
Vol 2 Chapter 1728: Special mortal

Speaking of which, it is not uncommon to see worldly mortals in this vast and vast wilderness.

的 The general servant maids in all major trading worlds are all mortals from the secular world, including the maid servants on the passenger ships in the venue. They are almost all mortal mortals.

After all, some miscellaneous work and those who are waiting for people are too humble, the immortals will not do it, even if they are of ordinary origin, there is rarely any miscellaneous work.

And those mortals who came to the Great Wilderness from the secular world to do miscellaneous service are either because they can't get mixed up in the secular world, or they have the dream of stepping up to heaven.

No matter what.

On the mortals in the wild, there will be some cultivation, and some even have a good little good fortune.

But this guy doesn't really have a little bit to repair.

I said stumped.

家伙 This guy just came from the secular world just now, just a newcomer on board?

You have n’t started cultivation yet?

This situation is not impossible.

If it is a mortal who has not yet cultivated from the secular world, in the face of this vast wasteland, in the face of so many immortals, and the fairy and the demon, stumbling should not be careful, fearful, honestly hiding in the corner ?

And this man?

Be careful?

Are you afraid?

Honest Pakistani?


Absolutely not.

Look at this guy's leisurely look. Where is it like a ship's handyman, it looks more like a big master who is not afraid of heaven.

What's more, I haven't heard of any miscellaneous serviceman who is so ignorant of heights and heights. Even if he is ignorant and has no eyesight, when the mother-in-law Jinhua and others came, all the others on the deck got up and left, seeing this, Even a fool knows how honorable her mother-in-law is.

of course.

No one said that they must salute the people who see the Changsheng Pavilion.

After all, Changke Pavilion is one of the 72 blessed places.

Even if you do n’t salute, at least, there should be at least respect.

How can senior mothers like Jinhua and Centrifuge stand beside you, while you sit leisurely.

I do n’t know too much about the heights and heights, and I do n’t know how to live or die.

Can't stand it.

I also have a small group of people who believe that something abnormal must be a demon.

It is not unusual to see mortals in the wilderness.

It is not uncommon to see mortals who have not cultivated in the wilderness.

In the face of Changsheng Pavilion, Xun Keruo is such a mortal who has no practice, and dares to be so casual and comfortable.

This person is either a fool or his existence is not as simple as it appears.


I don't look very much like that.

But if you say that he is not as simple as the surface, everyone seems to see that there is nothing special about this guy.

At this moment, someone heard the man on the ship say that this guy is a superior, and also a unknowing and arrogant hooligan superior.

He said that he was inscrutable because when he was in Jinyang Tianyu, he just waved his hand gently and wiped out a monster whose strength is comparable to that of Nine Dragons.

He said that he was extremely arrogant because of this huge population, especially arrogant. He not only presided over himself as a grandfather, but also said that the grandfather of the old ancestors, the grandfather of the heavens, is the biggest and the most breathy in the world.

He said that he was a rogue master because before this man not only blatantly teased Yunyan Fairy, but also manually manipulated Yunyan Fairy. In the end, he held Yunyan Fairy to do any fish and water fun. There are as many rogues as there are rogues.

When I heard that Gu Qingfeng was an expert, everyone present was surprised.

Because of the legend, the existence of the Supreme Master has always been mysterious and strange, unfathomable, and each of them is a master with great powers.

I was stumped and said that this leisurely guy is really a superior?

do not know.

No one knows.

After all, the existence of the Supreme Master is a legend. Few people have actually seen it, it is true or false, no one knows.

Most people think this is very possible.

If this guy is not a superior, then I am afraid to be so presumptuous in the face of the masters of the Changsheng Pavilion, such as mother-in-law Jinhua and centrifugal seniors?

There is also a part of I think that, for the time being, whether this guy is a superior or not, even if he is really superior, he is not qualified to be so presumptuous in front of his predecessors in Changsheng Pavilion.

Despite the legendary superior is very powerful.

Ye Ke is just a legend.

Legend has always been exaggerated.

The so-called superior may be a master in the ancient times.

If you put it in ancient times, it may not be necessary.

In ancient times, the resources were barren and the aura was relatively sparse. There were not many practitioners in the heavens and the world, but only the Yuanying can become a master of worldly domination. .

And now?

The master of repairing Yuan Ying in ancient times, in the eyes of these people in ancient times, I am afraid that even an ant is not as good.

As for the immortals like gods in ancient times, in the ancient times, there is no such thing as a great wasteland. Even in the secular world, there are a lot of them, they are everywhere.

From this we can see that the so-called superiors in ancient times are probably the same in this ancient era.

Not to mention.

古 Since ancient times, humanity has always been a humble avenue. The status of humanity is not the humblest, but it is also almost the same. It cannot be compared with the immortal Buddha. It is that the status of demons and ghosts is higher than humanity.

What's more, this ancient era is still dominated by immortality.

Don't say anything superior.

He is the avenue monarch who inherits the destiny of the heaven, even if it is the avenue king who inherits the destiny of the heaven, those on the field, such as Mo Baiyu, Yunzhou and Yuanwu, may not be in the eyes.

The golden mother-in-law and centrifugal standing on the deck also noticed the existence of the ancient breeze.

It wasn't because when they appeared, everyone else got up and left, but Gu Qingfeng was sitting alone.

to be frank.

They don't care about these ~ ~ Instead of not paying attention, they are sometimes helpless.


Very helpless.

Whether it is the mother-in-law of Jinhua or centrifugal, none of them feel that they are more noble than others. It is just that these people regard them as too honorable, and to be precise, they regard the Changsheng Pavilion behind them as too honorable.

In the beginning, they might have signaled that everyone didn't need to do this, but after a long time, they were numb, too lazy to say anything, and used to everyone's attitude towards Changshengge.

The reason why they noticed the existence of Gu Qingfeng was because they found that there was not a little repair on Gu Qingfeng's body. When they heard that Gu Qingfeng was a master, they were quite surprised, but later they thought about it and thought Unlikely.

They all know that the existence of the Supreme Master's physical power is infinite, but this does not mean that the Master cannot cultivate, nor does it mean that the Master is not created. On the contrary, the masters they know are not only cultivated as powerful masters. At the same time, each of them is a creature.

His Majesty may be a legend to others.

But it is not a legend for them, because they have all seen the true superior and they have seen more than one superior.

It does not matter.

It is important that they have a superior in Changsheng Pavilion.

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