
Vol 2 Chapter 1065: Deficit head split

at the same time.

Deficit head.

Above the main hall.

The rudder master and elders of more than 50 points of the rudder of the master Hei Xin Zhou Taihe gathered here.

Some of these people are Chixiao people, and most of them were Zhou Taihe's old subordinates. Many of them were the main banner owners, the main incense owners, and the lobby owners.

Another part is the descendants of Zhou Taihe, there are many, nearly 70 people.

The remaining part was later added to the deficit head, most of which were masters in ancient times.

Last night in Yunchuan Garden, Zhou Ting's little destiny was drawn, and Shi Lingkai's blood-sharp dragon elephant was gone. All the more than ten ancient immortals who went there all died without exception.

This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to the desperate rudder, and it also made them furious.

Especially the descendants of Zhou Taihe, after learning that Zhou Ting's destiny was taken away, all of them were violently thundering, and they rushed into Yunchuan Yuyuan to break up the man who claimed to be the king.

To say that Zhou Taihe's descendants are still furious, several sons are now Dixian Xiu, Zhou Ting's father, Zhou Wansheng, is a Guiyuan Dixian who has stepped into Xianmen one by one. As for Zhou Taihe's eldest son, Zhou Wangan, Although crossing the robbery failed, but also with the help of Zhou Taihe, Sanxian was achieved.

Grandchildren's predecessor Zhou Ting.

There is also Zhou Yan, a book of nature.

Can be described as talented, talented.

After learning that Zhou Ting's destiny was taken away, their Zhou family wanted to go to Yunchuan to visit the park together, but was forbidden by the elders in this hall. No one was allowed to go. The elders were Zhou Tai and those around him. His words represented Zhou Taihe in a certain sense, so he could only be anxious and corrupt in this hall.

Compared with the anger of the Zhou family.

The Chixiao people in the hall seemed much silent, standing there one by one, frowning, and the expressions were quite heavy, and everyone could be in danger.

The people in Chixiao are all proud and courageous. If not, there would not be such a sentence as the blood evil Tuxian Road Dragon Elephant Shock Sky.

This is indeed the case.

If Zhou Ting's repair is abolished, Shi Lingkai's half-death is not alive, no matter who the person is, they will not hesitate to take the shot. At all costs, everyone will catch the murderer, knowing that they are not defeated, and will not shrink back. .

Of course.

This time is different.

Zhou Ting's repair was not only as simple as being abolished, Xiao Tianming was also taken away.

It does not matter.

The important thing is that the blood-shaven dragon elephant opened by Shi Ling was taken away by people, which had to jeopardize this group of Chixiao people who were not afraid of the sky.

Do not.

Not dread.

But fear is fear.

It is the kind of fear that comes from the heart, the kind of fear that comes from the soul, and even the panic that comes from the blood evil dragon elephant.

First, there were more than ten Chixiao people, such as Tan Tong.

Now the blood-sharp dragon elephant opened by Shi Ling is also taken away.

This makes them not self-danger, how can they not be heavy inside, how can they not be afraid, how can they not be afraid.

Moreover, the rumored blood-sharp dragon elephant was always in awe and awe after seeing that he claimed to be the king, and was still hovering around his body.

The minds of all Qixiao people can't help but come up with a problem that they have never dare to face.

That is whether that person is the true King of the Sky.

They dared not face this problem before, and now they dare not.

It is impossible to imagine the terrible consequences of waiting for oneself if he is the King of Chixiao.

do not know.

They dare not think about it.

These Qixiao people were the old subordinates of the black-hearted master Zhou Taihe at that time. Many people really wanted to follow Zhou Tai and enjoy the prosperity and wealth. After they wanted to come, the so-called Chixiao Sect was long gone after the king was wiped out by the ashes of the immortal trial. As for the head of the deficit, it is even worse than the day. The division and division, self-reliance, and the collapse of the deficit head are only a matter of time.

The most important thing is that after the beginning of ancient times, the Xian Dynasty came to this world again. Today, the foundation has been firmly established, and it is sooner or later that the hegemony of the Xian Dynasty completely dominates this world.

Instead of worrying about the fear of being chased by the Xian Dynasty every day, it is better to go to the Xian Dynasty directly.

To be a person, you must look forward, and you should know the current affairs manager as Junjie.

Trusting in the Xian Dynasty may be unpleasant to pass out, it may also damage your reputation, and you may never take off the hat of a traitor.

How much is only reputation?

If it was found by the Xian Dynasty, the loss would be not only reputation but life.

Most Chixiao people who follow Zhou Taihe think so, but not all.

Some Qixiao people, although they are also Zhou Taihe's old subordinates, but they continue to follow Zhou Taihe in the ancient times, it is not sincere.


They don't have much interest.


They also have no interest.

Get the way?

They have already looked away. It is best to become an immortal.

The reason why ancient and modern times continue to follow Zhou Taihe is that they are indifferent. After all, it was Zhou Taihe's old subordinates. When Zhou Taihe spoke again, they were not good at rejecting.

Some are for the future of future generations.

One of these prestigious Huang Yuan seniors is one of them ~ ~ Old Huang Yuan senior is not only very prestigious among these Chixiaos, but also accounts for all the deficits in the entire tobacco country. The helm has a high prestige. Mo said that the main banner owners and incense owners above the main hall, even the black-hearted master Zhou Taihe and even the black Buddha master Dong Tiger also respected Huang Yuan's predecessors.

Because when Huang Yuan joined the Qixiao Sect that year, he was already a well-known and respected Sanxian in this world.

And many of these flag masters and incense masters were pulled out by one hand. Even Zhou Taihe and Dong Tiger were brought out by him. Those who are familiar with Chi Xiaozong know that if it is not Huang Yuanlao The predecessor suffered serious injuries when he fought against the immortals that day. Today, he is probably one of the thirty-six concubines of the Qixiaozong, and his status is higher than that of Zhou Taihe and Dong Tiger.


At that time, the emperor was judged by Xiandao, and his senior Huang Yuan was very distressed. Due to his severe injuries and the date of hermitage, her senior Huang Yuan rejected the position of Tian Tian, ​​but stayed behind the deficit head.

Originally decided to take care of the wounds, after leaving the customs, they began to live in seclusion and their grandchildren for some bland days.

Unexpectedly, after he went out of the customs, he found that Zhou Taihe had turned to Xian Dynasty.

For this reason, Huang Yuan's elders persuaded for a long time and did not persuade Zhou Taihe. He was disheartened and was going to take his children and grandchildren away and live in complete seclusion.

But what made him even more unexpected was that his descendants all agreed with Zhou Tai and belonged to the Xian Dynasty after independence.

About it.

Huang Yuan's predecessors were extremely angry. No matter how he persuaded them, future generations would not listen and insisted on relying on the Xian Dynasty.

Persuasion failed, and Huang Yuan's seniors began to use strong, but it was useless at all. Future generations even broke off relations with him, but also followed Zhou Taihe and took refuge in the immortal dynasty. In the end, he forced death. What can he do as an elder?

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