
Vol 2 Chapter 1453: Xuan Yun's Persuasion

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"That's 1.8 billion immortal stones, not 1.8 billion stones. How can you run out of it, what have you bought!"

"I didn't buy much, a car is worth five or six billion yuan. My first two to three hundred million yuan, the blue moon sword in your hand is one hundred million yuan, and there are all kinds of magical charms, fine wine, mess, anyway."


Chidori looked at Gu Qingfeng and said, "You are really a prodigal boy! No! You are a prodigal boy than a prodigal boy! Oh my god! It ’s spent 1.8 billion on you ... Oh my **** ... No, I have a headache ... I'm so angry ... "

Chidori is a real headache, not a fake headache.

Although 1.8 billion yuan was won by Gu Qingfeng, he also spent it himself, but Qiandiao still felt a headache for Gu Qingfeng, and felt that he was too defeated. She crouched down, covered her forehead, and felt only a splitting headache.

"I don't have a headache yet. What's your headache?"

Chidori looked up and growled, "Aunt Grandma has a headache for you!"

"What's the headache, isn't it 1.8 billion? Hurry up and wait for Grandpa to be happy, and go to win 18 billion."

"Go and win 18 billion more? Do you think you are God?"

Chidori was about to collapse, crying and laughing, staring at Gu Qingfeng and drinking, "Oh heaven! O earth! I beg your old man to chop this guy!"

"Sister, there is a secret, I haven't told you, I'm actually god."

"You! You! You ... it's crazy!"

Looking at Qiandiao, Gu Qingfengle laughed.

not far away.

In the garden.

After hearing that Gu Qingfeng had spent all the 1.8 billion won, everyone in Xiaoluo's secret place shook his head and sighed, sighing that Gu Qingfeng was too bad, and it was crazy.

I can't help but say that they are even Liuli, who was born in the secret place of lotus, and couldn't help but sigh, "Oh my God! He's spent up to 1.8 billion, it's ... too crazy ..."

"This is normal."

Xuan Yun's words came and Liu Li was surprised: "Is this normal? He spent 1.8 billion yuan!"

"Like how he spends 1.8 billion, he really won 18 billion, and he will spend it. The money comes easily, and it will not hurt you to spend it. Many outbursts of overnight riches This is not the case for all households. When you have money, you are so proud that you buy it and buy it. It shows luxury. I am afraid that others do n’t know that they have money.

Xuan Yun smiled slightly: "You don't look at what he bought, a nine-headed fiery cloud red flame tiger salamander, and a string of 108 beads on his neck, ten hands in ten Every finger is wearing a storage handle, huh, huh ... these are the flashy luxury goods of Dayiyi City. They are useless except to show their identity. "

"In the wild, people get rich overnight every day, and those upstarts who have money will show themselves, enjoy luxury, and show off everywhere. The shops in Dayiyi City are just fancy for these upstarts to show off their identity and show off themselves. Psychology, that's why these flashy luxury accessories are created. "

Sitting on a chair, Xuan Yunfeng drank the little wine lightly and talked eloquently. He took the wine glass, took a sip, closed his eyes slightly, and seemed to be reminiscent of the scent of wine. "In the wilderness, it is terrible to have no money, but if you have money, it is even more terrible. Money will make the fairy become a demon, and it will make the devil a ghost ..."

"Especially the money won by gambling. After these gamblers win, they often have an illusion. If they win this time, they will definitely win next time. When the gamblers spend all the money they have won, they will go again. Go gambling, if you lose, you will start to change the seller's property, huh ... wait, I bet, in a few days, he will sell all these luxury jewelry he bought, and then gamble ... "

Xuan Yun sipped a bite of fine wine. After tasting a glass, he poured himself a glass and said, "Linger, I don't know if I should say something or not?"

"What is it?"

"The contradiction between your little Luo mystery and the Jinwu Li family is not much. I have confidence and I can help you solve it, but this person ..." Xuan Yun toasted and drank a glance at the ancient people chatting with Chidori over there Qingfeng said: "He had previously competed with Li Fengyan in the gambling game, which caused Li Fengyan to lose tens of millions, but he himself won 1.8 billion, and Jinwu Li's family will be jealous."

"Then, he slammed into Jin Lie's predecessor with a big slap, and Li Jingya with Zijin Tianlei Fupu was embarrassed, and even clamored with the entire Jinwu Li family."

Looking at the Baiyu Cup in his hand, Xuan Yun said faintly: "Jinwu Li's family will never let him go, absolutely not, and his ending, I can guess without thinking, he either died in the small world of Fengyue, or No one can save him when he dies at the door of Fengyue's small world. "

"You let me ignore him?" Although Xuan Yun didn't say it clearly, Qian Ling could hear him. She shook her head and responded, "I can't do it."

"As far as I know, he is not the person in your little Luo ’s secret place, but just borrowed to live in your little Luo ’s secret place. At best, it can only be counted as a guest, and you have been feeding him for so many years, it ’s kind to you. No self-blame, no one will say anything. "

"No, you don't understand."

"Oh?" Xuan Yun asked, "I would like to hear the details."

"When Chidori was seven or eight years old, he was taken back to Xiao Luo's mystery. When he was still in a coma, Chidori often talked to him. When he woke up, he was always with him. Chidori can be said to have grown up with Chidori, Chidori has long regarded him as a loved one, and his existence has become a spiritual dependency of Chidori. If I leave him, Chidori will Hate me forever. "

Qian Ling's beautiful face will never have too much emotional color, but she only knows her inner feelings and said softly: "In your eyes, he may not be the person in our secret place, but in my eyes, he It's already my little Luo's mystery. He was brought from my little Luo's mystery. I will also take him back safely at all costs. This is my responsibility and my responsibility. If not, I won't deserve to be in charge. Xiao Luo's secret realm ~ ~ That's right! Qianling sister! "Liuli couldn't help but applaud Qianling, and she even admired Qianling.

"IMHO, if you insist on taking Linger back, I'm afraid ... you will pay a heavy price for Luo Luo's mystery, and you may suffer the devastation because of it. I said that the Jinwu Li family would definitely not Will let him go, absolutely not. "

"Brother Yun." Liuli coquettishly said: "Why do you help sister Linger."

"Mo said if I had Xuan Yun's face to help Xiao Luo's mystery, even if my Xuan Yun had this face to save Xiao Luo's mystery, he couldn't save him."

After toasting and drinking, Xuan Yun said: "A dice of 1.8 billion is destined to harm him. His mentality has now changed and has swelled. Even if you bring him back safely and save his people, He can't save his swelled heart, he will always want to win the second 1.8 billion. "

He closed his eyes slightly, and then recollected the fragrance of the wine at the entrance, Xuan Yun said, "The overnight rich starter can't control the sudden huge wealth, he can only be blinded by the huge wealth, so he falls into it, getting deeper and deeper. Unable to extricate themselves, in the end it is either demon or ghost. "

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