
Vol 2 Chapter 2091: Gamble with fate


The Black Pig Demon King is right. If someone really had questioned the original sin God in the ancient times, and also opened the innocent era, then this time in the ancient times, the original sin God recorded in the book of destiny in the ancient times may be born.

Alas, even the Black Pig Demon King knows, let alone Gu Qingfeng.

他 When he stepped into the ancient black hole, when he noticed that there are a lot of black ancient holes staring at himself, he already felt that the appearance of the ancient ancient ruins was absolutely extraordinary.

"Uncle Gu, say something you do n’t like to hear. If you do n’t show up in the ancient ruins, even if you leave now, do n’t dare to say how safe it is. At least those people who are jealous of you will not target you, they will be busy. It is impossible to fight for the original sin of the wild ancient black hole at this time. "

"But if you stay in the ancient ruins, the situation will be very different. You always ignited the fire of the original sin and awakened the original sin in Wudao Mountain. Those grandchildren suspected that you were always destined to God, the original sin. They are afraid that you will always ask God for God in the ancient ruins, so they will stop you at all costs.

This time the Black Pig Demon King was right again.

The ancient ancient breeze also felt that if this time he did not come to the ancient black hole, it might be another result, and even the fate would not be impossible.

Imagine that if someone in the wild and ancient era had really asked God, then if the ancient ruins are still in existence in this ancient time, then God may have become the original sin.

As long as someone becomes the God of Original Sin, even if there is such a sign, or even a sign, the ancient Qingfeng can live the leisurely life he dreamed of, and those who exist in heaven and underground will not bother him again.

If before, Gu Qingfeng said nothing and turned away, just as the black pig demon king said, as far as the distance goes, no matter where you go, it is better than staying here, for the life of your dreams, He is happy to bet on fate, even though he has never won.

I'm a pity.

I just did it before.

古 The ancient breeze today will not leave.

If you want to leave, you will leave as long as the Daxing episcopal bitter mother persuades him to leave, and you will not wait until now.

I used to.

His attitude towards original sin is to take it easy, let it be, and live one day at a time.

Now he doesn't want to let it go.

This attitude change started from Miluo Tianyu. To be precise, the appearance of three people changed his attitude.

One is Xiao Jiner.

One is Jun Xuan.

There is also one who is old and unknown.

After seeing Xiao Jin'er, Gu Qingfeng had a faint feeling, feeling that he was not the original sin God recorded in the book of destiny, Xiao Jiner was.

Is this feeling an illusion? Gu Qingfeng didn't know. He only knew that he had promised Xiao Jiner. If the world couldn't fit Xiao Jiner, he would destroy it.

This is not a joke.

Is a promise.

Is the first and only promise of Gu Qingfeng in his life.

既然 Since he promised Xiao Jin'er, he will definitely do it.

After seeing Jun Xuan 天 in Luo Tianyu, Gu Qingfeng's mood was very complicated, especially the pair of blank eyes on Jun Xuan 玑 ’s beautiful face, which made him very sad.

Xun Junxuan was lost because the original sin was also lost because of the cause and effect, perhaps because of herself.

Although Gu Qingfeng didn't promise anything to Jun Xuan 玑, he secretly vowed from the bottom of his heart, doing everything he could to surely let the lost Jun Xuan 自我 find himself free from the loss.

When he was in Miluo Tianyu, he also saw the ancient nameless.

Until now, he didn't want to understand the real purpose of 亘 Anonymous to find himself.

He was also unclear whether Wu Guming wanted to prevent himself from seeking the original sin, or implied that he was seeking the original sin.


The ancient breeze did not know whether his mood was changed, whether it was affected by Xiao Jin'er, Jun Xuanyi's influence, or the ancient nameless influence.

I wonder.

I know nothing.

He didn't know that he wanted to seek the original sin.

Whether it is for Xiao Jiner or Jun Xuan 玑, even for himself, he also asks for the original sin and gambles with fate.

As for winning or losing.

That is the future.

He said it plainly, this time the ancient breeze was directed at the original sin in the ancient ruins, so how could he leave.

Since his mind has been decided, Gu Qingfeng will never change.

next to.

Looking at the silent Gu Qingfeng, the black pig demon king thought he was moving, and said carefully: "Uncle Gu, the younger has no other meaning, if you do n’t like to listen, you should be a younger. did not say."

The black pig demon king persuaded Gu Qingfeng sincerely, and he was grateful to Gu Qingfeng for his strong vitality.

of course.

The black pig demon king also played his own abacus, and when he wanted to come, if Gu Qingfeng decided to leave, maybe he could be taken away, so that Gu Qingfeng was safe, and he was safe, and it was absolutely good for two things.

Before he came, the Black Pig Demon King brought all his properties and decided to gamble on the ancient ruins. He doesn't want to be the God of the original sin. He only needs to take the original sin body. Incarnation is also possible. If you are lucky, get an innate magic weapon of the avenue, or some primitive blood, or the consciousness and magic of the ancestor of the avenue.

捞 Just pick one, and no matter who becomes the original sin God ~ ~ who will open the era of infidelity, at least he will have a place.

I just.

Dreams are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Youdao said that he died before leaving the school, and when he came to the ancient ruins, he was seriously injured without even catching his hair, and he was seriously injured. He also encountered Gu Qingfeng.

The Black Pig Demon King is pondering on his current situation, saying that it is difficult to say if he can pick up some treasures in the ancient ruins, especially if he hears the ancient Qingfeng said that there may still be dozens of ancient times in the ancient black hole. Old guy, plus what is the ruins of the ruins of the ruins, the holy land of the forbidden land, nine days and nine secluded, the great wasteland giants moving the heavens and blessings, and so on should not come are his mother.

猪 The black pig demon king thought about himself and left. He didn't expect to catch any baby, so it was important to save his life.

Squinting expectantly Gu Qingfeng took himself away from here, never thinking that Gu Qingfeng just smiled and said nothing.

Elder Gu Qingfeng did not say, and he did not dare to continue to ask.


At this moment, a thunder exploded, and the whole ancient ruins of the earthquake seemed to be shaking violently.

"what's the situation?"

The ancient breeze looked over, and suddenly found a distant sky rising from the sky.

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