
Vol 2 Chapter 1020: Little niece

It's two women.

A young and beautiful young woman in a blue dress, a woman with a beautiful and indifferent look, looked a little cold, just a pair of cold eyes, as if there was a kind of unsettling sorrow.

She walked slowly, holding a girl tightly in her right hand.

The young girl was petite and cute, but she looked a little cowardly, and her beautiful face turned a little pale, which was quite pity.

While walking in the green bamboo forest, the two looked up and looked around. When they saw Donald, who was playing chess in the distance, they immediately looked happy, and quickly walked forward and shouted, "Grandpa."

Not others.

It was Tang Manqing, the master of Yanluo County, and Tang Rouer, the princess of Yanluo.

Both are descendants of the Yanluo royal family, and Tang Laogua also likes them, so whenever they have time, they will come to the cemetery every three to five to bring Tang Laogua some food and wine.

This time is no exception.

A few days ago, she was going to visit the old Mr. Tang. However, at the time, Tang Manqing had an accident and had to give up. No, she was busy with the matter at hand, and she brought Tang Rouer to the cemetery again.

"Man Qing, Rouer, it's your two little girls."

Seeing Tang Manqing, Tang's weird heart was also a joy, and then he smiled with euphoria.

In the beginning of the royal family of Yanluo, the descendants were all dragons and phoenixes, but the more and more the more and more inferior they became. In recent years, it has become worse than the last generation. Fortunately, a Yanluo emperor, Tang Yan, was born in the previous generation. As a result, Now there is no news at all, the only thing that makes Mr. Tang quite gratified is that there is another Tang Manqing among the descendants of the royal family of Yan Luo.

Regardless of qualifications or talents, good fortune or understanding, Tang Manqing is the best of his generation. Tang strangely occasionally points to one or two secretly. He does not ask Tang Manqing to become a generation of emperors like Tang Yan, and to carry the Yan Luo royal family. The heavy responsibility, I only hope that Tang Manqing can live a peaceful life, do not like Tang Yan, in order to find the ancient Sirius, give up everything.


When Tang Laogua saw Tang Rouer who was accompanying Tang Manqing, the relief in his eyes suddenly became helpless, pity, and distressed.

If Tang Manqing is one of the descendants of the royal family of Yanluo, the one that Tang Laowei likes the most.

Then Tang Rouer is the one that most distresses Tang Laoguai.

Tang Rouer was clever, smart and sensible from a young age. The most important thing is that Tang Rouer is not worse than Tang Manqing, even far more than Tang Manqing, regardless of his qualifications. It is worse than any other Tianjiao talent today. Tang Rouer was born with a pure cathode body, his body was too poor, and he almost died. In order to help Tang Rouer to continue his life these years, Tang Weier worked hard in the dark.

Of course, it's just life extension.

Tang Laoguai knew in his heart that although a pure cathode body is a very rare form of creation, not everyone can afford this kind of creation. Unable to survive, even if there is no pure cathode body that can survive in history books, most of them have died. Even if they survive, they will die one after another in ten or twenty years.

About it.

Mr. Tang has tried all the methods of the test, even the methods that should not be tried, but still not.

Now he just wants Tang Rouer to live another day.

Facing the pure cathode body, he can only hope so.

"Grandpa, Rouer has brought you a great wine, hey, Grandpa, do you have any customers today?"

Tang Rouer's spirit was pale and her face was pale, except that the pitying Jiao's face was still covered with a smile like Chaoyang. Next to him, Tang Manqing pulled Tang Rouer to walk by. She knew that except for a few old friends of Grandpa who occasionally drank Few people will come, and those old friends of grandpa and grandpa are some good people, why this guest looks so young today.

That was really a young boy in white.

Sitting casually on a stone bench, leaning on a big tree, leaning Erlang's legs, and holding a wine glass in his hand, because of the side, Tang Manqing didn't see what the person looked like. As she walked by, it should be clearly seen. When the white man's face was suddenly shocked, he couldn't help but be shocked and said, "It's you!"

"Little niece."

Gu Qingfeng tilted his head slightly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "It's really a coincidence, we met again."

"Gu Gu, do you know Man Qing?"

It was found that Gu Qingfeng seemed to know Tang Manqing, and Tang Laowei was immediately vigilant and stared at Gu Qingfeng.

Tang Ye, the leader of the Yan Luo Royal family, was abducted by Gu Qingfeng. He didn't want Tang Manqing who was outstanding in this generation to be abducted by this boy.

"It's more than just knowing." Gu Qingfeng smiled lightly: "The little niece has saved my life. If she hadn't saved me kindly, now I don't know which one is lying in it."

"Really fake? Anything else?"

If the old man seemed suspicious, he asked, "How do you call Man Qing's little niece?"

"Isn't she Tang Yunhao's daughter?"

"Yes, Man Qing is indeed Tang Yunhao's daughter."

"Since it is Tang Yunhao's daughter, stumped I am not her uncle? She is not my little niece?"

"If that's the case ~ ~ it's not bad."


Tang Manqing looked at the Gu Qingfeng and Tang Laowei who were talking. He was shocked and shocked. Since Gu Qingfeng abolished the imperial prince in Linglong Villa, people in Yanluo Xianfu have been looking for him, and Many people with deficit heads are looking for him, but this guy seems to have evaporated from the world, and no one has found him.

Tang Manqing didn't think about how this guy would be in the royal cemetery of Yan Luo, and he was with his grandpa. It was even more surprising to him that it seemed that grandpa still knew him, and the relationship seemed to be still not bad.

"Grandpa, how do you know him?"

Tang Manqing frowned, staring at Gu Qingfeng cautiously.

Aside, Tang Rouer also asked curiously, "Grandpa, is this son your friend? How does he call Sister Man Qing's little niece?"

"Come, Rouer, Man Qing, you all come here. Now that you have met each other, Grandpa will introduce you."

Tang Laogu did not hide Gu Qingfeng's identity, so he said: "He, surnamed Gu, the famous Sirius, the road No. Chixiao, yes, that is the Chixiao King who has been chanting in your little girl's mouth, However, it was only a while ago, and now this boy is no longer a fairy demon king. According to his seniority, both of you should call him uncle. "

Although Tang Yan had all the news because of the ancient Qingfeng that year, making Tang Laoguai bitter. However, he has always had clear grudges. One yard is one yard. How can Gu Qingfeng also have kindness to the royal family of Yanluo in that year, and It has a good relationship with Tang Yunhao and even today's Yan Luo emperor Tang Yunqi. In Tang's weirdness, it is reasonable that the descendants of the Yan Luo royal family should respectfully call this boy an uncle.

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