.

Mr. Fang is BOSS’s basketball friend and a good money-maker. His fund was very generous in fundraising last year.

Show the sponsor a look at the results. Is there anything inappropriate about this?

For Lu Peining, as Cabinet Secretary-General, this is just a trivial matter.

Fang Zhuo also smiled, neither agreeing nor rejecting, depending on his mood.

The noon banquet was just like yesterday, the faces of important people flashed before our eyes, with all kinds of positions and relationships.

Fang Zhuo had a great time chatting with these people, and he could really feel that the status of Lu Peining, a core staff member, was indeed not simple.

Later, he returned to the hotel to rest and saw two lists submitted by the lobby leader.

There were 18 people in the first list, and the second list was a cross on the original list, leaving only 8 people.

"What is this standard?" Fang Zhuo asked Zhao Zhishan.

"Philosophy, like Susan's dialogue philosophy, is very popular." Zhao Zhishan replied, "Reputation, like Elsolode's reputation for getting paid to do things, is very good. Well, there is also age. It is not recommended for those who are too old. I don’t know what instability will arise.”

Fang Zhuo nodded and called Kong Yu to come in to discuss the future customer strategy list together.

This is the first time that moneymakers and lobbyists have worked closely together, and their results are worth looking forward to.

What Washington has seen and heard is nothing new. Neither Geithner nor Lu Peining is too shy about their relationship with Mr. Fang.

On the contrary, Fang Zhuo soon saw more wealthy people appearing in the social circle.

Generally speaking, at this stage, everyone has to contribute.

Fang Zhuo made money for his clients, and he also made money himself. He didn't think there was anything wrong with it, and he was able to handle relationships with ease based on the information provided by the lobby leader.

The status of the world's richest people is like a gold label, and everyone they see is polite.

On February 15, just as Fang Zhuo was about to end his networking journey, he was accidentally captured by a media reporter after tasting delicious food in a French restaurant. Even though there were bodyguards nearby and he refused to be interviewed, the young reporter was still brave I tried to move forward and wanted to interview the head of Yike Company, who had been in a lot of trouble recently.

Fang Zhuo originally didn't want to talk to the reporter, but he couldn't bear it when he heard her mention loudly that this was her first interview.

He felt that he had really met an unfamiliar newcomer: "Are you really a reporter? You are too plain. Are you sure your little camera can support the interview?"

Eve found hope and repeatedly confirmed that there was no problem. She was an intern reporter and saw a special report in her newspaper yesterday. Unexpectedly, she happened to meet the person involved who remained silent on public opinion today.

"Get in the car, the back seat is quite spacious." Fang Zhuo was riding in a Rolls today.

Eve followed him into the car nervously.

Fang Zhuo sat upright: "Ask."

Eve looked at Mr. Fang with a serious face, and her mind suddenly went blank: "..."

Fang Zhuo couldn't help laughing: "I believe this is your first interview now. It doesn't matter. In this case, you can ask whatever you want."

Eve relaxed, took a breath, and asked: "Mr. Fang, Nokia President Kallasvuo was interviewed by the media again recently and once again expressed his confidence in the patent litigation with Yike. What do you think of Yike's patent litigation? Are you worried about the worst outcome of patent litigation? If the ITC rules infringement, Yike may face a sales ban."

Fang Zhuo didn't think this problem was beyond imagination.

He thought for a moment and commented: "This question is very unoriginal."

Eve summoned the courage to argue: "But the question is important, isn't it?"

"No, no, no, little reporter, let me tell you what is important." Fang Zhuo said eloquently, "Patents aside, I am now very curious about why Kallasvuo appears so frequently, and I am also curious about why Nokia still tolerates Kallasvuo. Continue to lead the company."

“Last year Kallasvuo caused Nokia’s sales to drop ten points!”

“Pekov Kallasvuo has turned Symbian into a solitary company, and even Samsung has left the Symbian camp and switched to Android!”

"Pekka Kallasvuo still keeps thinking about Yike. Does he know what open source is?"

"I heard that last year the media selected the ten worst CEOs in the world, but Kallasvuo ranked 11th. Did he pay the media?"

"Let me tell you, Yike is not the key to Nokia's success or failure at all. Kallasvuo is just in urgent need of a conflict to divert Nokia's internal attention. He did not try to reform the company when Nokia's market was in serious decline, and he did not quickly launch competing products. Just working on some irrelevant patent."

"Nokia's board of directors can participate in the voting for the worst board of the year."

"Nokia, led by Kallasvuo this year, will lose its top spot in smartphones to Yike, Apple, and Samsung. I don't think the mobile phones he will launch this month will be competitive."

Fang Zhuo's Qi pulse is smooth and can be expressed at once.

Eve was stunned.

Fang Zhuo looked at the young reporter and finally said: "I wouldn't be surprised at all if Kallasvuo was kicked out by Nokia, but given that he does have a lot of industry experience, I wouldn't mind him coming to Yike for an interview."

Eve, who was doing her first independent interview, was at a loss and asked: "Really?"

Fang Zhuo glanced at Eve and said contemptuously: "Fake, Yike doesn't need losers."

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