
Vol 2 Chapter 2114: Incredible

Hands on.

It all started.

First Loulan Blessed Land, then Zixia Wonderland, and then Yuhua Wonderland, even the two Celestial Immortals of the Qing Dynasty killed the ancestors with a group of ancestors. Various immortal kings and ancestors add up More than a hundred people.

Only the Hao Lei family did not take action.

Although the Hao Lei family is a big family known as Dahuang, it is only a family in the final analysis. No matter its influence or strength, it is not as big as the barbaric giants, and it is not as good as it is.

Although they came to the ancient ruins this time, they also wanted to seize the original sin, but the current situation is too chaotic, and they are chaotically unable to start, and they do n’t know how to start.

The most important thing is that the Hao Lei family has always traveled in the wild with the word chivalry, which can be famous in all circles, relying on the word chivalry.

Hao Lei's family couldn't do it while people were in danger.

If the word chivalry is violated, the Hao Lei family would rather abandon the so-called original sin opportunity.

In addition to the Hao Lei family, a small number of people in the Shang Qingzong did not take action.

This time the people from the Qing dynasty came from three worlds, one is the blue sun world led by the Qinghong monarch, the other is the Guifeng world led by the Chifeng monarch, and the ancient world led by the Yunzhang monarch.

The Qinghong ruler of the Lanri world and the Chifeng ruler of the Guishui world both took action, but the ancestors of the Qing ancestors in the ancient world, such as Yunyu, did not.

The ancient world is both the hometown of Yunji and the world of the ancient Qingfeng.

The ancestors of the Shang Qingzong can be said to have deep roots with the ancient Qingfeng. After all, the ancient Qingfeng practiced in the Shangqingzong when he was young. Moreover, the only master of the ancient Qingfeng in this world is the ancestor of the Shangqingzong First, how do they get started?

There is a more important reason that they ca n’t do anything at all, that is, Gu Qingfeng and the last lord of the Qing dynasty, and also the prestigious female ancestor Ye Tianlan. The relationship between the two is very complicated, plus the female ancestor is still Master Yun Yun, with this relationship, Yun Yun is even more unlikely to take action.

If possible, Yun Yan even wanted to help out an ancient breeze.


Faced with the mysterious and terrible blood-eating tripod and many powerful incarnations, she was powerless, and she had never experienced such scenes, and she was at a loss for a moment.

The situation on the court is getting more chaotic.

No one knows exactly how many avatars came down from the sky, only to know that the avenue magical power of the sky is madly rushing into the ancient breeze that is trapped by blood.

Those incarnations are Loulan Blessing Land, Zixia Wonderland, Yuhua Wonderland, and the Shang Qing Sect. They also have more than 100 ancestors. They only have one idea now, which is to obliterate the ancient Qingfeng.

As for whether the original sin can be grabbed, it is not very important. It is the best to grab it. It doesn't matter if it can't be grabbed. What matters is that as long as it can kill the ancient Qingfeng, it is definitely a great achievement.


The magic of the heavens and the sword, the mystery and mystery of the sky, and the magical power of the sky.


The blood-eating tripod is still devouring the ancient breeze, the mysterious rune of the tripod is flashing more and more intense, and the blood swirl in the tripod is turning more and more powerful. The whole blood-trapping tripod is twisting and changing, in the blood mist China is like a wild animal that is gradually awakening.

嗷 ——

The sound of roaring from the blood-drinking tripod was like a tiger that was about to get out of trouble.

Gu Qingfeng's body was already embroiled in a **** vortex. He lowered his head, closed his eyes, and supported his arms without any movement.

Let the blood phing Ding swallow.

Let the avenues of supernatural powers smash themselves madly.

It's incredible.

No matter how powerful the blood-colored vortex in the Blood Dinger is, his body is always motionless.

No matter how powerful the avenues of sacrifice made by the gods of consciousness were, they fell into him like mud cows into the sea, but they did not hurt him, as if they were indifferent to the copper walls and iron walls.

We all know that Gu Qingfeng's physical body is incredible.


all know.

The giant ancestors who have shot have heard of it even if they have not seen it before. Because of knowing, they will only dare to shoot after the incarnation of these gods has shot.

In their thinking, these godly incarnations are more unpredictable than one, and even if Gu Qingfeng's physical body is even more powerful, he will surely be destroyed by so many masters in the face of so many masters.

But the fact is.

A group of dozens of avatars attacked for such a long time. It is impossible to say that the gray fly blown by the ancient Qingfeng did not even hurt the ancient Qingfeng. Even if it did not shake, it was really not shaken at all. No hair.

The avenue means sacrificed by dozens of **** incarnations is still like this, let alone the magical mystery sacrificed by these great waste giants.

The harder they hit, the more the bottom of the heart will be.

Not only are the ancestors of the barbaric giants more and more frightened, even those gods incarnate are also more and more uncomfortable.

Think about how it feels like you can't shake a person with every effort.


Can't understand?


Do not!

It's not ~ ~ It's a small despair, it's an unknown fear.

It's like walking against the sky, no matter how powerful you are, you can't compete with the world.

Now Gu Qingfeng feels like the world is immovable.

far away.

Looking at this scene, the demon woman's brow frowned deeply, and she couldn't understand what was going on. The stumbling guy was really the legendary immortal?

What is immortality?

Life lasts forever and lives with the sky.

Shape is inseparable, God is immortal, never worn away, eternal and immortal.

Immortal is a legend.

And it is a legend that no one has ever seen, neither the demon woman nor the old guys in the ancient times.

They are not sure whether the body of Gu Qingfeng is the legendary immortal body.


Taking a step back 10,000, even if it is really immortal, at best it can only be immortal without awakening.

They may not have seen the real immortal body, but one thing is certain, if the immortal body awakens, it cannot be as lifeless as the dead body of the ancient Qingfeng.

As long as it is not awakened, no matter how powerful a treasure is, it is a virtual body. Any body without awakening is like a dead body without soul, even the immortal body.

At this moment, Gu Qingfeng is really like a dead body without a soul.

The vitality on his body is getting weaker and weaker, almost at stake.

And this is probably the only confidence that those avatars of the gods and the great ancestors of the great wilderness insist on obliterating the ancient Qingfeng.

Gu Qingfeng's physical body cannot be shaken, as long as his vitality completely disappears, it is like death.

They are all waiting.

Wait for the vitality of the ancient breeze to completely disappear.

(End of this chapter)

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