
Vol 2 Chapter 1893: Behind Benevolence and Morality

"My great day has always been my mission to protect the safety and security of the world. It is also my duty to kill the emperor sinners for the sake of the people. Regardless of whether the will of the immortal is down or not, I am waiting to be a **** Officials have the responsibility to protect the various sentient beings of Miluo Tianyu. "

Shengyanggong still just said his old-fashioned responsibilities and obligations, saying, "What's more, Yuchan and Chaoyang are returning. I believe that when they return, they will bring nine days of will."

I heard that Yuchan and Chaoyang were both returning, and the elders in the surrounding area were very happy.

Because they all know that Yuchan and Chaoyang are the two most successful people among Nai Shengyang's public disciples.

Jade toad is the throne of Nai Sin Tao.

The Chaoyang is Naixiandao Xingjun.

All are the destiny of Xiandao, and they all hold important positions above nine days.

If the king of toads and the king of Chaoyang return, then they have the confidence. If the two bring another nine-day will, then they will have nothing to worry about.

"Since the king of toads and the king of the sun will return every day, elders, I will return to the house as soon as possible to decorate them."

"Not urgent."

Speaking of Yuchan and Chaoyang, Shengyang Gong also swept away the depression just now, and his face also showed proud glory, twisting his beard, saying, "There is still a place in the ancient world, and the husband has not searched."

The people were puzzled and asked, "I don't know what the elder said?"

Shengyanggong looked at the northwest of the ancient world, and Shen Sheng said, "Yunxia Sect!"

At the hearing of Shengyanggong going to Yunxiazong to search, the elders of heaven who had been happy for the return of King Yuchan and Chaoyang Xianjun suddenly panicked.

Everyone in Miluo Tianyu knew that when Yun Xia Zong was inaugurated, the maiden Su Su personally came to congratulate him, and the monuments were all personally mentioned by the maiden lady, including the natural maiden Yun Yunshang. Present a colorful tree of life in nature.

Although Yunxia Sect was established for ten thousand years, because of the special care of the maiden and the mother of nature, it is not only famous in Miluo Tianyu, but also very famous in the heavens and worlds. When it ’s unusual, the major wonderland The major immortal dynasties, even their immortal mansion, were too late, and now Shengyanggong went to Yunxiazong to search.

Isn't this apparently difficult to live with the Virgin Mother and Mother Nature?

Who is the Virgin Mother?

What kind of character is Mother Nature?

Even Three Thousand Avenues has to give three points.

All the heavens and the worlds know that Yunxia Sect has been blessed by the two damsels. If they go to the Yunxia sect to search, it offends the Yunxia sect. Second, if they offend the two maidens, who can afford the heavens and the world? This is even more terrible than offending Tianwei in this ancient age!

"When Emperor You was young, he practiced in Yunxia Sect, and according to the old man's knowledge, there were also many Chixiao people who had a close relationship with You Emperor. If the criminal of You Emperor returned, he might have visited Yunxia Sect. "

Sheng Yanggong Shen Sheng continued: "Although Yun Xia Zong was blessed by the maiden and mother nature, I can't ignore Yun Xia Zong because of this."


As soon as the Elder Tianyu spoke, he was severely interrupted by Shengyang Gong before he finished speaking, and said, "No, but for the great power of the Sun and the Nine Heavens Immortal Road, and for the great wasteland, the safety of this multitude of sentient beings is even greater. Even if she offends the maiden and mother-in-law, the old man would not hesitate! "

"The old man is still saying that, he has a strong heart and righteousness, and is not afraid of the heavens and the earth. Ruoer and other greedy people are afraid of death. Staying here is that the old man went to Yunxiazong to search!"

Shengyanggong deserves to be Shengyanggong.

Not only can he bear such a great honor as the pillar of Miluo Tianyu, but also he can bear such a great right as the person in charge of Tianyu. For the life of the avenue, it is admirable to bow and die, and it is very admirable. His words also won After the full hall, the fairies gathered here all applauded and shouted for cheering. Many young people stood up excitedly and asked to follow the Shengyanggong to Yunxiazong to search.

In the cheers of the crowd, Shengyanggong sat into the dragon's claw, and although the surrounding elders of the Celestial Celestial Officer did not want to go to Yunxiazong to search, the current situation could not allow them to not want to leave it alone. , Will offend Shengyang Gong, even if it is not offensive to Shengyang Gong, now the words of Shengyang Gong have already put them up as the Celestial Celestial Officials. If they do n’t go, they are greedy for life and fear of death. Officer, so they can only bravely go to Yunxia Sect with Shengyanggong.

Shang Qingzong, Zongnai.

Looking at the mighty contingent, Yun Zhi followed Da Ri Long Ying to Yun Xia Zong, saying, "I have heard that Shengyang Gong is righteous, jealous, hateful, selfless, and fearless of power. I saw it today, and it really deserves its name, but it ’s a pity. He didn't know how complicated and terrible it was. He did such a blind search and wondered if it would cause trouble. "


The mother-in-law of Lotus, holding a cane, was also looking at the large and violent departure of the team, and laughed: "Well, I can't think of you even being fooled by this hypocritical Shengyanggong."

"Mother-in-law, what do you say?"

"Sheng Yanggong is jealous like hatred is not false, he is righteous ~ ~ and even honest and honest, not afraid of power and not fake, but to say that his grandfather is selfless, it is too fake and too fake." "Old people have seen many people in this life. They are full of benevolence, morality, and hypocrisy. Many old people have also seen old people, but to say that people like Sheng Yang live the hypocrisy, and old people admire him. Very naive. "

Some Yun did not understand, and asked, "Live hypocrisy into reality?"

"Shengyanggong has always been very ambitious, but he hides deeply and disguises well, and he is very greedy, and can even say that he is greedy for fame. You think he did it. Are those so-called fair things really for the sake of so-called justice? No! He just wants to use them to raise his prestige. "

Mother-in-law of Lotus sat in the gazebo, drinking tea, and continued: "Many and many people who came to Miluo Tianyu from all directions this time wanted to use this to enhance their prestige and become famous. Those avenues are, those avenues. The destiny is that Shengyang Gong is no exception. "

"However, Shengyanggong is relatively smart. Jiutianxiandao did not lower his will. Other avenues dare to shout slogans. Shengyanggong is not just shouting slogans. He uses actual actions to enhance his prestige. First, It was announced to Tianyu, and then martial law was comprehensive. Now it is even more popular to come to the ancient world to search the whereabouts of You Emperor. "

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