
Vol 2 Chapter 2511: Loyalty 2 Difficult

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"Changfeng, I find it really hard to understand you."


Gu Changfeng stood and looked at the direction where Gu Qingfeng left, not knowing what he was thinking, and the next king of Chiba Xian glanced at her and shook his head slightly, and said, "Since you have said in a voice that you met the Emperor on the battlefield, you must not He will be merciful, why should he rush into the palace and tell him the news. "

The King of Chiba Fairy knew very well that the reason why Gu Changfeng broke into the palace was not because of the invitation of Elder Xuantianxian Tao Jade, but he was worried about the danger of the ancient Qingfeng, and hoped to tell the news to the ancient Qingfeng for the first time. Prepared.

"This is not contradictory. I said that Youdi is both my opponent and my friend. On the battlefield, I will fight the Youdi to the end, but ..."

Gu Changfeng did not continue, but Chiba Fairy King answered: "But you don't want to lose his friend, right?"

Gu Changfeng nodded.

He really didn't want to lose Gu Qingfeng as a friend.

"You know that you can't have both fish and bear's paw. If you want to protect the avenue, you are destined to lose your friend Emperor You. On the other hand, if you don't want to lose your friend, you can't protect the avenue. Since ancient times, loyalty has been a dilemma. all."

"Just now, I told You Emperor that when he saw him on the battlefield, he would not show mercy, and I hope he would not show mercy."

The Chiba fairy king did not understand why Gu Changfeng suddenly said this sentence and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I can do it, but he may not."

"Do you mean that the Emperor will never obliterate you on the battlefield?" Without waiting for Changfeng Gu, the King of Chiba could not help pouring cold water, saying, "My good husband, are you A little self-righteous, self-confident, why do you think that Emperor You will not kill you on the battlefield? "

"I just feel it."

"Feel?" Chiba's immortal smiled bitterly: "You really overestimate the so-called enemy-friend relationship with the Emperor. You may care about the friendship with the Emperor, but it does not mean You You will also care, not to mention that he didn't kill you back then. "

"You do not understand."

Gu Changfeng only said three words, and did not say any more.

"Yes, yes! I don't understand!"

The Chiba fairy king really did not understand, she has been unable to understand, why Gu Changfeng regards this friendly and enemy-like relationship with Gu Qingfeng so much that she ignores her persuasion and ignores Her feelings were so serious that she could ignore her and broke into the palace to find the ancient Qingfeng.

"Fu Jun, I'm not determined to pour cold water on you. I just think that the friendship you have with the Emperor is too important. It's so important that it has started to affect your decisions, positions, including principles, just as you said just now. These words, based on my understanding of you, came to the battlefield. Once you meet the Emperor Soldier, you may not really be able to go and kill him. "

"No, I said, I will certainly not show mercy to his men on the battlefield, and Gu Changfeng said he can do it."

"Then you tell me what the battlefield is."

"If I am determined to guard the avenue, if the Emperor is determined to ask God the original sin, this is the battlefield."

"I knew you would say that."

King Chiba gave him a white look and said: "As far as I know, the attitude of You Emperor has not changed from beginning to end. He has repeatedly stated publicly that he has no interest in God, and will not go. Asking God, the original sin, will not slaughter the avenue, does this mean that there will not be a so-called battlefield between you and the Emperor, and you will not meet each other. "

"Do n’t you forget that Youdi is the change, and it ’s the biggest variable, everything is possible, and I remember you said that the question now is not whether Youdi is interested in the original sin, God, but the original sin, God has There is no interest. If the original sin chooses Youdi, besides accepting it, Youdi can only accept it. There is no room for a second choice at all. "


The King of Chiba Fairy did not expect that Gu Changfeng would refute herself with what she had said, and she suddenly lost her breath and said, "Okay! Even so, how about you, are you determined to protect the avenue?"

Speaking of this, King Chiba had a headache and remorse, and remorse reluctantly drowned himself.


Gu Changfeng has always been unswerving in guarding the Tiandi Avenue.

Even when entering the ancient black hole was tempted by the mysterious forces from all sides, it still insisted on guarding the Tiandi Avenue.


Chiba fairy king is different.

She is not as pure and simple as Gu Changfeng, so she thinks more, especially after entering the ancient black hole, she feels more and more that everything is like a bureau, a bureau carefully arranged by cause and effect, and a avenue of heaven and earth Exhausted thoughts about the game, and the so-called Shangcheng Destiny, the so-called Shangcheng Destiny are all chess pieces in the game.

Then she started to get confused and started to chatter.

I wonder if we should continue to guard the Avenue of Heaven and Earth. Perhaps we should say that we are not willing to be the cause and effect of fate, the **** of Heaven and Avenue.

To be more precise, be willing or not to be dominated by your own destiny.

After she told Gu Changfeng about her confusion in her heart, she meant to let Gu Changfeng enlighten her and dispel the confusion and confusion in her heart, because she knew that Gu Changfeng had always firmly believed that good and evil had a report. By nature, good causes cause good effects, evil causes evil effects. What kind of destiny is planted, what kind of destiny will be obtained.


What made Qianye Xianwang never think of is that Gu Changfeng not only did not dispel the confusion and confusion in her mind, but was also affected by her, and he was confused.

What makes her feel even worse is that Gu Changfeng, who has been affected, seems to have grown a lot overnight ~ ~ It is no longer as simple as before, so pure, the whole person has changed her to be inscrutable. It even made Chiba Fairy King feel that Gu Changfeng had a strange feeling.

The Chiba Fairy King did not know why it became this way, nor did Gu Changfeng become this way, whether it was right or wrong.

Therefore, the King of Chiba Sorry regrets that he should not confide his confusion and confusion to Gu Changfeng at the beginning.

However, now that regrets are over, a person's state of mind changes from simple to complex, but if you want to change from complex to simple, then it is simply a nightmare.

Whether she admits it or not, Gu Changfeng is no longer the simple and pure Gu Changfeng before.

"Whether I guard the avenue lies not with me, but with the avenue. If this avenue is worthy of my guard, I will definitely guard it. If this avenue is not worthy of my guard, then I still guard what it does.

Looking at Gu Changfeng here, the Chiba Fairy King became more and more unfamiliar and murmured: "Changfeng, you have changed, it really has changed, you never said that before."

"I haven't changed, it's just my state of mind."

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