
Vol 2 Chapter 1155: Exploring Crystal Nuclei

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after awhile.

Gu Qingfeng once again pulled out a total of eighteen crystal fragments from the era of Chu Jiaohong's storage, and then tried them one by one. It was no different from the fragment crystal in his hand. After that, there is still no place to be lost in the era of the Tao without the heavens and the earth, the light, and nothing.

These shard crystals contain mysterious and powerful power, but absolutely no one wants to refine it.

For the time being we can't refine it.

Even if you can refining, you will absolutely not be able to carry the mysterious power inside, and forcibly refining, you will only die violently.

It does not matter.

The important thing is, after all, this thing belongs to the shards of the era of infidelity.

The Wayless Age.

It was the most mysterious era between heaven and earth. According to rumors, this era not only hid the secret of becoming a god, but also the biggest secret between heaven and earth.

It is not an exaggeration to say that even if it is a shit, as long as it is from the era of infidelity, it is absolutely priceless.

What's more, it is still a piece of fragmentation in the era of infidelity.

Chu Jiaohong has so many shards of crystals, but she only used one to conceive her avatar. Perhaps she could only conceive one by her ability. More importantly, she didn't want to violently destroy the heavenly things.

Gu Qingfeng delved into the crystals of the eighteen fragments of the infidelity, and then put them away, thinking that when they might come in handy.

After collecting the crystals of the eighteen fragments, Gu Qingfeng picked up a fragment nuclei to study.

Just a glance at this thing feels trivial.

The crystals of the eighteen fragments seemed chaos inside, but they were still chaos.

Although this piece of crystal nuclei is also chaos, it is a chaos of change.

In other words.

The shard crystal looks like dead.

And the nuclei of this fragment are like living things.

When Gu Qingfeng was in the confusion of the heavens, he had seen the Big Bang more than once, and he had also experienced it once. He was very clear that if the space of the Big Thousand World exploded, it would break up the countless pieces of debris. The crystals of these fragments are mostly some space debris.

The crystals of these fragments will gradually conceive into nucleus over the years, which is called acquired nucleus.

And if it is a fragment nuclei that split directly during the Dagan world explosion, it is a congenital nuclei.

Although both are fragmentary crystal nuclei, there is a difference between heaven and earth. The acquired crystal nuclei are conceived from countless fragments of crystals, and may contain unimaginable power, but other than that, they have little research value.

Of course.

Congenital nuclei are different.

Since the congenital crystal nucleus is split directly from world space, its inherent power is not only inherently pure, but also has great research value.

It should be known that it is not accidental to split the crystal nucleus from the explosion of the world space. At the time of the explosion, the mysterious gates in the Daqian world, the powerful caves, and even the Xiaoqian world may form fragmented nuclei during the space explosion.

But this is just the case of the Big Bang.

And the ancient Qingfeng's hand is not a crystal nucleus split from the explosion of thousands of world spaces, but the era of injustice.

At that time, there were no worlds of thousands and thousands, only heaven and earth.

The explosion in the innocent era is almost equal to the explosion of heaven and earth.

The space of the Daqian world exploded. The crystal nuclei that split off could be the Xiaoqian world, the Zongmen mystery, or the Da Nong cave.

As for the fragmentary nuclei in the Wudao era, Gu Qingfeng really didn't know how this thing was formed.


He couldn't even tell whether the fragmentary nuclei were born by innate division or acquired pregnancy.

The era of Wudao is too mysterious. Mysteriously, Gu Qingfeng did not dare to guess and suspect, nor dared to enter the investigation.

Not afraid.

It's a very complicated feeling.

Want to go in and explore.

But afraid.

Afraid of danger? Still afraid of death?

Do not!

Not all.

Gu Qingfeng was neither afraid of death nor afraid of death.

What are you afraid of.

He himself was not clear.

It just felt that there was an inexplicable fear deep inside, a kind of horrible fear, and also a kind of blank fear.

that's it.

Gu Qingfeng closed his eyes and lay on his back in the palate, meditating for a while with his eyes closed, and wondering how long it took before he sat up, shook his head, drank his head a few sips of wine, and finally decided to go in and see.

After the decision, without any hesitation, Gu Qingfeng directly sacrificed consciousness and quietly entered it.

Previously, after entering through the Shard of Crystals, it was a place without the sun and the moon and the world of heaven and earth.

At this moment, after the ancient breeze enters through this fragment crystal nucleus, it is also a world without sun and moon, and no world.

The only difference is.

The Shard of Crystals does not contain only the world of sun, moon, and tomorrow, but nothing, nothingness, only darkness, endless darkness.

This can't be inside the fragmented nuclei.

Although there is no sun and moon here, it is a dark cloud covering the sky, but also a lightning flash and thunder, dim and dim, just like the end of the world.

There is no heaven and earth world, but there are desert ruins. There are mountains floating in the sky, and below are the abyss.

The strong wind swept through the sand and dust, rolling in, sweeping everything here.

Countless flashes of lightning and thunderous mad thunder, just like trials, ruling everything.

What the **** is this?

Not sure.

Gu Qingfeng carefully explored.

A dead silence.

Except for the desert, there are ruins.

Nothing else.

And this place is extremely weird ~ ~ The environment is very bad, the dark clouds are definitely not ordinary dark clouds, the thunderbolts are not ordinary thunderbolts, the wind is not ordinary wind, what is it, and the ancient Qingfeng has never met It just feels that any existence in it, even a grain of sand, seems to contain a terrible power, which makes the ancient Qingfeng's consciousness quite uncomfortable.

Exploring in this place for a while, it felt like a bit of a panic in the stove.

Since Gu Qingfeng's rebirth in the Great Northwest nine years ago, his mental condition has not been very good. Although it is not weak, it is almost the same. The Qiqishen recovery is quite slow, and there is no other way for Gu Qingfeng.

He continued to explore for a while, and became more and more panicked. Gu Qingfeng screamed, took his heart to the side, took God back, and directly entered it with his physical body.

He continued to explore for a while, and became more and more panicked. Gu Qingfeng screamed, took his heart to the side, took God back, and directly entered it with his physical body.

He continued to explore for a while, and became more and more panicked. Gu Qingfeng screamed, took his heart to the side, took God back, and directly entered it with his physical body.

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