Restarting the myth

Chapter 14 The Church and the Truth (Thanks to the Silver Alliance of ‘暖阳1314’)

The dead townspeople dragged their stiff bodies and staggered forward. They seemed to have been drained of all moisture in an instant, withered and hard, without any breath of life.

Because they had nothing, they longed for it. Wayne and William became the primary targets of the siege.

Wayne didn't know how to describe these people, undead, or zombies. If the death walker ritual was successful, it would be too weird. Not only did it kill the entire town in an instant, but it also wiped out all life, even the breath of the living in the air.

The group of corpses moved, with more than a hundred people, including domestic animals such as chickens and dogs.

Wayne weighed the crowbar in his hand, compared the combat effectiveness of both sides, and followed his heart to close the door and start the car.

"Where are we going?" William sat in the co-pilot.

"Find Veronica and leave this damn place as soon as possible."

Wayne looked solemn. The zombies moved slowly and were fragile. If he was given a crowbar, he could kill them until dawn. There was nothing to be afraid of.

For example, if you give a kid a wooden sword, the rapeseed field within a radius of ten miles will not exceed one meter.

But the warning of supernatural induction will not be false. There is something terrible in the town, everywhere, which poses a serious threat to his life.

Wayne doesn't know much about extraordinary magic, so let's define it as a curse.

"Do you know where Veronica is? The town is so big, why don't you retreat first, and I'll go find her and Monica." William suggested.

"I know, just follow the smell."

Wayne reversed and backed up a distance, shifted gears and accelerated the car to rush towards the zombie group.

The chassis of the family car is not high, and the good cost performance also shows that this car is not crash-resistant. The tires ran over the dried zombies, and the body shook and shook. It could not rush after completing a short sprint.

That's enough!

The car rushed out of the encirclement and successfully broke through a passage, completing the task entrusted to it by Wayne.

William was the first to rush out of the car, waving the crowbar in his hand, pulling the air apart with a whirring sound, and the approaching zombies were shattered, and none of them could remain intact under the crowbar.

Out of awe, Wayne kept a certain distance, waving the crowbar while shouting: "Veronica is in the church, we don't have much time, hurry over and bring her out."

William shouted in a low voice, with a stick in his hand, he was invincible, and he cut the grass with unparalleled force.

On Wayne's side, zombies and ghosts are two different creatures. He was not panicked at all. After the initial fluster, the dormant muscle memory was awakened, and the body subconsciously used some simple force techniques to ensure output and effectively save physical strength.

Experience value up, +1, +1, +1...

When passing by the hotel in the small town, two dry and hunched figures blocked the way, shaped like mummies and horrible faces, and it was unclear what they looked like before they died.

Wayne recognized the clothes on them, rich and generous young ladies, and the money in the collar was stuffed by him.

The voice and smile were still there. Wayne secretly thought it was a pity, waved the crowbar with tears in his eyes, picked up the banknotes and quickly caught up with William.

The town was full of flames, and the hot air intensified the evaporation of water. The strange thing was that no matter how fierce the fire was, it could not burn down the wooden buildings, and even the flammable zombies could not be set on fire.

The two arrived at the church at the end of the street panting. It was the only building in the town that was not surrounded by flames. Compared with the surrounding hell on earth, the quiet church seemed out of place.

A gunshot rang out, and Wayne and William were both stunned. They rushed over the fence and lawn and broke open the church door together.

Rows of benches were neatly arranged in the room, and in front of the cross, the candlelight flickered with dim light and shadow.

The priest was dressed in a black robe, with neat corners and meticulously dressed, but his withered face was really unflattering, and there was no difference between him and the chaotic zombies outside.

The priest also lost his life because of the sacrifice.

Veronica was holding a pistol and confronting the priest. She had just fired a shot, hitting the priest's chest, leaving a large hole visible to the naked eye.

"You don't need to stop the ceremony. This town has been dead for many years. It's time for the townspeople to rest in peace." The priest closed his upper and lower jaws, making a decaying sound buried deep underground.

Veronica called out to William, who immediately understood, strode forward, and swung a crowbar at her.

A white halo bloomed under Veronica's feet, and the holy halo enveloped her, making her unable to leave or cast magic in the cell.

The prison is the magic cast by the priest, also known as divine magic within the church. It is the power given to them by God, which can imprison evil and keep it quiet to listen to the glory of the Lord.

It sounds powerful, but it can be broken from the outside, so it is not invincible.

Moreover, the version has not been updated for a long time, and the gun patch has been applied for several generations. The divine magic of the church is still the same old thing, not keeping up with the times.

With William's efforts, Veronica quickly escaped from the cage. She punched her side, shattering the white light and releasing Monica, who was also imprisoned alone.

The black cat blended into the environment, and she could not be seen without speaking.

"What does it mean that the townspeople have been dead for many years?" Monica asked coldly. The strange moon made her very uncomfortable. She was suspected of blaspheming the moon goddess, so she had to ask clearly.

"Fifty years ago, the town of Kafuno was cursed, and the townspeople became living dead. They didn't know they were dead, they could breathe and have heartbeats, they would bleed when injured, and they could grow old and give birth to offspring. Everyone was still alive..."

"The dead are dead after all. The members of the Nelson family discovered the truth. The insiders in the town were invited to attend the meeting. I was one of the insiders at that time..."

"The Nelson family is a believer of the goddess of death. They demanded an immediate ceremony to return the dead to the embrace of death. The mayor and council members disagreed. No one is willing to give up their lives, and they have no right to end the lives of others. Besides, everyone is not really dead, and they can end their lives like normal people."

"I support the mayor and council members..."

"The Nelson family insisted on their own opinions and had a very tough attitude. For this reason, they summoned family members outside. They insisted on holding a ceremony and killing that night..."

"We won and vowed to bury the secret of that night. We all agreed that as long as the truth is concealed, the townspeople will not know that they are dead. Everyone will grow old and die like ordinary people until young people take over the town."

The priest is like an NPC, mechanically telling the past fifty years. Because of his own magical attainments, he retained his obsession and hoped that the heir of the Nelson family would complete the ceremony.

But that was all. The priest's mind had long been rotten. He answered whatever was asked and said everything without reservation.

"Time has proved that we were wrong. Every year on this day, the flames will sweep the town back to that night..."

"The dead will crawl out of the grave, and the living will reveal their true appearance. The town has no future, because the newborn will lose life at the moment of conception, and outsiders will also be cursed for entering this place..."

"This is not a curse, it should be constant death, a kind of law, tormenting us and unable to rest."

"I gradually realized my mistake. In order to keep the abscess alive, we removed healthy tissue..."

"Wait a minute!"

Wayne interrupted the story and said solemnly: "Outsiders will also be cursed, what does this sentence mean?"

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