
Vol 2 Chapter 2032: Deep Sea Horror


When she saw the witch, the Daxing epic hurriedly asked, "What is going on here? Why are so many weird turbulent vortexes popping up in the wild black hole!"

The sorceress woke up as if she hadn't heard it, staring closely at the endless number of swirling vortexes that were spinning wildly.


The monk yelled again, but unfortunately, the witch still did not respond.

Rather than respond, Witch sinks down.

The Daxing epic followed closely behind, and the more they searched down, the smaller the turbulent vortex became, just as the size of an arm, gradually becoming like a willow branch, and then continued down. The silk is even thinner.

This has come to an end. Exactly, the Daxing epilepsy has discovered the source of these turbulent swirls.

"What the **** is this?"

Looking at the source of the turbulent vortex, the Daxing epilepsy felt only scalp numbness. The source of the vortex looked like a deep-sea monster with hair all over it, which was very weird, especially the endless lines were as thin as hair. When the whirlpool spins wildly, how do you see how terrible.

What a horrible void beast conceived from the ancient black hole?

Hey or his mysterious unknown existence?

Dahang Lemon looked at the witch, and found that the witch had been staring at the source of the vortex. He called again several times, but the witch did not respond. In desperation, Dahang Lemon watched it for a while, and couldn't see it. Exactly what this thing is, take a deep breath now, ready to go boldly and see.

I just prepared to pass, but shook my head. After thinking about it, I do n’t know what it is. The monster of Lao Zizi does not know what it is. It is all turbulent turbulence, and it is not a messy master at first glance. Disturb the monster, but then you can't eat it.

and many more!

Suddenly, the monk found that something was wrong. The more he looked at the source of the vortex, the more weird he felt, and he felt like a person.


I am alone!

Just, is this possible?


A person is entangled in an endless stream of whirlpools?

I ca n’t say that it ’s a person, it ’s a god. If it ’s entangled with so many turbulent swirls, I ’m afraid I wo n’t be able to carry it. Great, but the power was particularly scary. When he got into it, even his immobile gold body was swept with hot pain.

This is just getting trapped, and in less than a breath, the monk rushed out. He couldn't imagine how it would be if it was swept by an endless number of turbulent vortexes for such a long time. Horrible things.


The Daxing epilepsy took a deep breath and decided to sacrifice his own fire eyes and golden eyes to see what he said. Just do it. When the Daxing epithet closed his eyes and opened it again, his eyes were like a torch, more like two rounds of big day. Shot two golden brilliance to shine in the past.

When this photo was taken, the Daxing epilepsy stopped.

发现 He found that the existence entangled by endless turbulent swirls is neither a void beast nor a monster, but he is really a man!

The man sat cross-legged, folded his hands, closed his eyes, as if he was entering.

I thought this person was entangled by an endless number of turbulent swirls, but after the investigation of the golden eyes of the fire, the Daxing epilepsy found that this was not the case at all. These turbulent swirls did not entangle the person, more like Born from this person, like ... like a monkey with monkey hair.

The difference is that the monkey's face, palms, and soles are pretty clean, but this person's body, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth are all covered with turbulent swirls. It feels like these turbulent swirls are like It grows from the pores and holes in the whole body, which is extremely shocking.

Speaking of them, Daxing Leng Monk was both an ancient tribe and a strong man of the ancient times. Even after reincarnation, he was a senior from cultivation in the ancient times to the present. Whether it is experience or knowledge, it is very comparable.


Now seeing this scene, after witnessing a person covered with turbulent vortexes, the Daxing epic was still holding his breath in fright, and his heart could not stop shaking.

Damn it!

I've really lived for a long time and can encounter rare things.

什么 Who is this guy?

What kind of existence is, and why was it settled in a black hole in the desert?

Why is He covered with turbulence?

究竟 What is he doing? Still dead?

I don't know.

Because the man was covered with turbulent vortexes, even if the monk sacrifice his eyes with fire and golden eyes, he could not see the other person ’s looks, and he could n’t sense the other person ’s spiritual breath. Even the other person was dead or alive, he could n’t see it. come out.

After a moment of thinking, Daxing epilepsy prepares to give a sacrifice of consciousness and take a closer look.

Although it is extremely dangerous to sacrifice consciousness in the ancient black hole, it is especially necessary to investigate the unknown existence. It is trivial to accidentally overwhelm the consciousness, and the mind, consciousness, and even the soul will be severely affected.

However, in order to figure out what this is all about, the Daxing episcopal didn't care about any danger or danger. He took a few steps forward to the edge of the turbulent vortex, and then he sacrificed his consciousness and carefully explored the past.

In this wild ancient black hole, the naked eye's visibility is almost zero.

Because there are turbulence everywhere in the ancient black hole, and each turbulence contains a lot of space.

The naked eye cannot penetrate these spaces at all ~ ~ Just like ordinary people cannot see the things behind a wall.

The fire eye golden eyes of Daxing epic can penetrate the turbulent space, but that's all. The fire eye golden eyes can penetrate one turbulent flow, and it can also penetrate nine or ten. The more blurred they look.

Divine knowledge.

Divine knowledge is a spiritual power. You can change everything through the appearance of everything and observe its essence. You can't hide it from the naked eye, but you can't hide it.

of course.

The premise is that the consciousness is strong enough.

A monk in Daxing thinks that his consciousness is quite strong, and he knows that the endless turbulence of turbulence is not too far away. At the time of sacrifice, he was fully prepared. However, when his consciousness touched chaos When the whirlpool flowed, it was instantly disturbed. The Daxing epilepsy crossed his heart, protected the mind for the first time, and forcibly urged the sense of God to continue his investigation.

With his unremitting efforts, the Daxing epilepsy finally determined that this guy was really a person, because his divine knowledge had detected the weak human interest, and continued to explore, nothing was left.

There is no other spiritual breath on this guy except human interest, just like the ordinary people in the secular world, but what makes the Daxing monk strange is that the more he explores, the more he feels about this human interest. Some are familiar, and they are not familiar anymore.

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