
Vol 2 Chapter 1891: God of Heaven appears

Shengyang Gong is very angry, to be exact angry!

This time he deliberately came to take the nine-day reward of the big sun dragon, and brought a hundred heavenly elders, thousands of heavenly fairy officials, so that he came to the ancient world, so that the master of the fairy dynasty Mo Ruyi did not give him No matter how bad his face is, now even the Qingzong didn't give him face.

This is how Shengyanggong can't be angry.

The immortal dynasty in the ancient world is not under the jurisdiction of Xianting Mansion. Shengyanggong may not dare to move the ink, but it does not mean that he dare not move the ancient Qing sect of the ancient world. He is the disciple of Tiandao Nuozongniang, and he doesn't even look at it.

As he said, the heavens are unjust, and he is dead.

What's more, in his mind, the Daguangguangxiandao is the true master of the avenue.

"The old husband asked you to sacrifice the Qing Emperor, just to search the whereabouts of Youdi's sinner. If you insist on not sacrificing, the old man has to suspect that you intentionally shielded Youdi's sinner."

Shengyang Gong shouted with mighty power, saying: "The old man is the elder of Tianyu. He is both the ruler of Tianyu and the master of immortal Tao. He is obliged to protect the order of Miluo Tianyu, and he is also responsible for the safety of all beings. As the elder of Tianyu, let you sacrifice the Qing Tower! "


Yun Zhi's cold face did not have too many emotional changes. If he was calm, he responded: "I said, I have never seen You Emperor, and he has never been to the Qing Dynasty. As for the Qing Tower It is also the supreme treasure of our Qing Dynasty, outsiders are not allowed to enter. "

"The old man asks you again, you still don't sacrifice!"



Shengyanggong was furious and screamed loudly.

If it is normal, he may still use persuasion and persuasion to persuade him to talk about the principle of life in the world, but now he not only has no patience to persuade, nor does he have the patience to speak any truth. Since you are obsessed, don't blame the old man for implementing the laws of heaven! "

As the words fell, Shengyanggong shouted, "Yan Ze!"

"Subordinates are here."

A middle-aged man stepped forward. The man was majestic, holding a silvery-white warrant in both hands.

Road number Yan Ze.

It is the commander of the law enforcement of Xiandao, the commander of all the laws of Xiandao. It can be said that he holds military power and is one of Shengyanggong's capable officers. The order he holds is not the other. It is the order of the law of Xiandao. Jian, with this order Jian can implement the law of immortality.

"The emperor Yunzhang of the Qing dynasty was suspected of hiding the emperor and gave it to me!"


After Yan Ze got the order, he shouted, "All the law enforcement officers of Xiandao follow orders!"


A group of eighteen Xiandao law enforcement officers stood up, also holding the Xiandao Law Order Book.

"Let me take the Suzerain Suzerain!"


Yun Zheng is still indifferent, and she still looks expressionless on her cold face, even if Shengyanggong has ordered the execution of the law of immortality, she seems to have not heard.

However, at this moment, a violent reprimand suddenly came.

"I want to see who dares to move today!"

Accompanying this voice came the condensing of dark clouds and the thunder and lightning.

Crazy dark clouds set off a stormy sea in the air like a tsunami, and the lightning flashes and thunders in it were like the angry dragons tumbling across the river.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the field was all surprised.

Regardless of whether it is a lively person or an elder immortal officer of Tianyu, even the face of Xiandao and other immortal law enforcement leaders, even the face of Shengyang Gong, have changed and changed, because everyone can feel like a shocking wave The dark clouds, under the thunderous thunder like lightning, are full of mighty power.


How could it be Tianwei?

When the crowd was frightened, four people rushed out of the Shang Qingzong.

An old-looking old man walking with a cane in front, and three people stood behind him. Like three law enforcement leaders such as Yan Ze, they all had warrants in their hands.

The difference is that the order book held by law enforcement leaders such as Yan Ze is silver and white, and the day book contains the great daylight.

The order book held by the three people behind the old man is black and white, and the immortal billowing power lies on the token!

What is even more shocking is that the three heavenly order books are not law enforcement order books, but guardian order books.

In other words, all three of them turned out to be guardians of heaven.

Doesn't it mean that the Tao of Heaven is still asleep in ancient times?

Doesn't it mean that there is no news in the ancient Taoism?

How did Shang Qingzong still have the guardians of heaven, and there are still three guardians of heaven!

what's going on?

I don't know.

No one knows.

Everyone at the scene was blinded by the three guardians of the heavens who appeared suddenly, and those who watched the crowd were knelt down on the ground and threatened to worship.

Heaven is heaven after all.

It is the head of the avenue that dominates the world for countless years.

Although Tiandao has been asleep in ancient times, it has never recovered in ancient times.

However, the awe of everybody is still deep-rooted.

This awe is the inherent awe in the bones, blood, soul.

No matter how strong your mind is, you cannot change the awe of heaven.

Mo said that they are the same for the law enforcement personnel of Xiandao, even for those in the field, including Shengyanggong himself.

"It seems that for thousands of years, Xiandao has not been idle. The forces are really getting bigger and bigger, and the hands are getting longer and longer!"

The old man walked slowly, holding a blue crutch, and a pair of turbid eyes glanced at the Celestial Celestial Officials in the field, saying, "There are so many small celestial lands in the party holding so many road orders The people of the Law of Heavenly Realm are really eye-opening to the old man, amazing! "

"Old man Shengyang Gong is the elder of Miluo Tianyu Xianting Mansion, the ruler of Miluo Tianyu rule, the ruler of Miluo Xiandao rule."

After all, Shengyanggong is an old man who has practiced for hundreds of thousands of years in ancient times. When the three guardians of the heavens appeared, he was shocked, but only shocked. Perhaps there was fear, but he was not afraid. He first reported Out of his own name, he asked aggressively: "Who dare to ask your Excellency?"

"If you don't change your name, you can't change your last name ~ ~ The Tao Lotus is the master of the heaven of this Miluo Tianyu!"


Turned out to be the master of heaven in Miluo Tianyu?

After hearing this, everyone on the court was terrified.

Shengyanggong asked in a deep voice: "The old man has been in Miluo Tianyu all his life. How do I not know that Miluo Tianyu has the ruler of Heaven!"

"You don't know too much."


Shengyanggong snorted and said, "Even if you are the master of the heavens of Miluo Tianyu, you have no right to interfere in the behavior of the old man. The old man is not only the master of the law of the Immortal Road, but also the master of the heavens of Miluo. All avenues within the domain! "

"The administrator of Tianyu has been enshrined by nine days since ancient times. Unfortunately, Xiandao cannot represent nine days. It cannot be represented now, it cannot be represented now, and it cannot be represented in the future. Therefore, you, the nine-day registered heaven master, will not recognize you. "

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