
Vol 2 Chapter 1061: Tai Chi School

What happened in the Yunchuan Amusement Park spread throughout the entire Yanluo Kingdom almost overnight, and the streets and lanes the next day, regardless of sex, whether young or old, were discussing it.

In the beginning, many people did n’t believe it. They thought it was someone who deliberately fabricated false facts to create momentum. Even if it was true, they would definitely add jealousy and exaggeration.

However, after all, things happened in the Yunchuan Garden. Last night, many people visited the garden there. After everyone verified, I realized that it was not a fabricated fact, no jealousy, and no exaggeration.

But as it is rumored, the man posing as a king has the mysterious power of the weeping ghosts and gods, and raises his hand to stir the space between his feet. He can kill Lu Tianze and Qiao Yu with his fingers, not only has captured Zhou Ting's destiny, but Zhiwei even blew the seven tricks of Feiyu Yunjue, a humane manuscript, and tens of thousands of people with injuries.

After confirming the truth of things, no one can believe such a shocking thing.

At the same time, I couldn't help wondering who was the man who was posing as a king? How so powerful?

Is it really the master that Lord Black Buddha has found, deliberately posing as a king to deter others?

Or is there another reason?

do not know.

No one knows, everyone is talking.

What is even more strange is that after the incident in Yunchuan Garden, there were no movements in the deficit heads of the four major families or the seven major gates, as well as in Yanluo Xianfu and Zhou Taihe. Chuanyou Garden, and then went back, no one moved to find the departing Chixiao King.

Some people say that the seven major gates of the four major families must be afraid.

Fear that the king is not a fake, but a real king.

After all, it is rumored that the blood evil dragon elephant is extremely awesome to that king, and everyone is the only king in the world that can make the blood evil dragon elephant so awesome.

Others say that it is no longer important whether the king is true or false. Even if it is a fake, the seven ancestors of the four major families would not dare to mobilize to raise troops.


No reason.

The man who pretended to be a king stunned the wounded and stunned by thousands of people, among them various perfect, lingyuan and dynasty earth celestial beings, and the well-known Yanluo Xianfu Ziyunxian official wonder tree, He couldn't stand even before him.

You must know that Qimu is a **** of Guiyuan, and it has the guardianship of Ziyun given by the Xian Dynasty. It is also known as the existence of a foot in the gate of the fairy gate, and even kneels for mercy in order to survive. How dare you act lightly?

What happened?

What about finding the man posing as a king?

Not dead yet?


Send to death.

What happened last night was still vivid in the presence of those who all remembered how brutal the man who was posing as a king was, and he started to use thunder means, and it was even cold-blooded to kill people. He even had Zhou Tian's destiny They dare to smoke, even the princes of the imperial dynasty like Bi Qiao dare to kill, even if the distinguished Yun Jue, such as Wang Feiyu who is a human being, dares to move, what else is he afraid to do?

In this world, there are many people who pretend to be kings of the sky. Among them, they are not powerful and terrifying. However, most of those who pretend to be kings are supernatural dragons, not only rarely appear, but also rarely appear. It is rarely done in public, and it can be said that there is almost nothing.

Take the former Lord of the Yan Luo Kingdom who claimed to be a king, and it has been almost a few decades before and after he said that he saw his hands. So far, few people have seen the king.

No matter how this monarch, when he first appeared, he abolished an elder prince in Linglong Villa, and blatantly blasphemed the imperial power of the imperial dynasty in the large court.

In his second appearance, he opened a killing ring at the sub-helm of the mountain and river, killing nearly a hundred people at the sub-helm of Mingyu, and more than ten Chixiao people, such as Tan Tong, still survived.

The third appearance was even worse. After the advent of Yan Luoguo ’s destiny, the God of Fortune died, wounded, disabled, and the elders of the four major gates of the four major families were also confused by his prestigious method. The five years of the year cannot be recovered at all.

This day.

Tai Chi Sect, above the hall.

Sovereign is empty.

Four vice-lords headed by Cang Yun.

The elders of the Taiji Sect, including the main discussions, principals, stewards, and deacons all gathered in the hall.

Near the temple fair, the elders of the Taiji Sect were preparing for the temple fair. After learning about Yunchuan's visit to the park, they all put down the things at hand.

To say that a disciple is injured is not a rare thing for any sect. After all, there are so many disciples. There are always a few stubborn and aggressive, young and vigorous, fighting and losing, even if they are seriously injured. It's not surprising.


This time is different.

Li Juncai is a personal disciple of Taijizong. Taijizong spent a lot of effort to train him. Now he is not only seriously injured, but also the chaos of the Yuanshen method. Whether he can continue to practice in the future is still unknown.

Most importantly, Li Yancai's awakened Bai Yanbao body was also abolished.

In other words, even if Li Jun had taken care of his wounds, there was no such arrogant fortune in Bai Yanbao's body in the future.

There may be a lot of Tianjiao with treasures in the world, but few can awaken.

There are dozens of disciples who possess treasures, such as Taiji Sect, which is known as the first major sect of Yanluo, and Li Jun is one of them.

And in order to awaken Li Juncai's body of white flames, Taijizong did not know how many precious resources it had consumed in recent years.

It's gone now.

All the hard-working resources and efforts have been lost ~ ~ Tai Chi Sect is full of anger.

In particular, Cang Yun, the Deputy Sovereign, is the master of Li Juncai, and only Li Juncai is a proud disciple. He is usually closer to Li Jun than his son. He knows better than anyone. It took Li Juncai to awaken the treasure Much effort and resources, and he has high hopes for Li Juncai, but also counts on Li Juncai to consolidate his position in the Taiji Sect.

Although Cang Yun is the deputy lord of Taiji Sect, he is not willing to do so.

At that time, he was an autobiographical disciple of the old Taiji Sovereign. It can be said that the future is promising. Everyone is optimistic about him and thinks he will take over the position of the next generation of Taiji Sovereign.

However, it's tricky.

Hundreds of years ago, King Chixiao was beaten to death at the temple fair. Not only was the cultivation of the temple ruined, his reputation plummeted, and his status in the Taiji Sect was worse than before.

Then in those years, as the King of Qixiao became more and more famous and stronger, his reputation became more and more stinky. He even dared to hide in the sect, and did not dare to leave the Taiji sect for two or three hundred years. .

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