Remnants of Filth

Chapter 124: Husband is also private

As long as there are states, there will be darkness.

And the secret technique platform of a country will always be one of the dirtiest, bloodiest, and most obscure places in that country. It is the same whether it is Liao Kingdom or Chonghua.

Zhou He sat in a rose ring chair covered with silver fox fur, with his long legs tilted, his face leaned over his side, and he looked at the scene in front of him.

The Dark Trial is very cruel, but also very fast.

Since he gave the order, it has only passed the time of sticking incense, and the trial has gone through two rounds. Gu Mang was tied and hung by a chain. Due to the need of the spell, Zhou He did not give him any hemp and calming herbs. That is to say, every puncture of a knife, every bite of a gu worm, Gu Mang is Can feel it.

The gauze lays a soft tongue in his mouth, which has been soaked with blood. He took one piece from the little monk beside him, pinched Gu Mang's unconscious face, and replaced it with a new one. Gu Mang didn't respond to this. His long neck was hanging weakly, his face was paler than the ice surface, and even his lips had completely lost their blood.

Zhou He asked: "How is Lingliu."

"Very weak."

"Where is the heart?"

"Extremely disordered."

"..." There are three major scales in the trial. Spiritual flow, heart pulse, spiritual power. If it weren't for the mentality of "It doesn't matter if this trial body is killed", these are the three keys that must be kept on track.

Zhou He frowned slightly, looking at Gu Mang's bleak and inhuman face, his nails involuntarily pinched the armrest of the armchair.

In addition to the emperor’s trial account, he also... that person's instructions need to be completed...

But according to the current situation, Gu Mang might not be able to support it for long. No one can continue to be tossed when both the spiritual flow and the heart pulse are close to the critical point.

He will collapse.

Zhou He frowned, bit his lower lip and closed his eyes, secretly anxious, and slowly loosened the knuckles of the armchair. He exhaled a little boredly, almost giving up and asked:

"How is the mental power?"

The monk who was in charge of guarding Gu Mang's state lifted his fingertips, covering Gu Mang's forehead that had long been soaked in cold sweat, his eyes widened suddenly, and he almost probed again in disbelief.


Zhou He said impatiently: "How."

"Return, return to the elder." The little disciple turned his head and squatted and said, "Gu...cough, the mental power of the trial and trial body is still very strong, and there is no sign of collapse of the mind!"

Zhou He's expression changed!

How can it be? He has been in charge of the operator's platform for so long, let alone the second round of trials. People who can still maintain their will in the middle of the first round are rare. They have to be those who are particularly strong and wear-resistant. Kind of people. However, Gu Mang’s physical condition is clearly not good. The rejuvenation of Liao Kingdom left him with all kinds of old wounds. The three years of Luomei Bieyuan has destroyed him so thin and weak. Now his heart and spiritual current are supported. To the limit.

How can he...

Suddenly Zhou He got up, strode to Gu Mang's body, urged the spell to raise his hand to probe the cold forehead.

Under the touch, it was even more shocking!

There was no sign of any loosening of Gu Mang's will. If he ignored this blood-stained body, Zhou He couldn't believe that this was the mental power of a person who had been crippled to a coma by the trial of the Black Demon. It seems to be a firmness carved into the bone, too persistent, and too strong.

What is he insisting on?

"Elder, what should I do next? The body of the trial body can't hold it anymore, but judging from mental strength, maybe it can..."

Zhou He interrupted his disciple's questioning. He stared at Gu Mang's face and felt a strong anxiety in his heart.

Due to his personal relationship, in addition to completing the Dark Demon Trial of the Lord, he also secretly accepted the entrustment of a close friend—

He needs to be confused about Gu Mang's memory.

Although he didn't know what Gu Mang's memory was worth disturbing, he was already a person with amnesia and his brain was not good enough, but since "that person" opened his mouth, he would definitely buy the other person's face. Follow it.

It was just that he originally thought that after the trial was completed, it would be more convenient to take advantage of Gu Mang's mental breakdown. But now it seems that things may not be as smooth as he expected.

Zhou He thought for a moment and said, "You should withdraw first."


Backing down from side to side, Zhou He stepped forward, raised the Falcon, and polished it inch by inch by the knuckles.

The bayonet approached, and Gu Mang's cold cheek was pressed against the cold face of the blade. Shenwu could clearly perceive the strong soul loaded in this person's body, and the bloodthirsty "Falcon" couldn't help but tremble with excitement in Zhou He's palm.

Zhou He leaned over and pressed his lips to Gu Mang's ears, and murmured to the unconscious man: "Gu Shuai, I have gone through a thousand trials and crushed countless tough guys into a pool of mud and water—you are the only one. It's an exception. To be honest, someone Zhou admires you very much."

The falcon's light flashed, slowly becoming dazzling.

Zhou He said: "It's a pity that I am entrusted by others to mess up your mind."



With a twist of his hand, the falcon turned into several transparent chains in his palm. The chains were only the thickness of willow branches, swinging like small snakes between his fingers, hovering beside Gu Mang's mind.

"Falcon." Zhou He commanded in a low voice, "Chaos!"

The last few words floated from the thin lips, and the falcon, like a long-awaited hunter, finally waited for the master’s order. It let out a sharp scream, and then the tight locks flew out, as many as they got into Gu Mang’s Head!


In an instant, the blood flowed like a shot...

Gu Mang was awakened by the burst of pain. He raised his head suddenly, and the gauze tightened his tongue and whimpered vaguely...He was exhausted and couldn't make much noise, but tears flowed down the **** cheeks. Sui rolled down, a pair of azure blue eyes widened, and their pupils shrank violently. The whole person hanging in the air made the chains that bound him rattled.

The thin chain made by Shenwu wandered wildly in his cranial cavity, like an unscrupulous invader, screaming and breaking all his memories.

Those hard to remember, hard to retrieve, those hard to own...

Precious sobriety.

Gu Mang's blue eyes were wide open, and the joy of the brothers in the border gate outside the Great Wall was erased in the sharp pain of the earth cracking and the sky collapsing.

The promise made by the king during the golden typhoon rain was erased.

Lu Zhanxing's sad and heroic laughter in the cold room of the dark prison was erased.

Deep in his memory, Mo Xi looked at his eyes tenderly, the love and sincerity that he had said countless times... was erased...

Every time Falcon tears a piece of memory, Gu Mang is trying his best to gather them together, he resists, trembling with despair. He has been washed away once with his spiritual consciousness, but now he has to walk again in Zhou He's hands.

He suddenly aroused a strong unwillingness-

Why do you treat him like this... Why do you push him to this point? !

For the better Kyushu, he gave his flesh and blood, brother, conscience, lover, and clean name.

nothing left.

He even forgot who he was, even thought that he was indeed treasonous to the country and that he was indeed unscrupulous.

He even knelt before Mo Xi in pain, before Murong Lian, kneeling in front of the tombstones of the heroes on the Battle Spirit Mountain, kowtow one by one, thinking about how to start over.

Later, when the sky saw pity, the time mirror made him restore those memories before the rebellion. Although these memories were so painful, at least—

At least he can know that he is a spy, an undercover agent, and a pioneer knife that Chonghua stabbed into the lungs of Liao Kingdom.

He is not a traitor...

Gu Mang's tears rolled down in strings. He can have only a little bit, he just wants to remember what he is!

Why take it away.

His mouth was blocked and he couldn't say anything, but those blue eyes looked at Zhou He almost imploringly-this is the first time that Gu Mang looked at him with such eyes.

It seemed to be a cub that had been driven to a dead end, looking sadly at the Orion in front of him.

His conscious resistance resulted in a more frenzied piercing of the falcon chain, and Gu Mang let out a heart-piercing roar, the meridians of his neck burst, and his nails plunged deeply into his palm. He was gagged by gauze, but still weeping and wailing the vague wailing of seeing the world and the earth: "Don't..."

Please, no more...

Don't take away my spiritual knowledge. Don't take away my memory.

I just had them for a while...

I haven't had time to take a look at the Northern Territory Army and see what the young people who once walked with me are now. I haven't had time to walk around the streets and alleys of Chonghua to see if my country is better than before.

Before I had time, I went to the edge of the soul-calling abyss, and sacrificed a pot of wine under the old locust tree where my elder brother's head was buried, and burned a plant of incense.

I haven't had time to arrange the way for my stupid princess...

I don't want to forget.

I do not want! ! -Struggling to resist, the Shenwu in Zhou He's hands actually buzzed and quaked, and the falcon burst into a desperate and angry Huaguang as if it could not kill its prey.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

All the fine locks of spiritual flow in Gu Mang's skull were retracted, and they turned into a blood-stained dagger shape again.

Zhou He was taken aback, and he actually took a step back, staring at the failed Shenwu, then raised his head and stared at Gu Mang, and the ground gradually became earthy.

how come…? Why is this person...

Before he could finish thinking about it, Gu Mang had bowed his body, blood gurgling down from the wound on his forehead, but that was nothing, his internal organs seemed to have been exhausted just now. He crouched, trembling convulsively, blood gushing out of his mouth and nose, and the gauze between his lips and tongue has been dyed through.

At this moment, Zhou He heard a noisy noise coming from outside Shura's room.

It seemed that the disciple of the squadron who was guarding outside was arguing with someone, but Zhou He was a little at a loss for a while, and some could not react, until the Shimen suddenly opened—

Zhou He saw a man who was almost as embarrassed as Gu Mang standing outside the Shura room. All the disciples surrounded him and blocked him, but they didn't dare to actually do anything, they just flocked around him timidly.

Zhou He couldn't believe his eyes, he murmured: "Xi He Jun..."

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