
Vol 2 Chapter 827: fear death

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Yaoyue Palace. [Love ↑ go △ small ↓ said △ net WwW.AiQu]

Fenghua, Fenglie, and other elders, as well as Zihao and other cabinet elders gathered in the hall.

The streamer horn eagle tells the northwest of China with the light of the fairy house. Everyone hears it clearly, and the demon moon palace is no exception. Especially those who know the ancient Qingfeng of the criminal must go to the fairy house for trial. If not, kill There is no pardon, which makes everyone at the Yueyue Palace endanger themselves.

In ordinary times, they did not dare to offend Xianfu, not to mention that there are still thousands of nine-star immortal officials and lords in Xianfu, hundreds of elderly people, and dozens of fairy princes.

The monster moon palace does not even have a Faxiang Dazun, how can you not be afraid? Not afraid? Not at risk?

Fenghua, Fenglie, and some other elders were okay. They said nothing in silence.

But Zihao and a group of elders were all afraid of ants walking around the hall like ants on a hot pot, and even began to complain.

"The old man has warned you long ago that the ancient breeze is of unknown origin, unidentified, and may be a liar. We better not go too close to him, but you guys, do n’t listen, right now? He killed Xian The immortal official of the government, now the prince of the imperial dynasty will find him at all costs, and this time our demon moon palace can be miserable! "

"Although the ancient breeze instigates the elders of Fenglie, after all, he killed so many immortal officials in Xianfu. After all, it is a sinner. If our demon moon palace is implicated because of him, it is really innocent."

"Yeah! Now everyone in the Northwest knows that winter and the ancient breeze are companions. Although it is fake, how can we explain it clearly?"

The elders headed by Zihao are more traditional people. When the second elder Feilu was still there, although they remained neutral and did not support the second elder, they never refuted it. Today, Zihao and others They all regret it. They regret that they did not support the second elder at first. If they supported the second elder to accept the canonization of the imperial dynasty, the evil moon palace would not be a disaster.

"The owner of Feiyan Palace, your ancestors, now, while the people in Xianfu have not yet been killed, I will still go to Xianfu to explain this matter honestly, I ca n’t. Only the canon of the Xian Dynasty was accepted. "

"You asked Laozi to rely on the Xian Dynasty?"

The elders such as Fenghua, Fenglie, and so on are all elders who have practiced for thousands of years. In other words, they were also oppressed by the Xian Dynasty for thousands of years in the ancient times. It is a history of blood and tears that can not bear to recall. Deep down in the heart of the Xian Dynasty, I would rather die than trust the Xian Dynasty.

"In order to keep the demon moon palace, we can only do this, otherwise ... if the immortal officials with great respect for the law come over, we ... we will be completely over the demon moon palace!"

Feng Lie chuckled coldly: "It's a big death. How can a manly husband live and die for his life? I can't afford to lose this man. If your boy is afraid of death, go for yourself."

"I'm afraid of death? I also want to keep our demon moon palace!"

At this time, Feiyan, who had been silent for a while, suddenly sighed: "If our demon moon palace is really destroyed by the immortal because of the ancient ... the ancient son, it may be God."

No one knows why Fei Yan is so emotional, just as no one knows why he bows down respectfully to Gu Qingfeng.


Now the elders, such as Zihao, have no intention to think about this issue, he shouted angrily: "Feiyan! Since the appearance of the ancient breeze, you have become a god, and respectfully bow to him. I do n’t care if the ancient breeze is not The king's successor, but it is true that he killed many immortal officials. If you expect Gu Qingfeng to stand up by himself, I advise you to be more awake. Since the advent of the Xian Dynasty, the ancient Qingfeng has never appeared again. He It must have been fearful, and it was impossible to stand up. "

"Scared? Hehe ..."

Fei Yan shook her head and laughed as if she had heard some ridiculous joke, and then she said, "It is not the old man who should be afraid, but the immortal officials who do not know how to live or die."

If Elder Zihao said that Gu Qingfeng was scared just now, it was a joke for Feiyan. At this moment, Feiyan said that what should be scared is the immortal officials of the Xian Dynasty. It is also a joke for elders such as Zihao.

"Feiyan, are you crazy or stupid? Forget about whether the ancient Qingfeng is a true king, even if it is true? Now the Xian Dynasty has more than one thousand nine-star immortal officials. There are more than a hundred old people, and dozens of elders of the Xian Dynasty. They were killed by even the reincarnation power of the true immortal! "

Zihao blushed and roared aggressively: "Now the Xian Dynasty has begun to work on more than 80 sub-rudders of the deficit head of the northwest in order to search for Gu Qingfeng, and you are still talking nonsense here, what should be afraid Is it the immortal official of the Xian Dynasty? Who do you think the ancient breeze is? Mo said that he is only a descendant of the true and false kings, even if the real Chixiao King reincarnation is useless! "

"Hands on the Northwest deficit only show their ignorance, but nothing else."

Fei Yan closed her eyes and murmured: "They can't move their deficit heads. As long as he is there, no one can move their deficit heads in this world, no one can ..."

"Crazy! It's crazy ..." Elder Zihao shouted in a panic: "You want to die, my husband doesn't want to die, and I want to go to Xianfu with me!"

Zi didn't dare to stay any longer. He was afraid to stay any longer. At that time, he wouldn't say that he would accept the canon of the Xian Dynasty. I'm afraid he didn't even have the chance to explain.

No one is not afraid of death ~ ~ Elder Zihao is afraid, other elders are afraid too, so they all follow Elder Zihao to Xianfu.

Soon, only the ancestors such as Feiyan, Fenghua and Fenglie remained on the hall.

Fenghua and Fenglie are also afraid of death, but if they can live by relying on the Xian Dynasty, they would rather die. There is still a problem that they have not been able to understand, which is the identity of Gu Qingfeng. After Zihao and the elders leave, Fenglie asks "Feiyan, can you tell us who Gu Qingfeng is and why do you treat him ..."

"Feng Lie, you shouldn't ask me this question, you should ask yourself, who has he instigated for you, who is he, and who is it ... are you stumped ... can't you really think of it? Still dare not think about it ? "


Feng Lie was horrified. He could hear Fei Yan's words, thinking about what he had said when he first met Gu Qingfeng in the swamp land, and Fei Yan's attitude towards Gu Qingfeng ... and Chixiao people's The spirit of the dragon elephant is in awe of it ... everything reminds Feng Lie of a person. As Fei Yan said, he is not incapable of thinking but he is afraid to think. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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