
Vol 2 Chapter 1826: Humanity

"What is the name of the maiden maiden in the name of others, don't you be so bad if you can speak?"

怎么 "Why? Sorry Lord wronged you?"

"Nonsense! The old man knew that your boy looked down on you and told you the old man. The old man can tell you very responsibly. The old man has never shown it to the outside world. For a long time, it was only in danger , Used it to save a few lives. "

"If you don't show this broken gourd, how will people know that you have Su Shi's maiden covering it?"

"That's because when the old man rebuilt Yun Xia Zong, the maiden of the family came over to join in."

"Su Shi is here to make a comeback for you?"

当然 "Of course, the three words Yun Xia Zong on the monument were written by the maiden herself. If you don't believe it, the old man can take you to see it now."

The fiery fire came to the outside of Yunxiazong with the ancient breeze. A stone monument like a lone peak stood in the center of the square in front of the gate, and the three large characters of Yunxiazong were carved on it.

Gu Qingfeng may not know Su Shi's words, but he can see that the three words Yun Xia Zong are extraordinary, they can be described as mysterious and mysterious, wonderful and wonderful, infinitely changing, bright and sacred. Not only contains powerful power, but also contains The powerful force can not only protect the entire Yunxia Sect, but also deter the demons and monsters, which is really tight.

"Yes, Huode."

Lao Gu Qingfeng teased: "Your old boy is really an eye-opener. Su Shi's girl is giving you gourds and coming in person to support you. Your face is really not small."

哎 "Oh, uncle Gu, grandpa ancestors, it ’s not because of your old man's face that the maiden-in-law will give the old man a favor. If it weren't for your kid, how could I have such a big face."

Fen Huo De is also a self-knowledgeable person. He knew very well that the maiden maiden came to support Yun Xia Zong personally, not in her own face, but in the face of Gu Qingfeng.

He said, "So, the old man said earlier that Yun Xiazong can develop to the light of your boy."

"Where did Su Shi play this little girl? Why don't I understand a little bit?"

"You ca n’t understand? Your boy, do n’t use the heart of a gentleman to treat a gentleman ’s belly. What a good girl a lady is. I ’ve been waiting for you for so many years. Your boy just ignored it, and even suspected him. Attentively. "

When talking about the maiden Su Su, Huo De could not help but persuade: "Yes, the maiden is a true and life-stricken man, and your boy is a man of original sin and falsehood. You two are hits. The enemies are doomed, but the maiden is not malicious to you. Instead of being malicious, she treats with sincerity. The whole world knows the maiden ’s intentions for you. Do you understand? "

"The maiden of yours is treating you like the world, and the old man wonders, what is your kid thinking? The maiden of mother does not mind, what do you mind?"

"You know what a fart!"

Qinggu Qingfeng stared at the three words Yun Xia Zong on the monument and said, "Sometimes it is not necessary to use a knife to kill people."

"What do you mean? Your boy suspects that the maiden wants to kill you? It's impossible, and it's not difficult to kill your boy with the status of the maiden's status today. Even if it's a bit difficult, As for what a mean way to play with you? The old man wondered that the maiden is not such a person. "

Lao Gu Qingfeng said lightly: "There are many things you don't understand, I'm not saying Su Shi wants to kill me, not to mention, even if she really wants to kill me, I'm not afraid."

既然 "That's why your kid looks upset."

"Huode, this monument is dying, please dismantle it immediately."

"what? What!"

Hearing the words, Huo De was startled, hurried to the opposite side of Gu Qingfeng, stretched out his arms to stop Gu Qingfeng, stared at his eyes, and screamed, "You bunny, why do you want to demolish the husband's monument? You know, the old man's Yun Xiazong can develop, all rely on the three words of the maiden of the family! "

"After dismantling, Grandpa and I will personally re-engraved three words for you to ensure that it is more mysterious than Su Shi mentioned."

"No! No!"

"Don't you just want to grow Yun Xiazong, you don't have to play the banner of Su Shi, you can just play the banner of Grandpa. Grandpa has been in the wild for so many years, and there is still a little deterrent, he said What Luo Tianyu ’s Wonderland family is Sanqian Avenue, dare not buy grandfather's face. "

"No! No! Absolutely not!"

"What's wrong? In your eyes, Lao Tzu can't keep you a little Yunxia Sect?"

"This is not a question of whether or not to live, but ... Gu, my husband is telling you the truth. Do n’t be angry. Your fame is really great. This old man is convinced. Naturally, it goes without saying that even Sanqian Avenue is not. I dare not buy your face, the old man also knows, but ... Say what your kid doesn't like to hear, your kid's fame is his mother's notoriety, which belongs to the kind of reputation that everyone sees and fears everyone. "

"This is not better, there is a man covering you, and no one dares to bully you in the heavens and the world."

"Yes, yes! The old man believes, but ... it's no use just to keep Yun Xia Zong. The old man wants to inherit Yun Xia Zong. Can your boy hold it for a while, or can he keep it forever? Understand, your mother-in-law is just as enthusiastic as that one or two days, and then his mother-in-law doesn't know where to go to drink and tease the girl. When that time comes, someone will come to the door, who will the old man go to? "

Gu Qingfeng hasn't spoken yet, Huo De said, "Also, if Yun Xia Zong is covered by your boy, I am afraid that no one will dare to practice in Yun Xia Zong. In these heavens and worlds, who is his mother does not know you The kid is an evil man who cannot be tolerated in the world, and has such a deep hatred with Xiandao ~ ~ How can your disciple named Yun Xia Zong become a fairy? In the future, he will become a fairy, and he must not be beaten every day? Why are you so? A sinner who is intolerable in heaven and earth is covered, who would dare to come to our practice in Yunxia Sect! "

No matter how Gu Qingfeng persuaded, Huo De resolutely refused to agree to erase the monument, saying, "Gud, my husband is wondering, why did you have to erase the monument, and you still provoke you? You don't want the husband to be nice. Is that right? You have to let the old man be impoverished, are you comfortable? "

Lao Gu Qingfeng reluctantly said, "I don't want to owe Su Shi's favor, nor do I want to have any relationship with her."

"This is a monument to the old husband's maiden's wife. Even if it's unkind, that's what the old husband owes. It has nothing to do with you, and it's not the word you asked the maiden's mother to give to the old husband. Did n’t I tell you when the old man joined? I said, boy, are you a little affectionate? "

Although Huo De said this in his mouth, in fact, deeper than anyone knows, the heavenly sentiment sent by the maiden is completely based on the face of Gu Qingfeng, so this kind of human relationship will naturally be counted in Gu Qingfeng On head.

Looking at the silent Gu Qingfeng, Huo De sighed deeply and said, "His mother, I wanted to show my face in front of your kid too much. If I knew this, I would have killed The old man did n’t bring your kid back. Forget it, the old man also knew that your kid did n’t want to owe other people ’s favor, you ... remove it. ”

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