
Vol 2 Chapter 1166: Rumors

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The land of Divine Land is the land of this world, and it is also a place of great people and spirits. Since ancient times, I do n’t know how many heroes and heroes have made great names on this land.

From the early days of the ancient times, Long Huaba, known as the pioneer of the era, was known as the master of the world.

In the middle of the ancient times, it was called the top of the era, and was praised as the hero of the world.

Then there is the end of the ancient times, known as the end of the era, known as the legendary overlord of the ancient Sirius.

These three are all peerless wizards in the world. Each one has made a name for himself in this land of China, and each one has made contributions in this land of China. Everyone has also created this land. Earth-shattering miracle.

Although ancient times have long since ended, their legends are still widely circulated.

Nowadays, the ancient times are opened, all things are resurrected, and the good fortune is rampant. Tianjiao in every way is even more beautiful.

There are children of the stars who inherit the destiny.

There is also the imperial prince who represents the immortal right.

There is also the heavenly pride of fortune.

There are also main roads on the main road.

There are also mysterious era boys.

This ancient time is a crazy era, but also a time of miracles. No one knows who can become the new generation of overlords in this world and who can become the new supremacy of this world.

Beyond that.

Divine Land is also the center of power in this world.

The fairy dynasty that dominates the world is located here.

The deficit head chief helm also sits on the ground.

The first Qing Dynasty in the world is also located here.

The families of the immortals and the giants of power are almost all located in this land of Divine Land.

It is for this reason that since the beginning of ancient times, so far, no one has dared to make trouble on the land of Divine Land.

Except for the Xian Dynasty and the major gate giants, it is not just the sons of the stars, the sons of the heavens, the sons of the avenues, and the sons of the times that are not dared to provoke, let alone, the land of Shenzhou has always been a hidden dragon.

Some people say that if you encounter a limping beggar on the land of Divine Land, don't look down on it and don't provoke it, because he may be the ancestor of ancient times and even ancient times who woke up and wondered how many years he had cultivated.

It is also said that if you go out and experience a low-key young man, don't provoke it, because he may be a powerful reincarnation in heaven.


Do not.

No exaggeration at all.

Eighty years ago, there were several arrogant young people who died of humiliation to an old alcoholic in the mountains and forests. It became known afterwards that the old alcoholic had followed the hero of the world to finish the battle in the middle of ancient times. Master, known as Jiujianxian.

When the fate came nine years ago, a family robbed the fate of a seemingly ordinary young man. The whole family was slaughtered at the fingertips, and everyone knew afterwards that the ordinary The young man is a powerful reincarnation, and the previous life is the great Luo Xuanxian of heaven.

Too many things like this happened. Zongmen, which is located in the land of Divine Land. Every time a disciple goes out to practice, the elders of Zongmen will tell you to go out and go out. Do n’t mess with it. The power of reincarnation and the revival of old monsters who have woke up for years.

and so.

Since the ancient century, the land of Shenzhou has been quite calm.


An incident at the Yanluo Temple Fair a month ago broke the peace in the land of Shenzhou for 100 years.

Because of rumors, the king of the Xiaoxiao, known as the Ancient Terminator, is still alive. Not only is he alive, but he has returned. After returning, he killed dozens of immortal princes in the northwest, and then shot fingers in the Yan and Luo Kingdom More than a dozen immortals, hundreds of eunuchs, and more than a thousand immortal officials, along with the clouded leopards who had been powerful and immortal in the past, were known as the streamers of the children of nature. Killed.

After the incident spread, it immediately caused a strong sensation in the land of Shenzhou. Although the matter passed a month, everyone still talked about it.

Although there are countless people who pretend to be the King of Qixiao today, no one has dared to stand in the name of the King of Qixiao, so unscrupulous and unable to slaughter the immortals and elders of the immortal.


It has never been, not even the few Chixiao kings in the South China Sea who have so far been hard to tell.

If only someone claimed to be the King of the Xiaoxiao and killed the immortals and immortals of the immortal dynasty, it would not cause such a sensation.

It is Su Shi who is famous all over the world that can reveal the identity of the Emperor Chixiao.

Who is Su Shi?

No one doesn't know.

Nine Heavens Xuan Nu of the previous life.

The nine angels of this life.

The giants in this world, whether it is the family of immortals or the ancient legendary forbidden land, whether it is the deficit heads all over the world, or the immortal dynasty that dominates the world, when they meet Su Shi, they must shout the immortal.


Su Shi's identity is too special and noble.


Everyone knows Su Shi's noble character.

Everyone admired her, and shouted the fairy fairy willingly.

right now.

It is that the fairy of Su Shi is under the public in the large court, saying that the ancient Qingfeng is the Chixiao king of the ancient times.

In the end, it's true and false.

Most people think it is true, there is no other reason, the reason is very simple, because Su Shi Fairy who has revealed the identity of the King of Xiaoxiao, everyone believes her eyesight and her person. King Xiao, that is absolutely inseparable from ten.

of course.

There are also a small number of people who are dubious.

Not to doubt Su Shi's character.

Instead, they thought that Su Shi might mistakenly believe that the ancient breeze was the real King of the Red Sky.

This is not impossible.

After all, the Emperor Chixiao was wiped out by the ashes of the Fairy Trial ~ ~ Many people saw it with their own eyes.

Even if reincarnation is true, there should be reincarnation in that body, but the ancient breeze is not a reincarnation.

One more important point is that the King of Qixiao was tried by Xiandao more than 300 years ago, and Su Shi's fairy reincarnation came to this world less than a century ago. In other words, she has never seen the King of Qixiao, only by her suspicion How can we conclude that it is the true King of the Xiaoxiao?

Some people say that the event of the Yanluo Temple Fair may be a drama led by the Yanluo royal family, deliberately looking for someone to impersonate the King of the Xiaoxiao to deter the immortal dynasty.

It is also said that the fairy Su Shi was not mistaken for the King of the Xiaoxiao, but was deliberately lying.

The reason is also very simple. Nine years ago, the ancient breeze in the northwest killed the prince of the Xian Dynasty, and Su Shi lied that he had died out.

But the fact is that the ancient breeze was not dead, and it is still alive and well. There is only one possibility. The fairy of Su Shi is using his reputation to cover the ancient breeze. As for why, there is everything, some people say that the ancient breeze is integrated. With the remnant knowledge of the king, Su Shi's immortal thought of the king, the love house and the black, could not bear the footsteps of the king in the ancient clean wind.

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