
Vol 2 Chapter 1517: Smug smile

Capture the tenth floor of the Golden Tower.

The full twenty arrays are overlapping and overlapping, and the overlap is also changing.

The flower butterfly fairy once again rushed up first, followed by Qian Ling, the third place was Qian Xingzi, the fourth place was Xuan Yun, and the Mu Ling Yao was the fifth place.


The figure of the fairy butterfly appears on the eleventh floor, and Qianling, Qianxing, and Mu Lingyao also appear on the eleventh floor smoothly.

"Wa hahaha!"

沐 When Mu Lingyao found herself successfully standing on the eleventh floor, she couldn't help but be excited and gave out a proud laugh.

"Aunt Grandma succeeded and finally broke her own record! Wow ha ha ha ha!"

Mu Lingyao was so excited and so happy, standing on the eleventh floor, leaning on Xiaoman's waist, looking down at the iron-faced Liu Shuangyan, shouting proudly: "Liu Shuangyan, you little bitch! Open Open your toad's eyes to see clearly, I have successfully broken my own auntie's record! Wow ha ha ha! Just wait for the aunt to kneel down and **** your head! Wow ha ha ha! "

Xun Mu Ling Yao laughed with pride, and the more she laughed, the more she felt crazy.

She was so sad that she laughed, how embarrassed Liu Shuangyan was at this moment.


Qian Ling's analysis is good. The reason why she took the Huadie Fairy and Mu Lingyao to make a bet this time is to use the reputation of the two to hype their own fame, so that more people know themselves.

If you are lucky enough to break the record, you can step on the foot of the Huadie Fairy and Mu Lingyao in front of everyone, and you will be famous in the bipolar sky.

It does n’t matter if she ’s unlucky and ca n’t break the record, she knows how difficult it is to break her own record, so she dares to bet, if she wants to come, if she ca n’t break the record, then The Flower Butterfly Fairy and Mu Lingyao must not be broken. Since then, although the last gambling game was abolished, their fame will increase with the spread of the incident.

But she never thought that she would be eliminated on the fourth floor this time.

I even did not expect that Mu Lingyao successfully broke the record after being eliminated.

This means that he has to kneel down and bow to Mu Lingyao.

不是 Not only did she not think that if she could not break the record herself, the consequences of both the Butterfly Fairy and Mu Lingyao would break the record, but she only thought about it. It did not mean that she could accept such a cruel result.

In the field.

It was not only Liu Shuangyan alone, but also Xuan Yun who was disheartened and angry.

Because of the five people, four of them, Fairy Fairy, Qian Ling, Mu Lingyao, and Qian Xinggong, all broke into the 11th floor, but he was eliminated by himself.

Although he said that Gu Qingfeng's bet was that Gu Qingfeng was able to break into the 27th floor, it doesn't matter how many layers he broke into, and it will not have any effect on winning or losing.


Only five of them were eliminated by himself. This made Xuan Yun, who was proud and arrogant, unacceptable, and felt very shameless, especially when he broke into the tenth floor many times. Mu Lingyao broke the record this time. But he didn't, Xuan Yun also felt no light on his face.

The most important thing is that Qian Ling also successfully broke into the eleventh floor, which made Xuan Yun's heart very unpleasant and felt an unprecedented humiliation!

He was standing in an empty teleportation array, his handsome face was as dead as a face, his fists clenched, and his body was shaking.

"Wow! Sister Huadie, Linger and Lingyao successfully broke into the eleventh floor 诶, this time Lingyao broke her own record 诶, so I envy them."

Looking at Mu Lingyao and the flower and butterfly fairy standing on the eleventh floor and Qian Ling, Qian Tou couldn't help cheering!

"Mu Lingyao is so envious that she almost doesn't know what her last name is." Gu Qingfeng looked at Mu Lingyao, who was standing on the eleventh floor, and shook his head with a smile: "This is still in the public court. If no one else, this girl is expected to stir up a striptease. "


If there are not so many people watching below, Mu Lingyao really wants to dance a show to express the excitement in her heart.

"Yaoer, don't get distracted."

Looking at the elated Mu Lingyao, the flower and butterfly fairy were helpless.

"What are you afraid of? Miss Ben has broken the record anyway, even if she is eliminated next time, it doesn't matter! La la la! I smugly smugly, smugly ... you all smiled and flashed ..."

Wu Mu Ling Yao was so excited, and excitedly hummed Xiao Quer.

The thirty arrays on the eleventh floor are condensed and alternated.

The chrysanthemum fairy once again bears the brunt of it, standing first on the teleportation team, and soon, Qian Ling is also on the teleportation team.

When Xun's turn came to the son of Qianxing, he hesitated, not only hesitated, but seemed upset.

Since Liu Shuangyan was eliminated on the fourth floor, he was restless, always worried that the Flower Butterfly Fairy and Mu Lingyao broke the record, but what they feared, Mu Lingyao broke the record after all, which means that Liu Shuangyan will be down Kneeling and scratching his head, as Liu Shuangyan's fairy ancestor, he naturally did not want to see this happen.

When Qianxing Boy wanted to come, if he could break his own record, he would still be able to restore some facial features, but now Mu Lingyao hummed the small song, annoying, he could n’t concentrate at all, which made the Qianxing Boy angry. .

"Mu Lingyao! Please don't disturb me!"

"Are your aunt annoying you? Are your aunts happy? Auntie likes humming songs." Mu Lingyao humming at the son of Qian Xing: "I smile proudly, smile proudly, you Wang Wang The egg flashed. Ah flashed ... "

While humming Xiao Quer, Mu Lingyao randomly chose a teleportation array and stepped directly on it. Before leaving, he did not forget to throw a provocative wink at Qian Xingzi, saying, "Qian Xing, you continue to be slow. Slowly, Miss Ben will wait for you first. "

On the eleventh floor, there is only one son of Qianxing. The more she wants to calm down, the more she can't concentrate. ~ Seeing that Ningyan's formation has begun to disappear, Qianxing son is anxious, and can't care about others , Randomly selected a matrix method, rushed up.

A moment of clamor.

When the matrix method is running, the forward son is already standing in the empty place of the Golden Tower.


He was eliminated.

I looked around and found that I was the only one here. It seemed like I realized something. I looked up, and sure enough, on the twelfth floor of the Golden Tower, the three butterflies, the fairy Fairy, Qian Ling, and Mu Lingyao stood there. But he was so angry that he shouted at Mu Lingyao, who was standing on the twelfth floor, "Mu Lingyao, my son is with you!"

"Oh, hey, I didn't expect luck to be so good, I can go to the twelfth floor with any teleportation array, my aunt is really lucky today!"

Maybe it was deliberately trying to stimulate Liu Shuangyan, Mu Lingyao proudly said, "Liu Shuangyan, how can you be eliminated from this family of grand masters in your family? Oh, it ’s a pity that you were eliminated. Now, my aunt and grandma want to go up to the 981th floor with your family's thousand-line grandson Shuang Su Shuang Fei? Wow ha ha ha ha !!! "

I have to say that Mu Lingyao is ridiculous and is not inferior to Liu Shuangyan. This sentence goes on, not only shaking Liu Shuangyan's body, but also turning the face of Qianxing Gongzi green.

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