
Vol 2 Chapter 1881: The grievances between Shengyanggong and Youdi

The atmosphere above the main hall gradually grew colder with the appearance of Shengyang Gong. No matter whether it was the Lord of the Immortals or the Lord of the Great Wonderland, no one spoke, and no one dared to speak. Looking forward to Shengyanggong's hard lessons learned from Shark Domain Master, the guy who looks like a fat pig in their eyes.


Shengyang Gong's face was sober, his expression was deep, he just stared at the Shark Elephant Domain Lord, and didn't open his mouth.

The shark elephant domain owner closed his eyes and hummed Xiao Quer, entertaining himself and pretending to be ignorant.

After a while, one of the Lords of the Xian Dynasty couldn't help it, and whispered, "Master of the domain, elder Shengyang ... come back."


at last.

The shark elephant domain owner stopped humming and opened his eyes to see Shengyang Gong, pretending to be surprised, saying: "Oh, isn't this the elder of Shengyang Gong? When did your elderly come back? Why didn't you come before you came? Say hello in advance, I'll prepare a banquet for your elderly to clean the air. "

"Thank you! Do n’t bother with the domain owner!"

Shengyang Gong didn't seem to want to talk to the shark elephant domain owner at all, and asked directly: "Dare to ask the domain owner to know what happened to our heavenly domain?"

"What's the matter?" The owner of Shark Elephant Domain held a fat ox leg, tore off a piece of raw meat, chewed it directly, and said, "Is it something that the ancestors opened? We have arranged it, and ... "

The shark elephant domain owner was interrupted by Shengyanggong and said, "The old man didn't say that his ancestors started this incident."

"What is that?"

"It was the impermissible sinner's death and resurrection!"

"You say this."

The shark-like domain owner's big hand picked up the wine jar and mumbled, took a sip, and said, "Of course, we have heard of such a big thing."

"Since the domain owner already knows, why is he still indifferent?"

"Let's wait for the will of nine days."

"The emperor's scourge on the avenue is born for misfortune, and it is even heaven and earth. These sinners are everyone's favor. Even if there is no will for nine days, I, as the immortal officer of Miluo Tianyu, have obligations and more The people ... "

This time the words of Shengyang Gong were not finished, and they were interrupted by the owner of Shark Elephant Domain, saying: "Yes, yes, your old man is right, but the question is, whether the Emperor You died or was resurrected, no one knows No, in case it is false news, then we are not busy. "

Shengyanggong yelled: "The Qingqing Pavilion's Qingqing Shangxian and the Master Kaishan have already come forward to confirm that the emperor's sinner has probably returned!"

"This ... elder elder, but your old man is an old man, how can you listen to those rumors? For the time being, whether the emperor Youdi died and was resurrected and returned, even if they really come back, what is the matter? The sinners who are born are nothing but rumors. Just listen to this stuff. How can you still take it seriously? "

"The old man really does not know whether the rumors are true. The old man only knows that nothing can happen. No matter whether the rumors are true, I and others like Xiandao cannot let him go." Shengyanggong just shouted, "For the road of threats Sinners of the world, we would rather kill one than let one go. "

"Mr. Elder, what you said is probably too much, right?" Shark Elephant Domain said: "Now the truth of the matter is not clear, you want to destroy someone, how wrong that person is!"

"Injustice? Hahahaha!"


Shengyanggong suddenly laughed loudly, and the whole hall of the laughter trembled violently. After laughing, he yelled: "How many immortals were killed by the sinner in the ancient times? How many innocent people The tragic emperor was killed, the emperor destroyed my immortal dynasty, burned me for nine days, and did not share the heavens with my nine-day immortal road. Everyone got it. Even if he was stabbed with thousands of swords, it would be difficult to resolve the old man's hate!

"Old elder, you also said that this is an ancient time thing, now it's ancient times, and those things have passed for so many years, how can you not let go of it." Shark elephant eating while The meat, while drinking, said indifferently: "Let's talk with conscience, who hasn't killed a man in the wild mess? If you don't kill, you have to be killed. If you keep holding on to this little thing Don't let go, isn't it too out of temper? "


Shengyanggong was furious, blushed, and glared at the shark-like domain owner, and yelled, "You know that the last domain owner of Miluo Tianyu was killed by the evil emperor?"

"I've heard about it, and I also heard that your oldest disciple in the old age seemed to have been killed by the Emperor? If I remember correctly, including your old man seems to be in Emperor's hands ..."

When Shengyanggong said this, the faces of the masters of the immortal dynasties and the masters of the major wonderland above the hall suddenly changed dramatically.

They all know that this is the heartache of Shengyanggong. Even though it has been so long, no one dares to bring it up in front of him, because the incident at that time was not only the pain of Shengyanggong, but also his life. The greatest shame.


Youdi is not yet Youdi, or the Chixiao King who destroyed the Xian Dynasty.

He first entered the wilderness and lived in seclusion in Miluo Tianyu.

Not long after, his identity as the King of the Xiaoxiao was exposed for some reason, and he was soon pursued by Xiandao, and the Xianting Mansion of Miluo Tianyu first rushed to encircle the You Emperor. Many people on the memory are still fresh, because a lot of fairy lords and fairyland lords also participated in the siege.

They all clearly remember how terrible the battle was when they besieged the Emperor.

If you go back to that year, these people in the fairy dynasty will never go to siege You Emperor ~ ~ because it is really terrible.

To this day, I still have a lingering fear.

In that battle, the domain master of Miluo Tianyu died, and the most beloved disciple of Shengyang Gong also died, and the emperor slaps his most painful disciple in front of Shengyanggong. Ash fly out.

Even Shengyanggong himself was hit by the Emperor with only half his life.

The reason why the war was the shame of Shengyanggong was that it was him who took the lead in besieging the Emperor You, and the loudest slogan was also him. He raised the banner of Xiandao and vowed to destroy the Emperor.

The results of it.

Hanged by the Emperor in public and beat him hard and did not say, it was a real beating. One slap followed by another slap. The beating Shengyanggong was covered with blood, and his limbs were abolished by the emperor. People stick.

This is the pain that Shengyang Gong can't erase in his life, and the biggest shame he has suffered since he practiced for hundreds of thousands of years. He can't forget it, and he will never forget it.

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