
Vol 2 Chapter 1509: Under cover

"Sister Lingyao, really is a heroine among women."

Looking at Mu Lingyao's spiteful look when she was angry with Qianxing and Liu Shuangyan, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help but give her a thumbs up.

Qianling is cold and strong, but Huadie Fairy is weak and tender.

两种 These two mindsets are not bad, but for practitioners, whether they are Qianling's cold temperament or the flower butterfly fairy's gentle temperament, they all belong to the kind of mind that is easy to be robbed.

With a cold heart and a strong temperament, it is easy to go to extremes in the future practice.

He has a gentle heart and a weak temper. Although he will not go to the extreme on the path of spiritual practice, because of his weak temper, he tends to fall into a passive state. In the long run, many distractions will be generated and controlled by these distractions.


Xun Mu Ling Yao belongs to the kind of open-hearted and hot-spoken personality. This kind of straight-forward has nothing to hide and never hide the character, neither will it go to extremes, nor will it generate a lot of thoughts.

If you realize a fairy tale.

Qian Ling does not understand thoroughly, will always understand, easy to get into the horns.

The flower butterfly fairy is not fully aware of it, she will think wildly, and even doubt her ability.

What about Mu Lingyao? If she doesn't understand, she won't dig into the horns or think about it. She may go out and relax for a while and then continue to realize.

In Gu Qingfeng's view, Mu Lingyao may not be the farthest or highest achievement of the three people's path of cultivation, but her path of cultivation must be the smoothest, the most relaxed and the most comfortable.

"Dear Master, is your old man bragging about me, or is he scolding me?"

I heard that Gu Qingfeng called himself a girl hero, Mu Lingyao thought he was scolding himself, and he rolled his eyes with annoyance.

"Of course I'm bragging about you."

"real or fake?"

The ancient breeze shrugged and made no comment.

When Qian Cai and Liu Shuangyan, etc. came here, they already noticed the existence of Gu Qingfeng, but just now they had been fighting against Huadie Fairy and Mu Lingyao, but they didn't think about it at this moment. Ling Yao also called him dear grandfather, which made them feel a little confused.

He couldn't help but stare at Gu Qingfeng and looked closely. It was found that Gu Qingfeng had no practice on his body, and his inner doubts became stronger. Qianxing asked: "Who is this person?"

"Did you not hear about the Jinwu Li family on the floating island?"

At this time, Bai Yufei, Liu Feng, and Xuan Yun also came over, and it was Xuan Yun who was not talking.

"Floating Island? Jinwu Li Family?"

Thousands of sons seem to remember something, glanced at the nine heads of Huoyun Chiyanhu, and looked at Gu Qingfeng's 200 million yuan head, staring at Gu Qingfeng, and yelled, "You win that one With 1.8 billion upstarts? "

"Yes, I'm the upstart that won 1.8 billion."

Qinggu Qingfeng sat on the chair, leaning on Erlang's legs, smoking Lingyan, drinking a little wine, and grinning back.

听说 "I heard that you have a smoky Li Zhengshi fairy spirit floating on the floating island, and another loud and powerful frightened the four Taibaijinxian to death."

"Yes, that's true."

The ancient breeze took a sip of spiritual smoke, buckled the purple gold and white jade cigarette holder, and laughed, "What's the matter, do you want to learn?"


Son Qianxing stared at Gu Qingfeng, as if he wanted to see it through and see through, but he looked at it but could not see anything on Gu Qingfeng.

I want to talk about leadership, he really dare not lead.

Although Gu Qingfeng has no practice on his body, it is enough to scare the four Taibaijinxian to death with a single prestige, even if he is a twentieth-day Chenxing Jinxian, especially Mu Lingyao's loud voice made him even more suspicious.

"If you have a chance, you will get a lesson."

The son of Qian Qianxing did not know the depth of the ancient breeze, and did not dare to say anything for a while.

Xuan Yun's son stood up, as if complimenting Gu Qingfeng, saying, "The grand master is inscrutable, and the four prestigious golden immortals can be scared alive with a single prestige. How can I dare to teach, the Jinwu Li family learned that The master ’s divine power has not dared to show up until now, so who dares to make trouble with the master? ”

Qinggu Qingfeng sat on a chair and looked at him with a smile and said, "The Lord likes this."

Son Xuanyun was with one hand behind him and one hand in front of him. He looked polite and smiled like a spring breeze in his corner of his mouth. He said, "Master, this time you come, want to come to win the gold tower, right?"

废 "Nonsense, why don't you come here, does the idle egg hurt?"

"The grandfather is so magnificent that he must be able to show off on the Golden Tower. The twenty-seventh floor is comparable to the ants, but for the grandfather, it should not be a problem."

"Of course, it's the twenty-seventh floor. For grandpa, it's not the same as playing."


The words of the ancient breeze really caused an uproar.

Everyone around me felt that this upstart was really outspoken, and dared to say anything on the twenty-seventh floor of the Gold Tower was just like playing. Looking at the whole field of eyes, few people dared to say such a big thing.


You are mysterious and weird.

Li Zhengshi fairy spirit that you also blew with a spit of smoke broke up.

Another prestige appalled the four Tai Jinxian immortals alive.

But what does this mean?

Although it is not their own cultivation and strength to win the gold tower, UU reads www.uukanshu. com, but not rely on these crooked ways.

You must know that the Gold Tower has a high luck component and large variables. Everything is unknown after the Gold Tower. Even if the real master comes, you can't brag about Haikou and you will be able to board the Gold Tower. Seventeen floors.

凭 Why is he?

Everyone talked about it, and Mu Lingyao, Qiandiao, and others next to Gu Qingfeng said that ascending the gold tower on the 27th floor is just like playing. They are so embarrassed and embarrassed, especially when they listen to everyone. Laughing, Mu Lingyao and Qiandiao were anxious to find a place to drill into.

"Little drunkard! You guys are bragging in front of us, no matter how you say such a big word in front of so many people."

"Yeah!" Mu Lingyao was even more anxious and angry, secretly rumored: "You brag in front of us, we will treat you as a joke, we will not care, and will not laugh at you, but you cannot be in public Saying such a big word! It's shameful! Listen to how people laugh at you. "

After a pause, Mu Lingyao looked at Xuan Yun again and whispered in a secret voice: "My lord, you can't see it. Xuan Yun's hypocrite is deliberately aimed at you. He is giving you this. It ’s a trick! Sister Huadie has been fooled for a while just now, so don't be fooled again! "

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