
Vol 2 Chapter 1286: Summit

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"Master, what shall we do ..."

Yun Zheng looked at the reputation and looked at Shi Tian, ​​and there are three big enigmatic giants like mystery. She is very clear that although she has the death of Tiandao, it is only the death of Tiandao. Compared with these five people, The so-called heavenly death seems so small.

"Do nothing, we just have to look at it."

The female ancestor Ye Tianlan said softly.

"But what if they do to Xiao Jiner?"

"Then let them do it."

"Ah?" Yun Zheng was surprised, and asked, "Did you just say that if they killed Xiao Jin'er today, the King of Xiaoxiao would not give up?"

"It was just now, now it is now, I just did n’t realize it, and now I am a teacher only to realize that the water in this matter is very deep ... and the impact is great, and the consequences are not affordable for the teacher, so let it be. You can only let it go. Behind this chess game are those powerful men playing games. We, the bystanders, should not join together. "

to be frank.

The maiden's maiden Ye Tianlan couldn't see the mystery of the game. It was really true and false. The falsehood was too complicated. Because she couldn't see through, she didn't dare and wouldn't get involved easily.

"Oh! If it weren't for the disaster, the King would have thought that the three would be a shrinking turtle forever."

It is not others who say this, it is the world bully, Shi Tian.

He wears a purple crown and a dragon robe, standing on top of the huge and fierce lion and tiger beast, with his hands behind him, magnificent, a cold face, the sharp eyes, in three The prince, the king of the purple sky, and the big palm store all scratched one by one, and there was a scornful smile on the corners of his mouth. There was also contempt in the smile.


Shi Tian is extremely despised by the big three.

When he was born in the sky that year, with King Kong ’s unbreakable Pure Sun tyrant and an ancient throne destiny, the three ancient stars of the ancient fate of this ancient era can't be reached across the world. When he challenged the three big palms No matter what, the three did not show up. No matter how provocative he was, the three never responded, not even once.

Especially since the birth of Shang Guanyu and the end of his era, Shi Tiannai couldn't help Shang Guanyu, feeling lost in face, and eagerly challenged the three giants to save his face. Unfortunately, the three giants still did not appear.

Even if he broke into the inside gate of the Shang Qingzong by himself, he also broke into the Zixiao Pavilion with a deficit head, and broke into the Zijin Temple of the Xian Dynasty alone. No appearance.


Shi Tian couldn't see the three people in the palm of his heart, and felt that they were notorious.

"It's not bad to be a turtle."

At this time, the three princes answered lightly, "If I can, I really want to be a turtle."


Shi Tian stared at the three princes, raised a finger, and yelled, "You are the three prince in the rumor?"

"It's down."

"I heard that you have nine lives and are guarded by colorful holy dragons. Ninety-nine percent are the most ancient."

"It's just a rumor. It's not true."

"Isn't it a rumor, King will try it out."

Shi Tian was talking about the depth of the three princes, but suddenly, the blood-colored beam of light suddenly changed.

I saw Xiao Jin'er holding his head in both hands, seeming very painful, kept whispering: "No! Don't! I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to ... please, don't do this!"

"No! Don't--"

"Why! Why exactly."

"Jin Er just wants to help Big Brother, why do you have to do this ..."

"No! Jiner doesn't allow anyone to hurt Big Brother! No ... no ...

Everyone found that the blood-colored beam of light somehow became extremely unstable, rolling up like boiling water, and it seemed to contain some terrible power.


The three giants, such as Shang Guanyu, Shi Tian, ​​and even Dazhu Chu, all frowned slightly. They could all feel the powerful power in the pillar of blood, and this power seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. What is even more incredible is that Holding her head, Jin Jiner, a long blue hair, was gradually turning bright red, and Xiao Jiner looked more and more painful, and his whispering voice became more and more severe.

If it were just that, it wouldn't cause them to frown. In fact, the **** full moon in the night sky became brighter and more fascinating, and the dark clouds in the night sky were boiling.

This scene made the three giants and others somewhat skeptical. Is this really just the arrival of the disaster star?

All three of them have seen the disaster star come to the world, not only have they seen the disaster star ’s knowledge, but also the disaster star has come to the world, but the difficult star has also seen the world. The horoscope caused is not as strong as it is now.

And, is this really just a sign?


If it were only a sign of the sky, it would have dissipated long before it could last so long.

But after such a long time, instead of dissipating, Tianzhao became more and more intense, and what puzzled them even more was that the little girl became more and more incredible under the blood-colored beam of light, and not only released the terrible Power, the whole body is undergoing strange changes.


What's going on?

Not sure.

Even though the three giants have extraordinary identities, they are all puzzled at the moment when they look at this scene. They faintly think that this may not be as simple as the advent of disaster stars, more like an ancient and terrible existence as if they are recovering and awakening. .

Shouldn't this little girl have a terrible existence, now it's time to recover and wake up?

The more I look at it, the more likely it is ~ ~ The three looked up, glanced at each other, and saw suspicion and anxiety from each other's eyes.

Perhaps he also felt that the power contained in the blood-colored beam of light became more powerful, and Shangguanyu frowned, pondering, especially when he found that the big palms and the three looked a little different, his brows were even higher.

Only Shi Tian didn't take it to heart. Of course, he didn't fail to feel the terrible power in the blood column of light, nor did he fail to see that Xiao Jin'er's physical body was changing, but these were not enough to make Shi Tian afraid. Instead, he stirred up his enthusiasm.

Since he was born more than ten years ago, he has never known how to write the word "Fear", and the meaning and concept of these two words have never been in the life dictionary.

"Huh! What big palm saver, what three princes, what Zixiao King, and what Taijirenjie, a group of timid turtles, shrinking tortoises, wait for the king to kill the disaster, and then find a few of you ! "

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