
Vol 2 Chapter 1811: in the same boat

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That hate in Huode's heart!

The hate of the teeth is itchy, and even kills Gu Qingfeng's heart. !

Once in the Xuantian Ship, three 10,000-year-old Zhu Guo ancient breeze did not leave one, and now there is one drop of **** impermanence wine.

This kid's cheap is not even a little bit!

Damn it!

Huode's straight scolding mother could be hindered by Weiyang Mo Emperor Ren Tianxing's presence. He was not good and did not dare to say anything.

"Cheer up! Cheer up! It's his mother's cheering !!!"

In one breath, after drinking alcohol, the ancient breeze that is drinking is full of black smoke.

This black smoke is not the other. It is the special aroma of Hell's impermanence wine, which is emerging from the various holes of the physical body of the ancient Qingfeng. It looks very evil.


Gu Qingfeng hit a full, wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and said, "Fuck! It's been so long since I haven't drunk for a long time. Hell impermanence is indeed **** impermanence. Drinking is really refreshing!"

Since the end of the ancient times, after the ancient breeze disappeared and reborn, most of the world ’s fine wines have been drinking. For ordinary people, they may be called fine wines, but for the ancient breeze, it is almost the same as boiling water, especially this. After the rebirth of the second silence, the flesh was rotten, and all the wine was drunk, and there was no taste. The strongest spirits in his stomach were as colorless and tasteless as boiling water.

This makes Gu Qingfeng very unhappy.

Fortunately, when I met Ren Tianxing, I was fortunate enough to drink a **** of impermanence, which is more or less a wine feeling.

"My brother."

Gu Qingfeng sat down again, turned the empty wine jar aside, looked at Ren Tianxing, and said, "If you remember correctly, just now you seem to say that there is enough tube to hold and hold it today. Still count? "

"Ren Mou always has a good word. Since he says he is full, he won't break his word."

I saw Ren Tianxing lifted his hand and fluttered. At the moment, a lot of fine wine piled up in the eyes of Gu Qingfeng. Good guy, there were hundreds of altars, and every sigh was impermanence.

Looking at this scene, not only Huo De was dumbfounded, but even Gu Qingfeng, an omnipotent Emperor Jiuyou, was there as shocked as a ghost.

Others may not know it, but he knows clearly that Hell Impermanence is made from tens of thousands of devil flowers, Taiyin ancient springs, etc., and then brewed with the fire of **** for tens of thousands of years. It can be said that it is more precious and more Precious. Throughout the world, there are not many masters who know how to refine the impermanence of hell. The most important thing is that **** is not accessible to anyone who wants to enter, and it may not be possible to get in.

Although Gu Qingfeng said that he was addicted to drinking, he did n’t know much about brewing wine. He could drink **** impermanence at that time, relying on pits to cheat and burn and rob, and he knew that Ren Tianxing was a demon despite being a demon. However, Ren Tianxing would never do it, such as grabbing and drinking. To be precise, he would disdain to do it, not to mention his knowledge of Ren Tianxing, which is not very interested in the stuff of wine.

"Where did your kid get so many hellless wines?"

"Pick it."

"What? What? Pick it up? I'm going!" Gu Qingfeng almost suspected that he had heard it wrong, and said, "Is there such a good thing? Where did you pick it up? You asked me to pick it up?"

"Picked up in a revitalized ancient cave house, it should be accurately presented to Renmou by an old senior."

"real or fake?"


If Ren Tianxing said it was true, then it must be true.

"Fuck, why can't you do such a good thing?"

Gu Qingfeng was quite depressed, and even some envy Ren Tianxing had such good luck. In order to vent his unhappiness, he drank two **** impermanence wines continuously until he drank five altars violently, then he ceased, and his inner depression disappeared.

Aside, Huo De held up his glass and tasted it with a small drink. He didn't dare to drink like Gu Qingfeng. The **** impermanence of the wine was so strong that he just took a sip and almost killed him. This feeling is indescribable, painful but immortal. Painful Huode is afraid to taste the second sip, but the refreshing feeling makes Huode feel itchy, and he can be said to be extremely tangled.

And here.

Gu Qingfeng and Ren Tianxing were chatting while drinking.

The two toasted with drinks.

Ren Tianxing lamented: "One time when we were drinking, the ancient times were not over yet. I never imagined that this time the ancient times have been opened for thousands of years."

"Who said no? The old saying is that years are like shuttles, time is like arrows, and I haven't lived to understand what's going on. It's been 10,000 years since his mother woke up."

Toast and drink together.

Gu Qingfeng looked at Ren Tianxing and asked, "When the door of reincarnation opened, did you not have reincarnation?"


"At the end of ancient times, I told me God didn't judge you."


"Did not kill you?"


"Don't even take away your destiny?"


"Hey! Your boy is very resistant. How did you carry it? Grandpa and I used to feed my milk so hard that he was killed by God, and even the destiny of fate was taken away by his mother. How do you look okay? "

Ren Tianxing responded: "We are different."

"How is it different? The sin of your kid is not so bad."

"This is not a question of sin, but a question of destiny. Your presence threatens the avenues of heaven and earth. Naturally they will not let you go."

"So, did you release water when the Lord came down to trial?"

"No, I survived the trial because my past life saved me."

"Your past life?"

After hearing the words, Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and said, "A past life of the Infidelity?"

Ren Tianxing nodded ~ ~ For a long time, you are also a person of the era of infidelity, we are really destined. Gu Qingfeng laughed: "Come, for this fate, toast. "

Toast and drink.

Ren Tianxing said: "Brother Gu should see that Ren's fate with you is not just that."

Gu Qingfeng smiled and did not speak.

He knows that Ren Tianxing's fate with himself is really not just as simple as the era of infidelity. In addition, he can see that Ren Tianxing is just as original sin as himself.

In addition to the body of the original sin, Gu Qingfeng still felt a sense of familiarity that was unclear and unknown.

This sense of familiarity made Gu Qingfeng think of the false self.

In other words, Ren Tianxing, like Gu Qingfeng, is both the original sin body and the false self.

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