
Vol 2 Chapter 824: prestige

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As a nine angel, Su Shixian was searching for the whereabouts of an immortal sinner, not only collecting the original works of fairy art left by the King of Qixiao, but even the road that the King of Qixiao had traveled since he was born and where he went. All the fairies went there in person, and they were very close to the deficit head of King Xiaoxiao.

No one knows why Su Shixian did this.

She never explained it to anyone.

This has always made people who admired Su Shixian very unhappy, and it also made the elders of the Xian Dynasty very disgusted and unhappy.

However, to say that Su Shixian just breaded him because of the ancient Qingfeng's successor who claimed to be the King of Qixiao. Many people thought that Su Shixian could never do such a thing. At least, Deacon Bai believed that Su Shixian was human.

Although Su Shixian was always looking for the King of Xiaoxiao, she also came close to the deficit head.

But that's all.

Deacon Bai knows that many people say that Su Shixian favored the deficit head, in order to deficit the head and even blatantly violate the will of the Xian Dynasty, etc., it was all other people who did not hide the story of Su Shixian looking for the King of the Xiaoxiao, and fabricated a lie. It is just that many people take it seriously.

In fact, Deacon Bai is very clear. Instead of favoring the deficit head, Su Shixian has been trying to mediate the contradiction between the Xian Dynasty and the deficit head. It is no exaggeration to say that since the centuries ago, the relationship between the Xian Dynasty and the deficit head Therefore, the peaceful coexistence is all due to Su Shi's fairy. If it were not for her, the Xian Dynasty and the deficit head would have fought long ago, and this war would inevitably lead to an unpredictable result.

What's more, in the view of Deacon Bai, it doesn't matter whether Su Shixian deliberately shielded the ancient breeze.

Is it important?

What if Su Shi's fairy was really deliberately sheltered?

Who dares not give her this face?

You must know that Su Shixian is the Nine Angels, representing nine days. Those who are immortal in the Xian Dynasty have to give her three points when they see her, let alone the others. If she wanted to hide, the Xian Dynasty would not dare to say anything.


It's such a simple truth that these gangs of fairy dynasties don't understand.

Do not!

It's not that I don't understand.

But too young.

I have never experienced anything young. I was born and raised from childhood. I never knew the meaning of the word fear, nor did I experience fear or experience life and death.

Too ignorant.

Ignorant thinks that the imperial dynasty is the heaven of this world, and ignorant thinks that Su Shixian is only a messenger, and even more ignorant thinks that the Emperor Chixiao is just a lucky upstart. Ignorant knows how high the sky is and how much the earth thick.

The deacon Bai should have said, and all that should have been said.

However, the eighteen immortals, such as the streamer horned eagle, did not listen at all, which made him really do not know what to do or what to do. I only hoped that your grandmother would come earlier. I am afraid that only the grandmother will come in person now. Only to stop the streamer angle eagle who knows nothing about the heights and heights. [Love ↑ go △ small ↓ said △ net WwW.AiQu]

"Deacon Bai, I still advise you to save it. Go down and sit down honestly, so as not to interfere with my business." Liu Guangjiao hummed coldly: "Some people adore Su Shi Fairy, Taking her words as fairy tales does not mean that it is the same for me. As the prince of the Xian Dynasty, I have the obligation and responsibility to maintain the prestige of the Xian Dynasty. "

After all, he glanced at Xingyao below, and a look of disdain flashed in his proud look. Obviously, he was sarcasming Xingyao and others, ridiculing them because of the words of Su Shixian, not even the respect of the immortal dynasty. It is really a prince who has been enshrined in the immortal dynasty.

About it.

Xingyao Xianjue only smiled slightly, still sitting on the chair, sipling fragrant tea, and did not seem to take the words of the streamer horned eagle in mind, but Yingnian next to him said, "What's so great, If it weren't for the dragon boy behind him to support him, he wouldn't do anything! "

Although they are the eunuchs of the imperial dynasty, they have been fighting openly with the Liuguang Horned Eagle, and each other is not pleasing to each other.

Aside, Ruolan also said, "Really, Brother Xingyao, stumped. We just watched the streamer horns dominate in front of us?"

"Is it majestic?" Lord Xingyao shook his head.

"Distressed, isn't it?" Ruolan hugged the spirit fox and puffed his mouth, and seemed to complain. "The man with the ancient name killed so many immortal officials. If we shot it, it would be a lot of credit, but How about you ... just because Su Shi's woman came out and gave up such a good opportunity to Liuguang Hornhawk, Brother Xingyao, I have told you that Su Shi just intentionally shielded the ancient surname ... You Why don't you listen? "

"As for whether Xianxian shields the ancient surname, I don't know, but ..." said Xingyao Xianjue Youyou: "But since Xianxian has already come forward and stated that she will be responsible for this matter, will she hide it? No longer important ... "

"Why? Sorry ... Brother Xingyao really admired Su Shi so much for this woman? For her, we didn't even care about the dignity of our prince Xian?"

"I do admire the fairy fairies, but ..."

Xingyao Xianjue wanted to say, but stopped talking and groaned for a while before he responded: "You are still young, you don't know what the identity background of Xianxian means. Perhaps Xianxian is usually too kind, never angry, more You have never worked with people, so you are so fearless. "

Looking at the prestigious streamer horned eagle standing in the light of the fairy house, Xingyao Xianjue took up a cup of fragrant tea and tasted it gently. He sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said, "As for the streamer horned eagle, hehe, I pour Let's see how he played this great show and how he will end it. "

He paused, sneering at the corner of his mouth, and became anticipating again, saying, "However, with my understanding of the Liuguang Hornhawk, he never considers the consequences of his work, nor does he consider how to end, even if he is in trouble. His parents cleaned up the mess for me, and I would love to see ~ ~ If this time he dumped a big basket, northwestern China, who would help him clean up the mess. "

This is indeed the case.

When the streamer horns do things in the land of Shenzhou, they don't consider the consequences, let alone in the wasteland in the northwest.

In the land of Divine Land, he dared to run rampant, and it was even lawless in the northwest.

as a result of?


This is not a problem that he should consider. He only considers how the prestige should be played, and it only considers how the fun should be played.

"Xianfufuzhu get out of me!"

The voice of the streamer horn came, and the three principals of the Northwest Xianfu, Murong Han, An Qiongshan, and Li Feiyuan all looked terrified and did not dare to have any hesitation. They immediately jumped up, stepped into the air, and bowed to salute. .

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