
Vol 2 Chapter 1046: Sunken beauty

Fascinating eyes are a wonderful and innate talent.

As long as she is willing, she can seduce a person quietly without interest, and the other party is almost impossible to resist.

Because this is her talent, not an immortal art, she can be unexpectedly attacked and unprepared, even more magical than the fortune.

Those who have been troubled in Yunchuan's gardens in recent years have been seduced by their charms and mental breakdowns. Many of them are immortals, even scattered immortals, even the true immortals.

Wonderful was not a nosy person, and had no interest in whether the ancient Qingfeng was really the Chixiao King. However, since this guy is trying to cheat in the name of the king, he is also deceived by her two little sisters Tang Manqing, Liuli Moon poses a great threat, and Wonderful wants to give out her own charming eyes to try it out.

However, when she was sacrificed, she found that she was not fascinated.

Instead of being enchanted, this guy doesn't seem to be affected at all, even if it's not even a little bit.

This makes it unbelievable. This is the first time she has encountered such a situation. Even before, she could not charm the other person, but at least she could hold the other person's spirit.


What about this guy?

What about his spirit?


That's really not true.

Wonderful did not have any spiritual power in him.

How could this be?

Just at the moment of great suspicion, Gu Qingfeng said in a word that her charming eyes were suddenly shocked by the beauty. A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Gu Qingfeng in shock, full of countless doubts.

How could she not have thought that since she was so proud of her charming eyes, she hadn't had any influence on this guy, but he had even noticed it? If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you can't believe it.

"Looking at your reincarnation, you have some thoughts, and you should almost learn to be a human, right?" Gu Qingfeng said with a smile. "After being a human, you still play this kind of demon. What is it? Is it not that you are used to being a human? If you are not used to it, Then, say a word to Grandpa, Grandpa will help you reincarnation, and let you incarnate as a demon, what ?!


Wonderful moment stood up, his face turned pale in an instant, staring at Gu Qingfeng with an inconceivable and frightening look.

If Gu Qingfeng just saw her charming eyes just now, she felt incredible.

Well, when Gu Qingfeng saw through her previous life's identity, it was no longer incredibly simple for beauty, but fear, deep fear.

She had been a demon in her previous life, and she was also a demon with a proper way.

During the catastrophe in ancient times, she followed the current, stepped into the door of reincarnation, and was born again.

Maybe she was a demon in the previous life, or it was a virtue accumulated in her last life. After reincarnation, she reborn as a reincarnated adult.


Such things as reincarnation, even if reborn, its soul is still the soul of the demon of the previous life.

The soul is the origin and the root of a person.

It is difficult for others to detect.

What's more, for a long time, Wonderful has hidden her own demon soul deeply and deeply, and has never been noticed, even those who are powerful on the road cannot be noticed.

She couldn't believe it, nor could she imagine it. How could a guy who has to cultivate for no cultivation, no fortune, and no reincarnation, not reincarnation, see through his soul, and from him It seems that in his discourse, his previous life was a fox demon.

Even if she wanted to break her head, she couldn't figure it out. She was horrified and terrified.


Even the deepest secret in her heart, her original soul has been thoroughly seen, which makes wonderful how not to be frightened, and how not to be frightened.

"My sister, what's wrong with you?"

Whether Tang Manqing or Liuyue, the two did not know that the identity of the wonderful past life was a fairy, and naturally they did not understand the meaning of Gu Qingfeng, but they were both intelligent people and found that the wonderful expression was so heavy. Know what must have happened.

"What did your liar do to Miu?"

Tang Manqing asked.

"Little niece, I've been sitting here, what can I do?"

"How is Miao Miao ..."

Tang Manqing said, but was interrupted by a wonderful look, a wonderful look of embarrassment, smiled awkwardly, and said, "regardless of the old man's affairs, we just remembered some things, some lost my mind." Then, to Gu Qingfeng again Said: "Gu Gongzi, there was a lot of rudeness just now, and I hope there is no blame, and the little girl admires his son."

"Good to say good to say."

This scene was seen by Tang Manqing and Liuyue, and my heart was very puzzled. Why did she work hard for a while, and the sister was torturing and toasting.

Just when the two were puzzled, she saw Miao Sister flipping around, and a delicate white jade bottle appeared on the palm of her hand. She got up and poured a glass of wine for Gu Qingfeng herself, saying, "Gu Gongzi, this is a little girl brewing Tianxuan Snow Dew. "

Seeing Tian Xuan Xuelu, the eyes of Tang Manqing and Liu Yue are widened. Others may not know it, but the two of them know it very well. This Xuan Xuelu is made by Tian Xuan Xingchen. The finished dew is so precious and precious. The two of them just drank a drop last time. Not only the repair was greatly increased, but the strength was also skyrocketing. I know how precious Xuan Xuelu dew is.

That's right!

Just a drop.

They both knew that Tianxuan Xueluo was a good thing, and they always wanted to begged Miaojie to drink another drop, but they only begged. No matter how they begged, Miaoxue did not agree, because Tianxuan Xueluo was too precious , Drink a drop that is one drop less.

now what.

What makes Tang Manqing unbelievable is that Miaojie directly poured a full cup for this liar!


What's going on.

My sister is this crazy? Still stupid?

Sorry Miao is trying this guy?

If that's the case, isn't it too expensive?

Seeing that Gu Qingfeng lifted the wine glass and filled a glass of Tianxuan Xuelu with one drink ~ ~ Tang Manqing and Liuyue both felt a violent feeling of the heavenly things. The heart was bleeding, it was very painful, even more painful. Miao Sister feels reluctant.

"You made this stuff?"

After Gu Qingfeng drank a glass, pout and pout.

"I wonder how your son feels?"

Wonderful again picked up the white jade bottle, and once again poured a cup for Gu Qingfeng.

"It's okay. If you can just drink it, it tastes a little lighter."

Tang Manqing couldn't bear it anymore, a pair of beautiful eyes stared fiercely, and reprimanded: "It still tastes a little lighter? Do you think this is boiling water? This is a flower made by Miao Sister with Tian Xuan Star Lu, what is Tian Xuan Xing, do you guys understand this? "

"Girl, don't be rude to the old man." Wonderful, if not serious, said: "It's nothing more than a bottle of Tianxuan Snowflake. Don't talk to the old man for two drinks. If the young man likes it, this bottle Tianxuan Xuelu can give it to the son. "

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