
Chapter 377: Fairy displeased

Xiao Jiner took out the score and handed it to Su Shi, saying: "Sister Su Shi, this 'Little Blue and White Flower' that you created, Jin Er has been making mistakes while playing the trefoil plum tune, and the older brother asked I changed the four-string shaoyu tactics on the score to the stroking and stroking style, and then played with the three-string small compound tactics. Jiner was easy to learn, and after being modified by the big brother, Xiaoqinghua seemed to be more mysterious. Then. "

"Oh, little girl, you can eat meals indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense."

Chang Tianrui laughed: "This little blue-and-white language is a song written by Su Shixian for beginners. The purpose is to allow beginners to better understand the mysteries and various fingerings in the song. It has already been promoted. Now In the world, many novices who are new to music and music for the first time use this music as a textbook to practice. If the mystery of this Xiaoqing discourse can be popped up, the musical attainment can be greatly improved, "

Chang Tianrui talked eloquently, saying: "This song is the perfect work of Su Shixian's countless painstaking efforts, and it is also a world-renowned famous song. It is known as a contemporary textbook of music, but it is not what anyone can say . "

"You ... hmm!"

Xiao Jin'er didn't bother to care about them, looked at Su Shi with a small head, and asked anxiously: "Sister Su Shi, you know Jin Er respects you most and will never deceive you. If you don't believe it, you can try it. After the big brother modified it, it really became easier and more mysterious. "

Su Shi looked at the sheet music in his hand, just looked at it like that, without speaking, but the beautiful face was no longer indifferent, and a pair of beautiful eyes also flashed a strong surprise.

When Xiao Jiner handed in the score, she immediately tried to change the four-string shaoyu jiu to the stroking and stacking style, and then played the three-leaf plum tune with the three-string xiaofujue. After three deductions Really, as Xiao Jiner said, not only does it not have any sense of disharmony, but it is also more suitable for beginners. The most incredible thing is that the change of the three-leaf plum tunes has actually made the whole little blue-and-white language even more mysterious. .

This is really ...

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Su Shi couldn't believe it, because she spent a lot of effort on this piece and modified it countless times. It was not allowed to spread until she thought it was perfect.

"Really did you modify it?"

Su Shi looked at the guy lying on the old chair in the sun and drinking wine on the opposite side. She couldn't believe that the person in front of him looked like the second generation ancestor, and a few liar guys modified his score. .

"Let me see."

Gu Qingfeng took the score and looked at it roughly. He also recalled the situation at that time, and said, "Yes, I modified it."

"Su Shixian, the little blue-and-white language you compose, was really used by him ..."

Chang Tianrui and others did not believe it, but Su Shi nodded and made them realize that this was a fact.

"Hum! How about? Do you believe my elder brother now?" Xiao Jin'er gave Chang Tianrui and others a stern glance.

Chang Tianrui and others looked awkward and had nothing to say.

Su Shi asked, "How did you ... modify it? How did you detect it?"

Gu Qingfeng casually replied: "I just modified the maggots casually, how can I modify them?"


This tone is not ordinary.

"Sister Su Shi, that's really the case. Jiner was practicing the score at the time. When the elder brother passed by, he saw that Jiner kept making mistakes, so he just helped Jiner to modify it."

If the words were spoken by other people, Su Shi was a hundred people who did n’t believe it, but this sentence was spoken by the innocent Xiao Jiner, which made her unable to believe it, but believed it and believed it, Whether it is acceptable or not is another matter. The hard-working and painstakingly composed countless hard-working tunes have been modified casually, and it is easier and more mysterious after modification.

This made Su Shi really unacceptable, and his heart was also very unconvinced, especially the tone of this guy's speaking, it was too arrogant, and even more so Su Shi was angry that this guy was drinking while watching his own composition His song, while shaking his head, the expression, the look, a very disgusting look, as if the song he wrote, full of holes in his eyes.

What a reason!

No matter how good Su Shi is, he can't tolerate the tunes written by others.

She endured the anger rising quietly in her heart, pretending to be a smile, and asked, "I don't know where else in this song is unsatisfactory for Chiyan."

"It's okay, you can make it up. There are no major problems."

Gu Qingfeng said, and passed the score, but Su Shi on the opposite side didn't pick it up, and the two sentences with Gu Qingfeng in his mind were okay.

Not only Su Shi couldn't stand it anymore, the people gathered in the hundreds of Lingyin Gardens could not stand it anymore, and felt that Gu Qingfeng was too arrogant and arrogant.

This is the "Little Blue Flower" written by Su Shixianzi. It is a recognized textbook score in the world. It is even regarded as a divine song by many beginners of music, but what is this guy saying now? Can you make it up? Still serious?

What a arrogant person would dare to say this!

In fact, only Huode knows that Gu Qingfeng can make such a comment, which is already very high. He still remembers that the famous songs passed down from ancient times were worthless by Gu Qingfeng, even garbage Not as good.

"Sister Su Shi, I'm right to tell you, this guy has always been so deadly!" Ouyang Ye seemed to see Su Shi's dissatisfaction, and persuaded: "But don't take it to heart ~ www ~ He likes bragging best, and he also said that there is no such thing as a song that he would not play. "

Chang Tianrui and others also came forward one after another and said, "Yes, Mrs. Su Shi, a self-righteous person like him, why do you know him in general?"

"I think it may be just a coincidence that he modified the fairy's score, and the fairy doesn't need to be concerned."

Su Shi didn't bother them, and smiled. He continued to hold his anger and asked, "Is there a major problem with Chiyan? I mean there are a lot of minor problems? I wonder if Chiyan can give me a pointer or two?"

"You can just give pointers." Gu Qingfeng may be tired. He stood up, stretched a lazy waist, yawned, and looked at the sunset sun, and said, "It's not too early today, all right. What should you do? "


Su Shi laughed lightly, and she was very unhappy. She also laughed fiercely.

Regardless of past life or this life, she has never suffered from this embarrassing situation. The impatience between this guy and his manners made Su Shi feel that he was an unwelcome person for the first time.

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