
Vol 2 Chapter 986: Kill again

The trace of blood mist that pervaded the hall was not the other, it turned out to be ... it was the flying god's elemental **** phase, and it was also the silk remnant left after the gray fly annihilation.

The flying ghost is dead?




Not only did the flesh and blood flew for many years, but even his Yuanshen method, which he had not cultivated for many years, died.

Dead and clean.

How to die.

Nobody knows.

All the people in the hall only knew that the young man posing as the King of the Red Sky just said something lightly and rolled out, and then ... the flying ghost disappeared inexplicably.


Deathly silence.

Everyone on the field seems to be unable to believe that this scene is true, because they all know how powerful the flying ghosts are. It is no exaggeration to say that no matter the fierce earth fairy Qixiao people, such as Fengxu Fengzi and Tan Tong, It's still Lian Hao, Shang Gong, ZTE, etc. They may be more powerful than flying ghosts, but they are only powerful, and no one is sure that they can kill flying ghosts.

Even if it is an unfathomable full moon, there is no absolute certainty.

At this moment, her Qingmei face was horrified, staring at Gu Qingfeng incredibly.

She knew that this guy was the liar posing as a king in Linglong Villa.

I also heard that this man turned the prince of the imperial dynasty Peng Jiazhen into a waste at the Linglong Villa, and heard that this man broke into a rage and shattered the hearts of hundreds of people in the audience, including some of Wei's strength. A powerful ancient immortal.

It's just that the rumor is rumor after all. She was not at the scene at the time and did not know what was going on. When she wanted to come, this rumor must have an exaggerated element, especially after seeing the ancient Qingfeng. It was even more convinced that the rumor was just an exaggeration, because This liar was neither cultivated nor good fortune, and looked weak and weak. It was impossible to be so powerful.

It wasn't just her. When Fengxu and others heard about it, they all thought it was an exaggerated rumor.


They realized they were wrong when they witnessed the flying ghosts dying before them.

And it's totally wrong.

About the liar in Linglong Villa, yes, instead of exaggerating, they even think that this liar may be more mysterious, weird, and powerful three-pointers than rumors.

Within the hall.

The dozens of earth gods at the rudder of Ming Yu were all scared and frightened. They ran the Yuanshen Fa phase for the first time, and also sacrificed the flying sword spirit treasure. The gods of pride and arrogance were not afraid to hesitate. Even Hao Hao, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, also frosted his body.

More than that.

More than ten Chixiao people headed by Tan Copper all sacrifice their blood evil dragon elephants to protect themselves in an instant.


Everyone from the mountains and rivers to the rudder, the elder Luo Yi, the elder Hengsan, etc. all sacrificed the bleeding evil dragon dragon spirit, and the moonlight was also full of looming glory.

After all, they didn't know what the scammer posing as the King of the Sky wanted to do this time, let alone the enemy or friend.

Regardless of whether it is a mountain river sub-rudder or a Mingyu sub-rudder, everyone is guarded by the law, and the spiritual power is running. The look on his face is more shocked than the one, and the look is more shocked than one.

Only when Fei Kui bowed himself from beginning to end, standing there with his head down, like a faithful slave, holding a jug, and carefully pouring wine, what happened only if it came to him It's not surprising to say that it is commonplace.

The man in white, the ancient breeze is still sitting in the chair.

Leaning, leaning on the armrest on the left, tilting Erlang's legs, on a handsome face, the expression is especially bland, no sorrow, no joy, nothing else, a pair of dark eyes, like the abyss of silence, mysterious and orderly People panic.

"Tan Tong, didn't you just say you were going to kill me?"

Gu Qingfeng looked at Tan Tong indifferently and said softly, "I will give you another chance."


Tan Tong was scared.

I was really scared. I was afraid of the bones and the soul.

The frightened complexion was pale, and the body was trembling, and even the mind could not help falling apart.

Even if he sacrificed the blood-sharp dragon pride that he was proud of at this moment, instead of having no effect, he was more afraid in the heart.

What made him even more alarmed was that the fierce and unusually overbearing blood evil dragon elephant became extremely docile for some reason. No matter how he called, there was no response. There was no trace of it. The blood evil dragon elephant seemed to fall asleep. .

It's not just him.

This is true of other Qixiao people, as well as the grandfather Fengxu and Elder Luo Yi. They looked at each other and were surprised. They were the first time in their minds.

"You! Who the **** are you!"

Tan Tong's voice was obviously mixed with panic and anxiety. He tried to restrain his inner fear. However, it was useless. The more restrained, the more afraid. The fear made him afraid to look directly into the eyes of Gu Qingfeng.

"Who am I? I told you just now. Do I need to repeat it again?"

The voice of Gu Qingfeng came, and Tan Tong became more and more afraid, and that fear seemed to have an innate nature, and even breathing became quicker.


Lian Hao found that there was something wrong with the Chixiao people, such as Tan Tong, and he yelled, "This man is doing mystery, he is not an ancient Sirius at all!"

No one believes that ordinary people who have nothing in front of them will be King Chixiao ~ ~ Tan Tong doesn't believe it, although he tells himself over and over again, but still can't stop fearing.


Lian Hao couldn't understand why the so-called Chixiao people were so scared of the ancient Sirius. He would be very disturbed when he heard the name of the ancient Sirius. Today, he met a liar who was foolish, even worse, he was so afraid.

Although it was only before that he saw the flying ghost dying in front of himself, and even Hao was quite afraid of the mysterious and weird of the ancient breeze, but it was only fearful, far from being scared, let alone fear, and since he was born, he has never I don't know what it feels like to be afraid.

"Whether you are an ancient Sirius or not, even if it is true, the son is not afraid."

Lian Hao stood out, and the cold light blooming around him instantly covered the hall. The frozen bones struck again and yelled, "I urge you not to worry about your business. Otherwise, you can't eat it today!"

"Oh, really?"

Gu Qingfeng glanced at him, and said lightly, "I heard that one of you was injured by Feng Su three years ago."

"What is it!"

Lian Hao stepped forward and turned into an ice sculpture, cold and radiant.

"That being the case, then come and die."

"It's up to you?"


Lian Hao sighed angrily, raised his finger, and wanted to kill Gu Qingfeng.

His speed was very fast, and he flashed to the opposite side of Gu Qingfeng, but he was fast. Gu Qingfeng was faster than him. When he appeared and raised his arm, Gu Qingfeng suddenly pulled, click! Pulling one of his arms on the spot abruptly.

Not over!

Gu Qingfeng clasped his hands and slammed, Lian Hao knelt on the ground, his legs blurred by the flesh and blood, hissing his lungs.

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