
Vol 2 Chapter 1564: Lost

She was transformed into thousands of little snakes again. This time, she volleyed again with a finger, the blooms bloomed, and the mystery was heavy, covering the past. Thousands of snakes stood still for a moment.

The Nianhuadie Fairy sacrifice to explore the past, and found that thousands of snakes, without exception, all had their veins broken and the snake gall shattered.

"We just volleyed with a single finger, containing thousands of mysteries, each with a different power. It was derived from the strength of each little snake. Therefore, it was only possible to break the meridians and shake the courage. "

When Bai Susu waved his hand, the bodies of thousands of small snakes disappeared instantly, as if they had never existed before, and he said softly, "I changed these small snakes, so I know them well, and based on their own tolerance, I will show the appropriate mystery. But for thousands of people ... "

Bai Susu shook his head slightly and said, "I may be able to detect one's cultivation as strength in an instant, or I can detect two, three, seven, eight, or even dozens or hundreds, but thousands of people ... ... I really don't have that ability. "

"Even if I can see through thousands of people's cultivation as strength, I can't break all the meridians of all of them with one stroke. Not to mention thousands, that's a thousand, even a hundred, I ca n’t do it ... After all, they are all golden immortals, not small snakes that I have changed. One fairy trick contains thousands of mysteries, which can hurt thousands of snakes, but my fairy trick contains thousands of mysteries, absolutely Thousands of golden immortals cannot be injured. "

"But he can, and he doesn't show the magic tricks, nor does it contain any mystery, just a very ordinary prestige, then thousands of Jinxian Zhen became waste, do you know what this means?"

说明 "Explain that his grasp of divine knowledge, control of strength, response to the mind, means of hurting people, understanding of immortals, etc. are all beyond our imagination."

"How do you think the mastery of consciousness is cultivated? How is the mastery of power cultivated, the reaction of the mind, the means of hurting people, especially the understanding of immortals, this can not be seen by reading a few books It ’s because of fighting, killing, fighting a lot, killing a lot of people, that can be accumulated and tempered slowly! "

After listening to Bai Susu ’s inferences, whether it is the flower fairy, Mu Lingyao, or Qian Ling Qian Tou, they are all scared there, and her face changes and changes, her heart pounds, her mouth opens, and she says No one knows what to say.

"This is not the most terrible thing, the most terrible thing is that he can calmly make Lingxianjue, and also make dozens of five naturalized golden immortals all inexplicably still in the air."

"If this is a magic weapon, it is not unusual, if it is a creation, it is not unusual, if this magical means is even more rare, it may be justified. He has neither magical powers, no creation, nor any magical means. He did nothing, not even glanced at it. "

Bai Susu closed her eyes, as if remembering the scene of winning the golden tower. Although she did not show up at the time, she had been observing in the dark, and she had witnessed dozens of natures such as Huanghe and Liu Ziyu who were together at the time. Jinxian each exerted the most powerful fairy trick. She remembered it clearly. At that time, Gu Qingfeng really did not even glance at it, and still turned his back to them, pouring wine with a jug.

Then there is no ...... no matter whether it is dozens of powerful fairy tactics, or dozens of five golden beasts of nature, all of them are somehow still in the air.

究竟 How did he do it? Bai Susu tried to break his head and didn't figure it out.

所以 "So, I advise you, it is best to stay away from him, the farther away the better."

"Okay ... okay."

Xi Mu Lingyao was originally a curious person, but just listening to Bai Susu's words, she was really scared and felt that she would be better off from that guy in the future.

"We can leave him, but ... what about Linger Qiandiao?" Worry Fairy asked, "He lives in Xiao Luo's secret place."

"Linger, remember, don't offend him anyway, never."

Bai Susu once suffered a loss. When he first met with Gu Qingfeng, in order to find out exactly what Gu Qingfeng was, he wanted to be charmed. As a result, stealing the chicken did not eclipse the rice, and he didn't seduce it. He was also seduced by the ancient breeze, and seduced by the charm of desire, in the end ... he had to beg him for joy.

Chidori may be the only person in the field who has not been affected. No matter how terrible Bai Qingsu said the ancient Qingfeng, the little girl didn't seem to care, and said with a smile: "Sister Su Su, maybe you don't know much about little drunkards, big master. This person is really easy-going, and he will not care about us. He is the one who hates others to be kind to him. I said before that he would be awkward, and he asked me to call him a little alcoholic, and Hee hee, I firmly believe that Grandpa is a good person and will definitely not hurt us. "

Although Bai Susu met Chidori for the first time, but she read countless people, and she can see that Chidori is a girl who has no idea and is relatively simple. In this regard, she just shook her head and didn't say anything.

next to.

Qian Ling looked down and thought.

to be frank.

Even if Bai Susu didn't say today, she also knew that the existence of Gu Qingfeng was terrible.

I want to say that I'm not worried or not afraid that it is fake ~ ~ I didn't worry about it before, because she didn't know that the existence of Gu Qingfeng was terrible.

既然 Now that I know, how can I not worry?

After all, she knew nothing about Gu Qingfeng.

It is a terrible thing for a man of unknown origin, mysterious and strange, and extremely terrible strength to live in his own secret place.

Although she also believes that Gu Qingfeng will not harm the people in Xiao Luo's secret place, but who can guarantee that this is not the case?

Can't stand it.

Now she doesn't need to worry.

Because she suddenly remembered what Gu Qingfeng had said to herself on the floating island, she clearly remembered that Gu Qingfeng had the intention to leave, and this time she might not return to Xiao Luo's secret place with herself.

I don't know why. When I think about it, her heart is not fortunate to leave Gu Qingfeng, such a mysterious and terrible existence, but she also has a sense of loss that is unclear, and even a little bit persevering.

She wanted to tell the story, but she saw Chidori beside her constantly talking about how Gu Qingfeng was good, but she didn't say anything in the end.

知道 She knew that in the decades that Gu Qingfeng lived in Xiao Luo's secret realm, Chidori had already become dependent. If Chidori knew that Gu Qingfeng had left, she would not be able to bear it if she wanted to come.

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