
Vol 2 Chapter 1520: Little Witch's Wrath

After the Nianhuadie Fairy ascended the 27th floor of the Gold Tower, she did not continue to break through, but chose to give up.

Most people in the market felt very sorry.

Because the Gold Tower has a lot of luck and great variability, being able to climb to the 27th floor this time does not mean that it is OK next time. Now that you have successfully climbed to the 27th floor, why not take this opportunity to do your best Create a record of your own, although you won't win in the end, at least you won't regret it later.

of course.

Many people expressed their understanding.

It is not easy to reach the twenty-seventh floor. After all, the probability of this floor is one in one thousand, and the record of the twenty-eighth floor is one in two thousand. The difficulty is multiplied and the probability of failure is very high. In case the board does not reach the 28th floor and is finally passed out, there is no winning bonus.

You have to know that the prize money on the 27th floor is 10 million cents, which is a lot of money for anyone.

Why don't you give up a huge 10 million bonus in order to challenge the one thousandth of a thousand.

"Congratulations to the Butterfly Fairy for successfully landing on the 27th floor of the Golden Tower and winning a prize of 10 million yuan."

Grand Master Luo, the master of winning the gold pagoda, was holding a goatee and laughing: "The fairy Fairy Butterfly climbed to the 27th floor of the gold pagoda today, which not only set a higher record for our young people in the bipolar world It also makes old men and women ashamed. "

Hearing about the great praise of Master Luo, the fairy Huadie responded humbly: "Old Luo is ridiculous."

"Since the Butterfly Fairy has successfully ascended the 27th floor of the Golden Tower, why not take this opportunity to take it to the next level?"

"It is an honor for me to be able to ascend the 27th floor of the Golden Tower, and I really dare not expect it even higher."

Father Milo nodded and admired: "No pride, no impatientness, no greed, no greed, rare, really rare!"

After the farewell butterfly Fairy and Father Luo said goodbye, Mu Lingyao rushed over excitedly before returning to Huoyun.

"Sister Huadie, you are so amazing that you actually climbed to the twenty-seventh floor. It's so crazy, hahaha! I can't wait to see how the sloppy woman Liu Shuangyan looks like, and this lady must take a good lesson today Teach her. "

"Wait a minute, there are so many people here, and the influence is not very good." The Huadie Fairy looked at the crowd gathered at the Golden Tower, and said, "And a lot of seniors are here, and the seniors of the Jinwuliu family are also, If you embarrass Liu Shuangyan in public, the seniors of the Jinwu Liu family will be afraid to come forward. "

"It is only to make Liu Shuangyan ugly in public in order to make her long remember, or she will deliberately target us in the future." Mu Lingyao dismissed: "What happened to the seniors of the Jinwu Liu family? Today, even if Liu Shuangyan's father and father are here."

The Flower Butterfly Fairy understands Mu Lingyao's temperament, and knows clearly that no one can stop Mu Lingyao from teaching Liu Shuangyan today. The Flower Butterfly Fairy is not trying to stop, but she feels that there are too many people who won the gold pagoda. It will have a great impact. After all, in the bipolar heavens, everyone looks up and does n’t see their heads down. Usually, they are not upset, but if they are too rigid, it is easy to stir up a dispute between the family secrets.

She Mu Lingyao knew what the flower and butterfly fairy was worrying about, and she said, "Relax, I'm not a kid, I know."

He said, without waiting for the Butterfly Fairy to respond, Mu Lingyao ran directly to it, but the Butterfly Fairy thought about it, but was still a little worried, and followed her.

In the field.

Everyone is talking.

What was discussed was that Liu Shuangyan, Mu Lingyao, and Huadie Fairy were betting on it. This matter has been circulating for a long time, and now the winning or losing has been set. Mu Lingyao and Huadie Fairy are both exceeding the record. Everyone wants to see it. See if Liu Shuangyan will fulfill his promise and kneel down.

At this moment, Liu Shuangyan's complexion is as ugly as possible, hiding behind Qian Xingzi, and even dare not lift his head.

"Liu Shuangyan, if Miss Ben remembered correctly, your previous record was twelve layers. Everyone just saw it clearly. You were eliminated on the fourth layer. Miss's previous record was the tenth layer. It was on the thirteenth floor. As for Sister Huadie, there is no need for me to say it. Her previous record was nineteenth floor, and this time it was on the twenty-seventh floor. "

Mu Lingyao came over and said proudly, "You shouldn't forget the gambling agreement between us? We said it well before. The three of us bet. Whoever breaks his record will be considered a winner. , The losing side will kneel down to the winning side, and this bet was raised by yourself. In this case, hurry up. "

Qian Qianxing's son stood up and said, "Flower Butterfly Fairy, Miss Mu, Shuangyan was just a joke, two people need not take it seriously, right?"

Tamarix Shuangyan also stood up and said arrogantly, "Yes, I was just kidding. How can you take it seriously ..."

Before Liu Shuangyan's words were finished, Mu Lingyao sighed fiercely and shouted, "Fart! Now you lose, you joking, if you win, would you still joking ??"

"Even if I broke my own record, I would still say that betting is just a joke, and I won't let you actually kneel." Liu Shuangyan seemed to have thought out the countermeasures and justified himself: "Just a joke. It ’s just that I did n’t take it seriously. You took it seriously and asked me to kneel and scratch my head. Are you too bullying? ”

"Oh, if you would admit your grandma a mistake today ~ ~ It's okay, the grandma is not so stingy, but since you lose now, don't blame the grandma for not giving you face!"

She Mu Lingyao had long expected that Liu Shuangyan would not confess her account. Her beautiful face was now covered with frost, pointing at Liu Shuangyan, and she said, "Aunt Grandma asks you again, do you still admit it?"

"I said it was just a joke."

Liu Shuangyan knew that there were a lot of people who won the gold tower now, guessing how Mu Lingyao didn't dare to treat herself, let alone a lot of people came from the Jinwu Liu family. She didn't have any fear, she said boldly, If you do n’t believe me, I still say this. "

"OK! OK! Good!"

Qi Mu Lingyao nodded and said three good words in a row, saying, "You really have a seed."

Beside, looking at Mu Lingyao here, the flower butterfly fairy is not good in secret. She knows Mu Lingyao and knows clearly that the current Mu Lingyao is absolutely extremely angry, and the angry Mu Lingyao will never consider any consequences. If not, there won't be such a nickname for Little Witch.

She was thinking about how to persuade Mu Lingyao to return. At this time, Mu Lingyao said: "Since you don't recognize it, the aunt will show you a good thing." When the voice fell, Mu Lingyao raised her hand. A black-gold whip appeared suddenly in the palm of his hand. When he saw this whip, the face of the flower and fairy changed greatly, and he cried, "Yaoer, don't!"

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