
Vol 2 Chapter 1932: Whose person did you take me away from?

After witnessing the ashes of the male Emperor Shengyang flying, all the representatives of the giants gathered in Miluo Tianyu were in danger.

They want to move, but dare not move.

Want to run, but dare not run.

If you want to fight, don't dare.

Even for help, they dare not speak out for help.

Facing the ancient Qingfeng like death, they dared not do anything and could not do anything. The only thing they could do was wait and wait for the judgment belonging to the ancient Qingfeng.

"Are the immortal officials of the Miluo Tianyu Xianting Mansion?"

The voice of the ancient Qingfeng came, and the thousands of immortal officials in Miluo Tianyu were all scared souls flying away. Shengyanggong also had people who could ask for help, but they did n’t even have a person who could ask for help, so they could only be there, scared. At a loss.


The ancient Qingfeng drank with a sound of slamming, and a thousand sage officials were still somehow. He knelt in the air. This kneeling, kneeling seven bleeds, his veins were broken, and the kneeling body practiced for tens of thousands of years. The cultivation of Xiu disappeared, the spirit of spirit disappeared, only one breath was dying.

"The death penalty is unavoidable, and the living crime is unavoidable. Today ’s waste and other practices are punished with small punishments. In the second half of my life, I lay in bed and figure out what is the price and the consequence!"

Although these immortal officials did not die.

But it just didn't die.

Not only cultivation is abolished, but people are also abolished. In the second half of my life, it is impossible to say whether cultivation is self-care or not.

"Who is it, pull me away!"

Gu Qingfeng raised his hand, and the dying thousands of immortal officials were thrown into the corners of Miluo Tianyu in all directions like leaves.

"You are no exception! All kneel down to me!"

It was another prestige.

In the void of Miluo Tianyu, there are more than 10,000 representative figures of the giants from all sides. They slammed on the ground and knelt on the ground. Like the fairy officials, they all had seven tricks bleeding, their veins were broken, and they were all built to disappear , All have become wasteful.

"Where did you come from, go back to me!"

As soon as the ancient Qingfeng raised his hand, more than 10,000 dead people flew out like sweeping autumn leaves.

"Same for you! Give me all!"

With a bang, those countless avenue puppets did not even have the opportunity to kneel. On the spot, Gu Qingfeng was rolled over, and the shock was not Qiqiao bleeding, flesh and blood flying, not repairing, or cracking. Stay and fly all out.

Looking at this scene.

Those who hid in all sides of the world and stared at it were shivering, both grateful and fearful.

Fortunately, I did not participate in the crusade against you, otherwise ... definitely, like these people, they will be repaired and lost, and become a waste.

Death is not terrible.

The terrible thing is that it is half dead.

I ca n’t survive, I ca n’t die, I lie in bed all my life, endlessly endless suffering and torture.

Think about it all.

Of course.

In addition to rejoicing and fearing, there is more fear, the terrible power of the horrible emperor.

Most of the representatives of these giants are immortal masters who have climbed the ladder in ancient times, and their strength is extraordinary.

Those arrogant avenues are the new and ancient rookies in various heavens and fields, among which are the top ten immortals in the wild, such as Shijie, Fang Ying, and Yunfan. Each one can be called a great creature, and in front of You Emperor, Even the station was unstable, and he drank with a prestige.

How can one not fear?

Heishui Mountain.

The old beggar looked at the scene and drank a cup of Longding wine, and said, "This kid's method is really enough. He must see that the avenue destiny is the pit that the giant ancestors dug for him, so Well, this boy just didn't jump into the pit, but his mother directly abolished everyone else. "

"The old man wondered that the hearts of the giant ancestors were bleeding. They originally expected this kid to kill the destiny of the avenue, and then forced Xiandao and Tiandao to come out. I am afraid no one would have thought that this kid would play such a hand. They even made everyone else dead without saying a word. The life and death of these people, Xiandao will not care, heaven does not care, what to do, go out to save it, it ’s not worthwhile to give up all the achievements, and the kid realized that he was killed In this way, there will be some people killed together. Even those ancestors will not be able to save them. They can only watch their apprentices and grandchildren become wasteful ... "

The old beggar sighed: "The giant ancestors gave this boy a series of sleeves on the front feet. The kid's hind feet drew on the heart of the giant ancestors. This is really a master's trick, and the trick is fatal. It is wonderful!"

"But ..." The words turned, and the old beggar looked at the only group of destiny in the void, and asked doubtfully: "Does this guy dare to take action on these destiny?"

Hei Shui Niang Niang said faintly: "I said that all things in this world, only he wanted or did not want to, never dare or dare not."

"Sister Heishui, you didn't understand the meaning of the old man. It's not just the guts that you need to kill the destiny of the avenue."

"Do you mean, my brother Emperor has no ability to obliterate these destiny?"

"Erasing the destiny of these roads is easy, and it is not too difficult for this kid. The key lies in the nine heavens and the mysterious heaven."

The old beggar continued: "Even if the kid really dares to do something to Dadao Destiny, would Jiudaxiandao agree? Tiandao would agree? Jiutian is famous for his short-term protection, and he still expects these Dadaotians to dominate the world in the future. It is impossible to sit idly by and ignore it. As for the Tao ... the old man is not aware of the Tao of the Tao and does not know what the Tao is intended to do, but one thing is certain, if the Tao wants to return to the top of the avenue in ancient times It is unlikely that someone will be allowed to provoke Tiandao ’s hegemony, not to mention, the old man also found several Tiandao law enforcement agents in Miluo Tianyu, and they should have come for this matter. ”

"Also ..."

The old beggar analyzed: "Taking back ten thousand steps, even if Jiutianxiandao really gave up these destiny destiny, if Tiandao ignored it, those ancestors lying in the dark would not allow this kid to obliterate them, and would certainly ignore them. Everything shot. "

"So, if this kid wants to obliterate the destiny of the avenue, he must pass three passes. The first pass is Xiandao, the second pass is Tiandao, and the third pass is the giant ancestors. Any one of these three levels is shot. No kid is likely to obliterate the fate of the avenue. "

Hei Shui Niang asked gently, "Would you like to make a bet?"

"What bet?"

"I bet my brother Youdi can obliterate these avenue destinies ~ ~ If you lose."

"If your aunt loses, I will give you the black water mountain you have been watching for so long!"

Upon hearing this, the old beggar stood up excitedly and asked, "Is this true?"

"Of course, but ... if you lose ... you have to deal with your aunt."

"what's up."

"What happened, I will tell you afterwards, how about it, old beggar, do you dare to gamble?"

"Wait!" The old beggar stared at the blackwater mother with a chin, skeptical: "How does the old man feel like a pit!"

The black water maiden shrugged and said nothing: "The good show is about to start, you still don't gamble."

"Okay! The old man bet on you! I don't believe this kid can turn the sky!"

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