
Vol 2 Chapter 2352: Goodbye Cangyan


The Daxing monk flushed, his eyes were glaring, his waist was folded with his hands, and a big compassion fan was pointed at the other side of the Demon Emperor Blood River. The aggressive man opened his posture to fight with the Demon Emperor Blood River. .

About it.

The Demon Emperor's Blood River was very speechless, and a deep helplessness also appeared in the eyes like the abyss.

In addition to helplessness, it seems that if there is a very complicated color, like sympathy, it also seems ridiculous.

It was found that the blood of the Demon Emperor's Blood River was quite strange, and the Daxing Leng Monk seemed to be aware of it. He couldn't help but hesitated for a moment. The muscles in the corners of his mouth pulled out naturally. Turn around slowly and look around.

It didn't matter that I didn't care about it, I almost didn't mention Daxing Monk's breath, almost fainted.

I don't know when a gazebo appeared behind him.

I'm right.

I am a gazebo.

Stuck in the mysterious vastness of the palace palace, this gazebo suddenly appeared out of place.

The base of the gazebo pavilion looks like the same black and white flower blooming. When blooming, it looks like the yin and yang are meeting, and it looks very mysterious.

The four long columns of the desolate pavilion are engraved with four patterns, one like a green dragon, one like a white tiger, one like a basalt, and one like a suzaku. The patterns are lifelike, like a mark of life.

The top of the desolate pavilion is like a sky, with sun and moon inside, and countless stars.

This gazebo just appeared out of nowhere, standing here, blooming a faint brilliance, and the surrounding space was turbulent.

There are two women inside the desolate pavilion.

One of the women was dressed in a black costume, with long hair and high coiled hair. She was beautiful and dignified.

This is a beautiful woman.

She is beautiful, beautiful and shocking, charming and touching. There are many kinds of beauty and beauty, and she is also beautiful.

Her temperament is peerless, both like the sun and the sun, sacred light, and the darkness and quietness of the moon like the night sky.

Her existence is mysterious and ethereal, like Jiutian Shenxian is like Jiuyou demon, it is false, real, false, it is invisible, and it gives a very unreal feeling.

Although a seemingly casual smile, Qiu Yi, like the empress from the sky falling from the sky, is extremely honorable and awe-inspiring.

She was sitting on a stone bench, leaning against a blue dragon pillar, looking a bit lazy, holding a white jade cup, half a glass of wine, a playful smile on the corner of her mouth, and a pair of charming eyes Non-smiling staring at Daxing.

There was a woman beside me.

To be exact a girl.

The young girl looked like fourteen or five years old. She wore a white coat, her long hair naturally fell behind her, and she sat barefoot on the stone bench so casually. .

This is a very ordinary girl.

I am really ordinary.

Ordinary can't find any flash point on the girl. Ordinary is like weeds on the grassland, ordinary is like water droplets in the sea, and more ordinary is like a dust in this world. After her eyes, she couldn't remember her appearance.

Ye Yan is so.

Squint eyes are so.

This is even more true for people.

The whole body, even though every hair is as ordinary as if it is indistinguishable from this infinitely changing Kham Palace.

She is like this void, changing all the time, even if she is standing there quietly at the moment, it makes people feel very unreal, dreamlike.

Looking at the two women in the gazebo.

大 The Daxing epilepsy here was as if struck by lightning, his face was pale, dizzy, and trembling, as if he was not even standing.

He was so aggressive that when he turned around, he softened like a discouraged ball.

I was scared.

I was frightened.

Because the two women sitting in the gazebo are the two most feared, scared, and least wanted to see in his life.

One is the master of Langya Dongtian, Cangyan.

The legendary woman who ravages the wilderness is also an avenue queen.

He is both the Queen of Immortal Tao and the Queen of Demon Tao, and is the only Immortal Warrior Queen in this world.

少女 That girl is no one else.

It is in the legend that knowing the past and future, controlling the cause and effect of destiny, deducing the cosmic floods, understanding the heavens and the earth, is the incarnation of cause and effect, the goddess of fate, the ancient nameless, an omniscient being regarded as a **** by all heavens Woman.

In any case, Xun Daxing's epilepsy did not expect to encounter the ancient nameless and Cangyan here.

He even did not expect that when he yelled at the ancient nameless and Cangyan two people.

At this moment, the Daxing epilepsy is as stupid as a chicken, completely stupid, standing in the void like a Buddha statue.

I used to.

I do n’t understand.

I don't understand why people commit suicide.

Now he understands.

The moment he saw the ancient namelessness and Cangyan, he realized.

Because at this moment he also has an impulse, an impulse to want to break himself.

The complex emotions of remorse, fear, helplessness, misery, overwhelmedness, despair, extreme despair, and so on, all of the complex emotions emerged. My life is extremely dark, and I don't see any light at all, not even a little bit.

He wants to die.

Except for death, he doesn't even know what to do.

It seems that can only be relieved by death.

If the current Daxing epic is his true deity, he really wants to be self-sufficient, to be relieved from this, and never to be affected by these mischief.

The issue is.

Now he is not the real person, but an external avatar. In other words, even if he breaks this external avatar to himself, he cannot really be relieved.

But instead of being truly relieved, what awaits him may be more painful pain.

He can even imagine that if he really broke this avatar in front of the ancient nameless, Cangyan, he would not be able to lift his head completely afterwards.

He had already had enough money in front of the ancient nameless, Cangyan. If he broke himself in front of them, it would really be a waste.

What's more, besides the ancient namelessness and Cangyan, there is also the Demon Blood River.

He didn't want to ask Demon Blood River to look down on himself.


Never let yourself go!


Even if his mother's misfortunes are resigned, and she is injustice, then she can't break herself in front of them. Otherwise, she won't be able to raise her head.

Just ...

What if I do n’t break myself?

Run away?

Run away when you see the ancient nameless and Cangyan turn your head. This is different from seeing cats in mice. They ca n’t raise their heads after they have broken their faces, and run away when they see their faces. This is not much better. .

Even if I don't want to face this face and turn away, the key is to be able to run?

The answer is yes.

I can't run.

He tried.

In the past, Cang Yan was trapped, humiliated by Cang Yan face to face, and beat again and again. In the end, he had to choose to run away. The Daxing monk thought he had run, but later realized that he did not run at all, but jumped Cangyan laid out the traps long ago, then was beaten again, and then a shame ...

I ca n’t stop myself, and I ca n’t run, what should I do?


Xun Daxing's epilepsy gave up without thinking.

He and Cangyan moved their hands a total of four times before and after each time they were slinged. He can't see Cangyan now, as long as he hears the words Cangyan can't help shaking.

Desolate Pavilion.

Cangyan sat lazily on the stone bench against the blue dragon's long column, holding her head in one hand, holding a delicate white jade cup in one hand, and an intriguing smile hanging on a beautiful face, and saw her shaking her hand The white jade cup in the middle said softly: "Unknown, I just heard him scold you, it is hard to hear the scold, it seems to call you little girls ..."

next to.

The ancient namelessness is like an ordinary girl who is sitting on a stone bench with her head down, looking through an ancient book, and responding: "I also seem to hear her scolding you, too. It's awful, it seems to call you a crazy **** ... "

The voice of the two men came.

Daxing Monk is about to collapse.

He heard it, 亘 Anonymous and Cangyan was intentionally told to himself.

What ancient nameless would do, Daxing Monk may not be able to imagine, but Cangyan means, but he knows it well.

How to do?

Would you bow your head and ask for mercy?

Although I admit to begging for mercy for shame, it's better than the means of suffering from Cangyan.

疯 This mad mother-in-law has the heart of a femme fatale, and the vicious means are as vicious as they can be. The Daxing epic has tasted the tortured taste several times, and he does not want to try it again.


Hey try?

Lowered his head and acknowledged him, could he no longer kneel and ask for forgiveness?

He Daxing's epilepsy is hesitant ~ ~ He is not afraid of shame, he is afraid that even if he bows his head to beg, even if he kneels and asks for forgiveness, I am afraid he can't pass this level.

He had neither offended nor offended before, and even didn't know how to provoke Cang Yan, he was alive and tortured by Cang Yan.

I now scold her mad mother-in-law and **** in front of her, and the Daxing monk guesses that just bowing his head and admitting that he is afraid can't make up for it.

Wu Daxing's mind is like electricity.

I have been thinking about how to get past this level.

He thought of a lot of ways, thought of a lot of possibilities, but no matter how he thought, he felt that he couldn't pass this level.

At last, the Daxing epilepsy gritted his teeth and stomped his feet.

Kill to kill, whatever!

大 This time the big demon monk escaped.

Since he decided to go out, he is no longer in trouble as before, he simply comes to the fore. Anyway, he is dead all the time. Instead of dying, he might as well die fiercely!

I miss it.

The Daxing epilepsy took a deep breath, as if he was cheering himself up, staring at Cangyan, summoning courage, and yelling: "You heard me right, the old lady just scolded you two! What happened! Didn't you hear me clearly? Would you like to repeat it again? "

Leng Daxing's epic monk gave a cold hum, and he was as straight as he could, as straight as possible, disdaining: "In the presence of Blood River, the old uncle dares to scold you, and in your presence, the old uncle dares to curse!"

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