
Vol 2 Chapter 1916: Commitment of the year

The sky is empty.

Shengyanggong was supported by a group of Celestial Celestial Officials. His face was bleeding ashamed, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

He was frightened by Gu Qingfeng, and his frightened mind could not gather, his consciousness was a bit fuzzy, and his mind was always echoing the ancient Qingfeng's account of the aftermath, when he came to die,


A sharp drink came into his ear.

"Sheng Yanggong! Why don't we act according to our plan!"

This sound was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, with a trembling ear, and like a gigantic infusion, the dull Sheng Yanggong stunned suddenly.

He knew that the voice came from the elders of Danding Valley, the king of the fairy of Beiding.

These days, he has always dared to search for the whereabouts of Gu Qingfeng by taking part in the Da Ri Long Xing Xing division. It is Changsheng Pavilion that is behind him.

"What are you afraid of!"

The voice of the Emperor Beiding came again, and Shengyang Gong opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to respond, to be precise, he answered without a face.

"Don't you forget how this criminal named Gu then killed your most beloved disciple, and forgot how he made you look shameless? Did you not want revenge, snow, hate, and shame!"

"Do not!"

Shengyang Gong blushed, and angrily shouted in response: "I have not forgotten! I will never forget!"

"Since you haven't forgotten, then cheer up. This king said that this is the best opportunity to kill the Emperor, and the only opportunity. If you miss this opportunity, your enemies will never be reported again, and your shame will never be. Scrub again! "

"The old man will cheer up! I will follow the plan! You guys!"

"You can rest assured that as long as you shake your arms, King Wang will respond immediately on behalf of Dan Dinggu, as well as Zhenwu Wonderland, Haoyue Wonderland, Phantasm Family, Gulan Family, Golden Wheel Wonderland ... all will come forward to respond, and ... "

Bei Dingxian Wang said: "Don't forget, this time it is not only us who want to force Jiutian to kill the Emperor, but there are many and many existences. There are thirty-six holes in the sky, and most of the seventy-two blessed land will force Jiutianxiandao to take action. And even the Holy Land, the Forbidden Land, including the terrible strongmen who return to the market. "

Shengyanggong responded: "Maybe most of the thirty-six holes in Heaven and Seventy-two Blessed Land will force Jiutianxiandao to do it, but their purpose is different from ours. They just want to stir up the battle between Youtian and Jiutian, and I want You Emperor died without reincarnation! "

"You're right. Their purpose is really different from ours. But as long as you provoke Jiutian to take action on Youdi, then Jiutian will annihilate Youdi at all costs. You should know that the King will not lie to you. If we do, the people in Dandinggu will not be out in force this time! "

Shengyanggong knew that the King of the King Ding did not deceive himself, not because of the trip to the nest of Dan Dinggu, but the news that his disciples Yuchan Xian and the Sun Chaoyang Xianjun brought back from Jiutian as well, as long as Jiutian decided You emperor will annihilate it at all costs.

I learned from my disciple King Yu Chanxian that the situation on Jiutianxiandao is half insisting on killing Youdi, and the other half wants to make peace with Youdi. These are mostly for this issue. The two factions of Jiutianxiandao have been arguing for a long time. long time.

"Sheng Yanggong, you do n’t need to worry too much, as long as you act according to our plan, Nine Days will inevitably act on the You Emperor. This is certain. Our ancestors said that now we are bad, as long as we are in Miluo Tianyu. With the momentum of crusade against Youdi, our ancestors can use it as a reason to kill Youdi in nine days. Others want to oppose uselessness. "

"Okay! The old man knows what to do."

"Very good! It is indeed Shengyang Gong, but what you need to do now is to tell your disciples and old officials to let them be with you, so that they won't be as shameful as before!"

"The fairy king, rest assured, the old man will not let the previous scandal repeat itself!"

Shengyanggong shook his clothes and shook his clothes. When he raised his hand, Guanghua flashed, and the blood in his ears, nose, and nose disappeared instantly. He was still lost, and his spirits changed in a blink of an eye.

Heishui Mountain.

Gu Qingfeng didn't know the plan of Shengyanggong and others, and still hugged the black water maiden in Qingqing me and me. He took Long Ding fine wine, drank a few glasses, and asked, "What kind of wine is this stuff?"

"Wine for Brother Youdi."

"Helping?" Gu Qingfeng wondered, "What help?"

The black water maiden nestled in the arms of Gu Qingfeng and smiled charmingly: "You guessed it."

"Shouldn't it be a fun bar for Fish and Water?"

"Hehehe ..."

Hei Shui Niang Niang laughed especially ecstatically, and said, "Brother Youdi guessed it right. Why don't we go to Yushui Huan now? Okay?"

"Now? Not now."


The black jade hand of the mother-in-law is not sure when she has reached into Gu Qingfeng's chest, her fingertips are scratching, and her eyes are full of resentment: "Is Brother Youdi stumped and doesn't want a slave?"

"I want to think, but I have to finish my business, what if we are having fun, what about trouble?"

"I don't know what trouble Youdi said."

"A lot of trouble in heaven and earth."

"Haha ... Since these are troubles for Youdi's brother, why don't you kill them? Isn't it a hundred if you kill them?"

"Kill them?" Gu Qingfeng laughed. "Big sister, do you look too good to you?"

"What? Brother Youdi has no confidence in himself or does he have the courage?"

"I have neither confidence nor courage."

"Hehe ... Brother Youdi, don't deceive the slaves."

"How could grandpa lie to you?"

"If Brother Youdi didn't have the courage, why show up again? Isn't it better to hide?"

"What does this say, do you think Grandpa wants to show up? It's not that you're trying to seduce Grandpa here."

"Hehehehe ... so, Brother Youdi gave the slave family a big face today."

"Of course."

"If this ... what if the trouble in heaven and earth is to kill Brother Youdi?"

"What else can you do ~ ~ cold salad."

"Hehe, Brother Youdi is really joking, the slaves don't want to kill you."

"Really fake?" Gu Qingfeng looked down at the black water maiden in his arms and said, "How do I think you are here today to want this little life of Grandpa?"

"Brother Youdi, the slave family likes you so much, how can you bear to kill you? Moreover, the slave family still remembers Brother Youdi's commitment to the slave family."

"What promise?"

"Brother Youdi forgot? You promised your slave family under the Blackwater Mountain."

"Is this the case? Why doesn't Grandpa remember?" Gu Qingfeng thought for a while, shook his head, and said, "It must be that you remember it wrong. Grandpa has never been to Heishui Mountain before."

"Brother Youdi is a real rogue ... Fortunately, a witness was present today to prove Brother Youdi's commitment to the slave family."

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