
Vol 2 Chapter 1977: Terrible era of injustice

"The old man knows that your boy has no way out, but ... is it that your decision is a bit too sudden?" Huo De's body and bones could not bear the natural and **** impermanence, and he could only drink his own wine. , Asked, "Did the Mother of Heaven tell you something last night?"

"She didn't say anything, I didn't believe what she said." Gu Qingfeng shook his head and said, "That girl is not a good bird. You stay away from her in the future. No matter what she says, you go in and out of your left ear. Don't think about it. "

"This ... isn't it?" Huo De frowned, and said, "The old man thinks that Heavenly Lady is okay? It's very approachable. You ridiculed others yesterday, and they were not angry."

"People like her don't even have a passion for sex, and they are so angry and angry. I just stripped her clothes out in person, and she won't be angry." Gu Qingfeng laughed shamefully: "Also approachable? Tell you Well, the ancient name you saw is what she wants you to see. "

"What did I see that the heavenly lady wanted me to see? What do you mean?"

"Now you close your eyes, can you think of what the ancient unknown looks like?"

After hearing Gu Qingfeng's words, Huo De tried it. After closing his eyes, his impression of the ancient namelessness was very vague. As for what he looked like, he couldn't remember it. It felt like a dream, knowing that he had a dream. But in the end there was no impression of having a dream.

Huode was puzzled, and asked curiously, "How can this be?"

Gu Qingfeng said: "So, I said that the ancient nameless you saw was what she wanted you to see. To put it plainly, the ancient namelessness you saw was your own imagination."

"That is to say, the goddess who came yesterday was a fake? Incarnation?"

"It's not fake, it's not an incarnation, but ... how do you say, for a while and a half, I can't understand, the girl is really fake, false, real, mysterious, misty, and more The terrible thing is that the girl's words and deeds can quietly control your thoughts. What she said has an inexplicable contagion, which makes you extremely convincing and does not cause any doubt. You do n’t know what happened. Thought may be affected ... the means are brilliant. "

"This ... Guy, wouldn't you say that your thoughts are being controlled by the goddess of motherhood?"

"I want to be my nameless girl to control my thoughts, but she must have this ability."

Huo De gave the ancient Qingfeng a glance, and he really couldn't get used to the proud and self-righteous appearance of the ancient Qingfeng.

"Your old boy has been foolish and frustrating all these years, and honestly closed it for a while, don't know how he died when his mother was killed by someone else."

"Is it so serious?" Huo De asked, looking into his head, "is it really going to happen that something big is going on in these heavens and earth?"

"I do n’t know if a big thing will happen. The only thing I know is that the heavens and earth in the future will not be as peaceful as it is today, and it may be even more chaotic than expected. Come to me. She came to me and said what was the misunderstanding. These are nonsense. He has only one purpose for me. "

"What's the purpose?"

"I just want to make me understand that the prologue of the era of the Tao has already begun. After the prologue has begun, no one can imagine what it is, including a causal incarnation such as the ancient nameless envoy."

"Good guy!" Huode murmured: "If even the heavenly maiden can't imagine, what's going to happen is really terrible!" Then, Huode thought of something again, and quickly asked: "Yes. , Tianji Niangniang tells you that the prologue of the Wudao era has begun, what does it mean? "

Gu Qingfeng shrugged and signaled that he didn't know.

"Does she want to tell you not to go against the sky and try to get rid of the original sin, but to go down to the sky and accept destiny to meet the beginning of the era of injustice?"

"If you ask me about this, I don't know, and I'm too lazy to think about it. I wouldn't dare to think about this **** little girl who was unknown, and I won't be able to catch her."

Gu Qingfeng stood up and poured a glass of wine for Huode, and said, "You don't care about my affairs. You should worry about your own affairs."

"What's wrong with my husband? I am neither a person of original sin nor an interest in the era of injustice."

"Although you are not a man of original sin, and you have no interest in the era of injustice, but in most of your past lives, you are a person in the era of injustice."

Hearing that Gu Qingfeng raised his past life, Huo De said, "Your boy will not say it, the old man will soon forget it."

"Your past life is lost, god-sounding, and there is one thing I have never told you."

"what's up?"

"Your past life seems to know me."

"Knowing you? Isn't that possible?" Huo De said in surprise: "The old man's previous life was a man of the Wayless Age. How could he know your kid?"

"Yeah, I'm also very puzzled. How could you have known me since your past life was obviously a person of the Infidelity Age."

"If you think about it, the old man thinks that this is not rare. Since the previous life of the old man came out, the old man has often been unable to distinguish between reality and dreams, and is a bit confused with the memory of the previous life. It ’s still the previous life, so is the old man. The old man ’s memory of the previous life may be confused? ”

"Maybe so, and I hope so, otherwise ..." Gu Qingfeng laughed. "That would be too evil."

"Why the hell?"

"Nonsense, what does it mean if your previous life knows me and has nothing to do with you in this life? Your previous life is a person from a wicked age. His mother knows me. Not only is the cause and effect reversed, but his mother ’s time is reversed, the past becomes the future, and the future becomes the past ... "

"What's past and what's the future," Huo De said, scratching his head. "It's too messy."

Gu Qingfeng stared at Huo De ~ ~ with a serious look and didn't speak anymore.

Because he suddenly thought of something terrible.

What kind of existence is there in the era of injustice?

The ancient namelessness said that destiny had fallen, and it had fallen in the era of injustice, and also that the cause and effect had been disordered, and it had begun to be disordered since the era of injustice.

Will the confounding cause and effect be reversed?

Causes, consequences?

If the cause and effect are reversed, will the light also be reversed at that time?

The past becomes the future, and the future becomes the past?

"Every ancient catastrophe is taking place, the endless reincarnation is reincarnation, the cause and effect of past and present are seen, whoever lives and who needs to see the sky ..."

Gu Qingfeng muttered this sentence, seeming to understand, and seemed more confused, he looked at the night sky, just looked at it for a long time without saying a word.

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