
Vol 2 Chapter 1382: Ronaldinho

Not all Dongtianfudi and Xuantian Secret Realms are fighting each other for power.

There are also a few who stay away from the struggle and practice meditation regardless of world affairs.

Although there are not so many cave heavens, heavens and heavens in the wilderness, they are definitely not small.

For example, Ronaldinho is one of them.

I heard that the ancestor of Xiaoluo's secret realm was still a great Sanxian, then tired of the battle between the immortals, so he opened a secret place of Xiaoluo to live in seclusion.

It has been more than 100,000 years since Ronaldinho's mystery. Although the ancestor has long passed away, his disciples have been passed down from generation to generation. Today, Ronaldo's mystic has been more than a thousand people. Adhering to the ancestral teachings of Master Zu, he has rarely participated in the disputes in the wild, and has been living a bland life that is uncontested in the world.

Xiao Luo's mystery is not like other mysteries. There are no magnificent palaces, no magnificent mountains and rivers, no colorful Changhong waterfall, only some ordinary forests, trees, flowers, houses, and houses that look ordinary. It is like a small town in the depths of a mountain forest, it looks quaint and quiet.

This day.

Inside a fairly spacious dojo.

An old man with white hair was sitting cross-legged, drinking tea and preaching.

On the opposite side, there were more than a dozen young girls, some were dozing off and some were joking and joking, but none of them listened to the old man's sermons seriously.

The old man was Dan Qing.

After practicing for tens of thousands of years, he is a big Luo Jinxian and the oldest man with the highest generation in this little Luo secret realm. Everyone calls him the ancestor.

Dan Qing's ancestors have stayed in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian for a long time, and have not been able to break through. Therefore, they have no hope. In these years, they have been carefully teaching the descendants of Xiao Luo's secret realm to practice. Several generations of Ronaldinho's secret realm were taught by him. Now ten thousand years have passed, and all of them can take their place in the wilderness. This is also a place where he is quite pleased.

At the same time, I was quite sighed.

Sighs that the changes over the past ten thousand years have become greater and greater.

Also lamented that the qualifications of Ronaldinho's descendants are getting better and better.

Imagine that when practicing by yourself, many people would die in order to compete for an ordinary spirit stone, but now, let ’s say that spirit stone is spirit spirit, even if it is immortal stone, it is not a rare object.


I dare not even think about it before. Dan Qing's ancestors also experienced countless lives and deaths, and it took him nearly ten thousand years to become an immortal.

now what.

He said 10,000 years, but also thousand years.

Dan Qing's ancestors were deeply impressed by this. When the ancient times just started, the descendants of Ronaldinho spent hundreds of years to become immortals, which made him unbelievable. The qualifications of the later generations became better and better. The immortal has only been used for decades, and the present and future generations of the ancient million years are even more exaggerated.

In just a few years, it has become an immortal. One of them has become immortal when it comes out of the womb. This can only occur in those myths in ancient times.

Speaking of which, Dan Qing's ancestors are not incomprehensible or unbelievable. On the contrary, he has practiced for tens of thousands of years and knows all these changes.

Like ordinary people in ancient times, ancestors have talked about immortals from generation to generation, and there may not even be a person who practices spiritually. After generations, it is difficult to have good qualifications. After birth, eating grains and grains, the impurities in the body are more and more. It is naturally difficult.

It's different now.

The descendants and grandchildren of Ronaldinho's mystery are the immortals, the second generation, the third generation, and the fourth generation. The bloodline roots become better and purer as they go back. Starting from raising a child, it is a great supplement for all kinds of magic pills. After birth, each one is an innate body, the blood veins are more pure than one, the spiritual roots are more pure than one, and some are immortals when they are born. In addition, the aura of Xiao Luo ’s mystic realm is ten thousand times richer than the secular world. Moreover, the practice of cultivation is becoming more and more perfect. There is almost no need for comprehension, and there is no need for penance.

What three disasters, six difficulties and nine calamities is Cheng Xiandu's immortal calamity.

This is called Dan Qing ancestor. How can an old man who has cultivated immortality after thousands of years of life and death died?

At the same time, I was a little worried.

Because the descendants of Ronaldinho's mystery are young and immortal, most of them are just childish children without telling the world. Whether they understand what is immortal or not is still an unknown number. They practice and sing along all the way. There is no precipitation at all, nor will it consolidate every realm. It may not be seen now. With the improvement of cultivation, the future road will only become more and more difficult.


This reason, these are just children's grandchildren who don't understand at all.

Mo said that these descendants did not understand, even if it was Xiao Luo's secret realm, the children and grandchildren who had grown up did not take it seriously.

"Old ancestors ~ ~ When can I go out to practice?"

A little girl who looked twelve or three years old came over and asked with big eyes blinking.

The little girl is called Qiandiao. She is not only smart and smart, but also one of the best in her generation. She is born from the mother's womb and is born of a fairy. Today, twelve years later, the little girl is a Luo Tianshang. Cents.

Dan Qing's ancestors have always loved Qiandiao and were very optimistic about her, but what made him more headache was that the little girl was yearning for the great wasteland and always clamored to go out to practice.

"Thousands of birds, you are still young, and you can go out to practice when you grow up."

Although Ronaldinho's secret world has no contention and does not ask about the world, but the path of cultivation is to cultivate the mind and the way. Therefore, as long as the children of Ronaldinho's mystery grow up, they will follow the elders to go out and practice It can not only consolidate cultivation, but also perceive the realm. It can also hone the mind, have a long experience, and see the world.

After all, as the old saying goes, if you don't want to be a frog at the bottom of a well, you can only go to the wilderness, and only when you reach the wilderness can you know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is.

"How old do you grow up? I'm almost thirteen years old this year, not too young."

"Little girl, you are only thirteen years old, wait until you reach thirty."

"But Sister Linger was only twenty years old. How could she go out to practice, and have gone out many times, this time, Sister Linger also followed."

"Sister Linger is sensible, and she became a golden fairy at the age of fifteen. I am afraid that in the next few years, I will be a great Luo Jinxian like my ancestor ... She will go out, my ancestor is at ease."

"The ancestor, if I am a Jinxian, can I go out and practice in advance?"

"This ... let ancestors think about it."

"Huh! I know my ancestor was partial!"

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