
Vol 2 Chapter 2426: brainwashing

"I said Dahang, is your old bald donkey a bit of conspiracy theory? Why did his mother's things come to your mouth? It's the cloth bureau, the cloth bureau. Dare to love everything in this world. The bureau of the cloth. "

"What is old concubine a bit of conspiracy theory? His mother! In this section, your kid even doubts old concubine? Others just doubt it. Your kid has gone through so many things, which one is not someone else's game?"


Since Gu Qingfeng started practicing in his youth, he has jumped into the innings set by others, and he still has one after another.

Perhaps as the Daxing monk said, the collapse of the ruins is a bureau of the ancient peoples, and the blood of the original sin is also a bureau of the ancient peoples. There may be too many, many unknown.

Gu Qingfeng didn't believe the words said by Daxing Monk, nor was he skeptical. On the contrary, he still believed the layout said by Daxing Monk.

What really made him suspicious was the Daxing epic.

He always felt that the old bald donkey said these things to himself not only, but it seemed that the Dahang epilepsy said these things when it was time to say them, and he took them seriously every time he said it. It's a set of things that are justified and cannot be refuted.

Gu Qingfeng didn't know what medicine was sold in the old bald donkey gourd of Daxing epilepsy, and he was too lazy to wonder, anyway, no matter what Daxing epilepsy said, he would not believe it.

He could still believe five or six points before.

Now he didn't believe it at all, when the old bald donkey was talking nonsense.

Because after entering the black ancient black hole, the Daxing epic has been saying these words beside him, Gu Qingfeng found himself more or less affected by the old bald donkey.

Even if he didn't want to, he still had to admit that Daxing's ability to brainwash was really tight.

Naturally, it is reasonable to wash your brain quietly. After washing, you still can't detect it. Not only that, but you even think that he makes sense.

Daxing epilepsy still want to say, but Gu Qingfeng is too lazy to continue listening.

On the court.

Like a whirlpool in the sea, that impoverished pride is devouring the breath of the original sin.

The handsome young man with white hair and white hair still stands in the sky above the strange wonder.

The distant Aoki Laoxian looked completely, frowning, thinking about something.

It is the Tiger Immortal who has been shouting loudly, not yelling at the dark and mysterious man, but sarcastically insulting the so-called avenue ancestors who are so blessed.

"The ancestors of the thirty-sixth hole heaven and the seventy-two blessed land actually melted into the true blood and accomplished the son of original sin ... hahaha!"

"Isn't your mother-in-law known as the ancestor of the avenue? Don't you stick to the avenue? Secretly cultivate people who have the original sin, and conceive the body of the original sin. Even his mother's blood is integrated into the true blood of the original sin, and he has become the son of the original sin? Hahaha!"

"Is this the so-called avenue?"

Tiger force immortal does not have a good opinion of Sanqian Avenue. To be precise, he hates Sanqian Avenue.

Because then he betrayed the demon Tao, devoted to Xiandao, and then betrayed Xiandao and devoted to Taoism. He carried the infamous name of three renegades in his lifetime. In the ancient times, Tiger Lixian shouted like a mouse crossing the street. Well, otherwise, we won't live today.

Now that I know that the ancestors of the Heavenly Blessed Land have all merged into the true blood and become the sons of the original sin.

Hu Li Daxian is insulting here, and there, the handsome young man asks: "Sir, you know that there are at least twenty sons of the original sin. I wonder how many original sin variables you know?"

"Hmm ..."

The mysterious man laughed again, still deep and sullen: "Variations of the original sin are few ... and will be less and less."

There are not many original sins in ancient and modern world. Everyone knows, but why are there fewer and fewer? What's going on?

The handsome young man was puzzled and asked, "How do I say this?"

"Well, because the original sin variable will be integrated into the true blood of the original sin ... becoming the child of the variable, hey ... this is doomed, it is only a matter of time."

The handsome boy did not ask again.

Because he understood the words of the other party.

It is difficult for the son of the original sin to become the original sin variable, no! It's not difficult, it's impossible.

If you want to become the original sin variable, this life is impossible. Only the reincarnation, once the reincarnation, the flesh that had been incorporated into the true blood is gone.

In other words, after the reincarnation, the true blood and flesh will inevitably be lost.

Reincarnation is meaningless.

Even storing the true blood of the original sin before reincarnation will not help.


There are too many uncertain factors in reincarnation, and they are out of control. Even if the game is set in advance, there are still many uncertain factors, such as the smoke flying out during reincarnation, such as being unable to decide after reincarnation, or losing self after awakening.


Even if reincarnation is successful, how to ensure that after reincarnation, a person with original sin?

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if he is reincarnated to become a person of original sin, how can he be guaranteed to be a variable of original sin?

The original sin itself is a wrong cause and effect, and the variable is the wrong cause and effect of the wrong cause and effect. This kind of wrong cause and effect may require 10,000 cycles, 100,000 times, and millions of times before one original sin variable appears.

This means that through normal reincarnation, it is impossible to become a variable of original sin.


There is almost no hope of becoming the original sin variable through reincarnation.

On the contrary ~ ~ If an original sin variable wants to incorporate the true blood of original sin, it will be much easier.

This handsome young man has a deep understanding, and Gu Qingfeng also has a deep understanding. Perhaps it should be said that all the original sin variables have a deep understanding.

Whether they are handsome young men or Gu Qingfeng, they both have a feeling that the true blood of original sin is calling on themselves.

Just like when a drop of true blood of the original sin was born in the northwestern part of the secular world, Gu Qingfeng felt that the drop of true blood of the original sin was calling himself. He did n’t need to deliberately seek or even merge it, as if the original blood of the original sin belonged to it. Like the blood in his body, it naturally merged.

This is Gu Qingfeng, and so is the handsome boy.

Unlike other people, even if you get a drop of original sin blood and want to integrate it into yourself, it is very difficult, because the general existence simply cannot control the original sin blood. Forcibly integrating into yourself will only be counterproductive. There is no chance to regret it. If you lose your ego directly, in the end you will only become a child of the original sin without self-consciousness, just like the original sins that lost self in this void.

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