
Vol 2 Chapter 2289: Threat from Daxing

"It's been good to hear that the monk and the emperor have a personal relationship."

When the Emperor Musashi opened his mouth and raised the ancient Qingfeng, the monk trembled in his heart, but did not deny it, nodded and admitted: "Yes, the old uncle and the Emperor did have a personal relationship, what happened?"

Dahang epilepsy pointed at Suosha and Dayi Thirteen Younger, and said, "Laoyang not only has personal relationships with the Emperor, but also has personal relationships with their relatives, Laozi, Master Montenegro and Dayi Emperor. Old guys, including your master, have personal relationships with my grandma! "

This is not what the Daxing monk boasted, but it is true. At least, the father of Montenegro's son, Soksa, and the son of the Emperor of the Sun, Dayi Thirteen, and the Musashi emperor in front of him all know that this is true.


The Emperor Musashi asked again: "The emperor also heard that the monk and the emperor went together to wander this wild ancient black hole."

"That's what happened."

Earlier, in an ancient ruins, Gu Qingfeng showed up with Daxing epilepsy, there is nothing to hide, not to mention, in the eyes of Daxing epilepsy, even if he did not show up with Gu Qingfeng before It is not difficult to know that Gu Qingfeng was with him by the skill of Emperor Musashi.

He pondered the matter of bringing the ancient breeze into the black ancient black hole, fearing that it was no secret in the eyes of those overlords.

"So, the one who was hiding here with the monk just now is the emperor?"

The Emperor Musashi did not say this, but also said that when he said this, although the Daxing epilepsy did not respond, it scared the people from the distance, such as the cable brake and the 13 thirteen young people.

Just now they were still wondering why the good Emperor Musashi suddenly mentioned the Emperor. When the Emperor Musang asked the Daxing episcopal and the person buried here with him, whether it was Emperor Suosha or Dairiju The three young men are all looking up.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

In the name of You Emperor, the world is overwhelming.

Heaven and earth, nine quiet and nine days, whether it is immortal Buddha or demon are like thunder.

In particular, the existence of the ancient palace of Jiu Gong, without exception, has a big identity and a large background. The overhaul is a great creation. The most important thing is to know that the original sin determines the fate of all beings on the Tiandi Avenue. If not, this time, the overlord in the heavens and underground will also It would not be so motivated that Ge Xingshi came to the public.

Just because they all know, naturally they also know what the existence of the ancient emperor Qingfeng means to the original sin.

After all, the legendary You Qing Gu Feng is the destiny of God!


Emperor Musashi's deep-looking eyes stared at the Daxing monk, as were the distant cable brakes and the 13th day of the Sun. They were waiting for the Daxing monk's answer, and they wanted to know Is the other person hiding in this place really a legendary You Emperor?

Even in a sense, they wanted to know the answer to this question more than the Tibetan Emperor.

It is not because they want to compete with the ancient Qingfeng, try to test the depths, or even to seize the original sin on the ancient Qingfeng.

to be frank.

They dare not.

There is no such courage.

This is true for Suosha, and Day 13 is no exception.

They have heard about the rumors of Gu Qingfeng, and they know that the existence of Gu Qingfeng is absolutely beyond imagination, even impossible to imagine.

It does not matter.

Importantly, before entering the ancient black hole in Montenegro, the master of Montenegro had called on Suozha more than once, even if it provoked the forbidden area of ​​the Holy Land and the ruins of Guihui, and did not provoke the Emperor.

Before entering the ancient black hole, the Emperor Dayi had given him a list. The people on the list were all people who told him to stay away from him and could not provoke him. The name of the emperor came first, letting him Dreaded Emperor Musashi is not on the list.

In a word, the strength of the background cultivation of the thirteenth and thirteen days of the sun and the sun is not only annoying to the Musashi emperor in front of him, but also an ancient emperor Qingfeng who was hiding in the dark.

Just because he knew he couldn't afford it, Da Ri Shi San Shao and Suo Sha heard that the person hiding here was Nai Emperor's talent.

"What? Daxing monk, is it difficult to answer the question of the emperor?"

"This is it! Hehe ..."

The Daxing epilepsy looked at the brakes, 13 days in the day, and then fell on the Emperor Musashi again, saying: "It is not difficult to answer this question, but ..."

The conversation turned around, and the Daxing episcopal came to the Emperor Musashi, leaned his head and asked, "Can the old man ask you a question before answering this question?"

"of course."

"If the old man said that the person was not the Emperor, what do you do? If the old man said that the person who was hiding here just now is the Emperor, what about you?"


The Emperor Musashi didn't expect Daxing Aunt Monk to ask this question, and he didn't even know how to answer this question. He just smiled and didn't speak.


The Daxing episcopal continued to ask: "Or the old man should ask that person is not Youdi, what can you do? If that person is Youdi, what can you do?"

The Daxing epistemic first asked how it should be, and then asked how it could be.

What to say is like what you will do.

A sentence can be like a sentence how you can do it.

His meaning is very simple and clear, that is, he wants to tell the Emperor Musashi that you should not ask this question at all, and it does not make any sense to ask it, because no matter whether the person hiding here just now is an emperor or not, you can do nothing.

What if you are not the Emperor?

You are the emperor?

If you are the Emperor, are you ready to do it?

Do you have the courage

Do you have this ability

Do you have this strength?

The emperor of the sun, the old demon of Montenegro, the overlords in the sky and underground, who do not know the Emperor is in the ancient black hole, who does not know the emperor is in the ancient ancient palace.

Which one does not want to test the depths of You Emperor!

Which one does not want to capture the original sin on the Emperor.

Which one does not want to obliterate the Emperor.

Which one doesn't want to be God, the original sin!

How can it be?

Who dares to put him down?

Who can hold him back?

Now is the Emperor still swinging around in this deserted ancient palace?

I said that your Emperor Musashi ~ ~ is the old guy behind Xuanmiaodongfu behind you. Seeing that Gu Qingfeng can't do anything except rub his hands and stare in the dark!

It is known that the existence of Gu Qingfeng not only threatened the original sin, God, but also threatened the heavens and the avenue.

Those who want to kill Him, and those who want to protect the heaven and earth, want to kill him.

But so far no one dared to kill him, and no one was sure to kill him, and even tentatively tested his existence.

This is the ancient emperor Qingfeng.

An impertinent Youdi.

An ancient breeze that makes people scared!

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