
Vol 2 Chapter 2028: Sour feeling

Abandoned ancient black hole.

The ancient breeze is still lonely. A person follows the waves in the turbulence, and has been thinking about a problem in his mind.

That is whether my state of mind has been changed by the ancient nameless influence.

If your mood is really affected, what will it be?

Does the ancient namelessness prevent oneself from seeking the original sin, or does it imply that oneself seeks the original sin?

The original ancient Qingfeng thought that the ancient namelessness should prevent himself from seeking the original sin. After all, the ancient namelessness is the cause and effect incarnation of fate, and he is the original sin variable. According to common sense, the ancient namelessness cannot make himself the original sin.

You must know that God, the original sin, is a key to the era of innocence, which is of great significance and even affects the future.

With such an important existence, think about it with my toes and know that fate may have already been scheduled, cause and effect are already doomed, and one may be chosen.

For ten thousand steps back, even if fate is not planned, and cause and effect are not doomed, the ancient namelessness will not allow itself to be such a sin variable.


This is the cause and effect of chaos.

If such a variable becomes God, the original sin, and thus opens up the era of infidelity, wouldn't the future cause and effect be more chaotic? It is not impossible to cause chaos in all causes and effects.

As the namelessness of the incarnation of cause and effect, such things will never be allowed to happen.

I later thought about it, especially when thinking of Xiao Jin'er, and felt that the ancient namelessness was not to stop herself, but to imply that she was trying to rob God of original sin.

Whether Gu Jiner was destined to be the original sin of God, Gu Qingfeng was not very sure, but it felt as if it was, and when he asked, the ancient name was not denied, which was very important. There was no denial, indicating that Xiao Jiner May become the original sin God, coupled with Gu Qingfeng's own feelings, and those words that Xiao Jiner said, the more Gu Qingfeng thought, the more he felt that Xiao Jiner might really be the destined original sin God.

Even, Gu Qingfeng suspected that Xiao Jin'er already knew, not only did Xiao Jin'er know, but perhaps 亘 gu's name was also known, but Xiao Jin'er did not say, and 亘 gu's name was not.

I tried to think of it, if Xiao Jin'er was really destined to God, the original sin.

The ancient breeze would not hesitate to **** the seat of God, the original sin. He would rather be the God of the original sin, rather than Xiao Jin'er to bear it all.


The ancient breeze is sure, and the ancient unnamed must know that he will do so.

I know now.

Even if the ancient name was unknown, let Jin Jiner go to Miluo Tianyu to find herself. She must also be able to deduce the appearance of Xiao Jiner, which will definitely affect her mood and decision.

Under this circumstance, isn't ancient nameless suggesting that he is going to rob God of original sin?

If the ancient nameless really wants to stop himself from robbing God, the original sin, I'm afraid he won't let Xiao Jin'er meet with him at all.

to be frank.

Isn't Xiaojun Jin's nameless chess piece ancient, and Gu Qingfeng doesn't know, he doesn't want to know, even if Xiaojiner is really a piece of unknown name chess, he recognizes it.

The only thing he couldn't figure out was, if the ancient namelessness really implied that he wanted to rob the original sin, God, what was the purpose?

Isn't she the incarnation of cause and effect, the messenger of fate?

If you ca n’t grab the original sin, God, but if you finally grab the original sin, then it ’s not just a matter of robbing true life, it ’s so simple to change your life against the sky. It is not important that the variables open the era of the Waylessness. It is not important. The important thing is that there are so many secrets hidden in the Age of the Waylessness. Even her fate is buried in the Age of the Waylessness. Keep all the secrets for yourself?

After thinking about it for a long time, Gu Qingfeng always couldn't understand it. I didn't know what medicine was sold in this ancient gourd. The headache was sore, and I finally didn't want to.

I sell whatever medicine he loves, and let him go.

As the ancient Qingfeng became deeper and deeper in the turbulent vortex, not only the turbulent wave became more and more intense, but the force of the shock became more and more terrible. The odds are also getting bigger and bigger, and they will be entangled in turbulence. Although they can be rushed out by their own strength, it is not always the way to go.

And when you go with the current, you must avoid the turbulence and the impact of the turbulence. It can be said that it is laborious and tiring, tossing for so long, exhausting the ancient breeze, this exhaustion is not only physical, mental It was especially tired.

The ancient breeze glanced at it, following the current in this turbulent vortex, it felt like being lost in the endless darkness, not even a touch of light and a touch of hope.

Ye really deserves to be an ancient black hole. The mother of this black hole is not shallow. Gu Qingfeng doesn't know how long it will stay in the black hole vortex.

Moaning for a moment, simply no longer continued to follow the waves, leaving the body to drift in the turbulent vortex.

Either he was swallowed by the turbulent stream, or he was struck by the turbulent stream. Gu Qingfeng didn't care. He just wanted to take a break now. He was really tired.

When drifting, he did not seal himself like the previous powers. Not only did he not have a seal, he had not closed the whole body of the aura, nor had he sacrificed any power to guard the flesh, so naked in the turbulent vortex. Floating.

的 The consequences of doing so are dangerous.

Because the power of turbulence is too powerful and terrible ~ ~ Every turbulence is coming like a blast of space, and it feels like a stimulus, which is even more crazy than the ancient Qingfeng who accepted the trial on the road .

If it is swallowed by the turbulent stream, if you are lucky, you can still fall into a forgotten space. The key is that it is already in the depths of the turbulent vortex. There is no forgotten space at all. Those forgotten spaces can not withstand the impact of the turbulent stream. .

Now that Gu Qingfeng is swallowed by the turbulence, let alone how sour that feeling is, it ca n’t be refreshed anymore, it feels like being raped by a lot of space, the endless turbulence tears his flesh, He then burrowed into his burrow and rushed into his body, as if swallowed up by countless ants.

Painful and sour.

This is the feeling of Gu Qingfeng.

Even so, he still didn't stop, but instead actively opened the whole body and let the endless turbulence flow into the body.

It wasn't that he had a tendency to be abused, but it was because he suddenly found out that this was a good way to get rid of blood.


Is Yijin blood circulation!

Since Gu Qingfeng lit the fire of the original sin industry in Wudao Mountain and awakened after ten thousand years of sleep, his physical body has completely decayed, no matter it is the internal organs, the meridian, the blood, etc., everything is rusty. same.

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