
Vol 2 Chapter 1740: Fire's Wrath

No one thought that as a disciple of the Changsheng Pavilion, and a sister of the Floating Emperor, he would stand up and say that the Floating Emperor could not be compared with the Emperor, and also said that the Emperor was the person most admired by the Floating Emperor, none of which, and this sentence The words were spoken by the Emperor Fusheng himself.

is this real?

Did Emperor Wu Fusheng really say this?

I still say that the centrifugal fairy is just a low-key and modest, so he intentionally said so.

do not know.

No one knows.

Yuan Wu was suddenly embarrassed that Yuan Wu was suddenly there, not knowing what to say.

In the field.

Beacon did not care about this. When Bai Ze, Mo Baiyu, Yun Zhou and others came forward and said that the Emperor was an ancient sinner, he had been observing Gu Qingfeng in secret.

Especially when Yuan Wu said that the Emperor was not qualified to lift shoes for the floating emperor, Huode's heart mentioned his throat. When he wanted to come, if others said that the Emperor was an ancient sinner, Gu Qingfeng might be able to bear it. Do not mind, but if you say that the Emperor does not even have the qualifications to raise shoes for the floating emperor, Gu Qingfeng will certainly not tolerate it.

What he never expected was that Gu Qingfeng always lay on his chair and drank a little wine from the beginning to the end, watching the excitement, there was always a faint look on his bland face. Smile.

别人 When others said that Youdi was an ancient sinner, he did not respond.

元 When Yuan Wu said that Emperor You did not have the qualifications to raise shoes for Fusheng Emperor, he did not seem to have any reaction. It felt as if he was not talking about him, but someone else.

This made Huode's hanging heart gradually fall down.

He was really afraid that Gu Qingfeng didn't hold the fire for a while, and then shot and killed these little rabbits.

It doesn't matter if you kill these little rabbits.

Beacon did not care and was not worried.

Huo even if these rabbits were killed in Changshengge, Huode didn't care, and didn't worry.

What worries him is that if Gu Qingfeng shoots and kills people here, even if it is not the people who kill Changsheng Pavilion, it will inevitably cause doubts in Changsheng Pavilion, and once they cause doubt in Changsheng Pavilion, then Gu Qingfeng is Nai Emperor Identity is not far from the exposure.

I'm fine.

The ancient breeze did not mind, and did not care about these, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

When Huo De was frightened, Yuan Wu might be in order to cover up the embarrassment of the genius, and said: "The centrifugal fairy joked, how can the ancient heroes such as the Emperor of the Floating Life, such as ancient heroes, be unable to communicate with You, the ancient sinner? By the same token, how could you admire You Sinner ... and ... "

Before Yuan Wu's words were finished, Huo De screamed angrily, "Little bunny! Give you a face, right? You're not over yet, and then his mother dare to say a word, and I'll kill you, a little king and eight cubs. ! "

At this moment, Huo De's old face was full of anger, glaring at Yuan Wu, his eyes were murderous.

Originally, this incident had passed. Since Gu Qingfeng was not angry, Huode was too lazy to talk about this group of rabbits, but he did not expect Yuan Wu to stand up again and say what the emperor was an ancient sinner. Directly angered Huode.

"Only you? Want to kill Ben Shangxian?"

Beacon is intolerable, and Yuan Wu is even intolerable.

Ben Huode has endured Yuan Wu for a long time, and Yuan Wu also endured Huo De for a long time.

At this moment, Yuan Wu provoked Huo De, and Huo De's anger drove Yuan Wu too.

A moment of clamor.

Yuanwu's whole body flickered, and he transformed into a round of bright domination. The power of the big day broke out, and the surrounding photos were clearly illuminated. Those who were the oldest seniors all changed their faces, and he did not dare to hesitate to step back immediately. This bright **** The power is especially powerful, they can't stop it.

Yuan Wu transformed into the bright and powerful Yuanwu, pointing majesticly at Huode, angrily shouting, "Today's Benxian stands here. Would you like to try this?"

"I went to you!"

Huode's whole body is also a flash of glory, as if the flames of black and white are burning, as if the yin and yang are intersecting. I saw him step out and appeared in front of Yuan Wu in an instant, raising his right arm, when the five fingers spread out, as if Five mountains stood up, and one palm was more like a sky falling, with multiple changes and great power. It was as powerful as Tianwei.

手段 What does this mean?

Nobody knows.

I only knew that when Huode's slap fell, Yuan Wu, who was a bright day, became like a big day suddenly being obscured by dark clouds. Guanghua instantly dimmed, and the light became dark.

A loud bang.

Beacon slaps down, Yuanwu's bright day explodes on the spot, collapses and disappears.

Looking at this scene, there was one in the audience. Whether it was an old senior who had been practicing for many years, or Mo Baiyu, Yunzhou, Fu Ying and other immortals, or disciples of Changsheng Pavilion such as Baize and Lengjue, they were all shocked. It was astonishing, it was incredible.

Su Mo said that they were so, even if they were masters like Jinhua Granny and Centrifugal Fairy, they were shocked by this scene.

They know that fire virtue is unfathomable. From the first sight, they knew that fire virtue was known to them. After learning that fire virtue occupies itself as a priest, they are even more certain. They even think that fire virtue may be more unpredictable than expected.

Even though this was the case, they never thought that Huo De was so strong that they just smashed it apart, blasting and crushing Yuanwu's great daylight.

You must know that the great daylight of Yuanwu is not an acquired creation, nor is it an innate creation, but the great daylight creation of Jiutianxiandao ~ ~ It is also known as the most sacred, brightest and most contemporary The strongest and most overbearing good fortune, if not so, when the Yuanwu sacrifice the great light and good fortune, those old seniors who have practiced for many years will not immediately retreat.

Because they all know how powerful the great power of the great daylight is. Not only do they know, but many people have personally experienced it. The great power of the great daylight is not what they can resist, even if they are cultivated for many years. Neither can seniors.

Although Yuanwu ’s great daylight and good fortune ca n’t be cultivated yet, but even so, he wo n’t be blown apart by this old Taoist slap?

It is even more incredible that Huo De's slap not only disintegrated Yuanwu's daylight and bright earthquakes, but even Yuanwu himself was bleeding from the slap of his slap.


Qiqiao bleeding.

Everyone looked so earnestly, Yuan Wu didn't even hum, and slumped on the ground, his eyes, his ears, his nose, and his mouth were all bleeding, his face was pale, and his expression was horrified like a ghost, his eyes Fear of everything.

Is that just the case?

Do not.

More than that.

Ben Huode's slap also snorted the dozens of masters behind Yuan Wu, and his body couldn't stop moving backwards.


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