
Vol 2 Chapter 1479: Fairy tale

The loss of the Jinwu Li family can be described as extremely severe. More than ten descendants of the Li family have died, were injured, and abolished, and all their magic weapons have been ransacked. People in Luo's realm shattered corpses.

Only this time Jinwu Li's family looked extra quiet, without any movement.

Many people have speculated that the Jinwu Li family must be afraid of the identity of the local tyrant upstart in the secret place of Ronaldinho.

I think that's true.

Leaving aside the identity of the tyrant rioter, that is, he was not a grandfather before, and he could scare four Taibai Jinxian to death with a single prestige. These mysterious and strange powers are enough to make Jinwu Li ’s family jealous. Even more afraid to act lightly.

After leaving from the floating island, Gu Qingfeng was enjoying Xiao Qiandiao's massage while thinking about finding a place to eat first. After all, after coming to the small world of Fengyue, after drinking a lot of wine, he still hasn't. Have tasted the special cuisine here.

Speaking of food, Xiao Qiandiao suddenly got excited, and he had to hold on to the Eight Treasure Banquet of the Eight Treasures.

It is said that this eight treasure banquet is made of eight kinds of natural treasures, such as purple heart lotus, shaking light stamen, and water cloud essence. After eating, it can not only strengthen the bones, skin, and internal organs, but also make the body stronger. Purification of the fairy spirit makes Xianli Xiu more refined. The most important thing is that the Eight Treasure Banquet is delicious and fragrant.

Little Chidori talked more and more vigorously, talked more and more, and drooled.

"I said, sister, don't you just have a meal, as a matter of fact, Hara is gone."

Xiao Qiandiao wiped his mouth awkwardly and said, "Little drunkard, you guys don't understand, don't talk nonsense. Do you know who made the Eight Treasure Banquet?"


"It's the royal chef."

"Miss Chef? Never heard of it."

"People are the most famous foodie in our bipolar celestial realm. If you guys haven't heard it, you can only say that you are ignorant."

"It turned out to be a fairy."

The ancient breeze is not too unfamiliar to the word Xianxian.

Although Xianxian began to prevail in ancient times, it is not without them in ancient times.

In the worldly world where he was born, the town of Xianxian at the foot of the Shang Qingzong Mountain is exactly the same.

The so-called Xianxian has a long history.

It is said that a long, long time ago, it may be ancient, ancient, or even ancient, and maybe an ordinary person from the wild mountain came to Xianmen by chance, due to the lack of qualifications, Chengxian was nothing. Hope, but the talent in alchemy is very high, all day devoted to the refining of elixir, resulting in the cultivation of waste, but later because of his own body to try the alchemy, not only the cultivation is lost, almost lost his life.

In order to adjust his own body, the man from Yamano refined the elixir, but although the elixir is good, it cannot be eaten as a meal. Most importantly, the elixir is not enough. Contained medicine Jiner can only be refined. If it is not possible to refine the medicine of Jinyao and waste resources, the key is to continue in the past. The medicine is stagnated in the body. It is not only a tonic but also a poison.

Finally, the man in the wild field took his own path, abandoned the refining of elixir, and began refining the elixir and conditioning his flesh.

Don't say.

In the end, he not only prepared his physical body with refined elixir food, but finally he eaten these elixir food to become immortal.

Later, this man established a school and widely received his disciples, and was even called the ancestor of the immortal by later generations.

The school of Xianxian has been passed down since ancient times. Although there is a decline in the middle, it has not been lost, but it has not been lost. When it was passed down to ancient times, it was still very popular. It is said that the Xianxianmen was even more glorious.

Since its inception, all kinds of elixir food have everything, including the ancient smoke smoked by the ancient Qingfeng, which is actually a kind of elixir food. It is no different from those fine wines. The only difference is that one is for drinking and the other is For eating.

I want to come in the ancient breeze.

There are advantages and disadvantages to the elixir cuisine compared to the panacea.

The panacea has a great potency, and the effect is fast. No matter if the physical body or the fairy is damaged, taking the panacea can get treatment in time. Usually, open a trick, punch a meridian, break through and repair, etc. Fight hard.

灵 And elixir food, the medicine is small, the effect is slow, suitable for slowly conditioning.

Especially for some serious injuries, after taking the elixir to stabilize the injury, and then conditioning with the elixir food, the effect is very good. After being frustrated, this thing is very fragile. Medicine cuisine slowly meditation conditioning.

The panacea, if you are not sick or injured, you ca n’t eat it in a mess, but the elixir food is different. This thing can be eaten as a meal and eat more. Not only is there no harm, but there are benefits. , Can also warm up the fairy spirit, two days a day may not have any effect, but if it is ten years and a hundred years, there will be unexpected results.

Like the descendants of the Immortal family, they have been taking elixir food since childhood, removing impurities from the flesh, warming the immortal, and after a long time, the flesh will become more and more pure, the immortal will become more and more powerful, and its own immortal power will naturally Increasingly pure.

of course.

They are just the grandchildren of the Immortal Family ~ ~ Fan Xian, who is born in a poor family like Wang Ma, cannot afford to eat. Some of the finest elixir food is tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even There are millions.

I ca n’t say that he ca n’t afford to eat, that is, Qian Ling and Qian Tou, who have the support of Xiao Luo ’s secret place, are usually considered to be food and clothing. At most, they only eat that meal occasionally when they go out to practice. For decades, she has counted the elixir food she has eaten.

As for what she called the Eight Treasure Banquet, Xiao Qiandiao has not eaten it before, and I only heard people say that the Eight Treasure Banquet is said to be the first gourmet of Fengyue Small World, which has long coveted her. Unfortunately, the value is too expensive. With a meal of a million dollars, a few meals is enough to buy a magic weapon of innate quality. At such a price, she can only think about it.

I thought this life might not have eaten the legendary first gourmet eight treasure feast.

I didn't expect Gu Qingfeng to win 1.8 billion in one fell swoop. Now he can be regarded as a local tyrant. Eating an eight treasure banquet is more than enough.

In order to eat the Eight Treasure Banquet, Xiao Qiandiao is also coquettish and massage, very hard.

Gu Qingfeng was in a good mood and said, "I'm a little bit pouty when I hear you say this, isn't it the Eight Treasure Banquet? Walk along, Grandpa is happy today, I treat you, eat whatever you want, try hard to eat until you die ! "

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