Resurrecting people as soon as they see them, you call this medical ninjutsu

Chapter 100: Seven small goals of making a net profit in one year

"This! When you attacked just now, your chakra was not consumed at all?"

The third generation had a sharp eye and saw the key at a glance.

Kimura Takuno smiled and nodded when he saw that the third generation knew what he was talking about.

"Not bad! The third generation is right. The attack just now was almost non-consuming.

But the attack power it exerted was no less than the ninjutsu released by the Chunin.

Not only that."

Kimura Takuno paused slightly and wrapped the chakra wings around his body again.

Looking at Tsunade, he said.

"Master, that recliner just now was your favorite, right?

It's gone now! I did it on purpose! Are you angry? I told you not to sleep with me!"

"How could I repair it! You little brat, I'll beat you up!"

Originally, Tsunade was a little angry when the recliner was destroyed just now.

But in order for others to agree to expand the armaments, she endured it.

But she didn't expect that this kid was doing it on purpose?

Do you think I, Tsunade, have a good temper?

Tsunade rushed out and punched.


Kimura Takuya was instantly knocked away, smashing the door of the Hokage's office!

He was stuck to the wall of the corridor outside!


The smoke and dust dissipated.

Kimura Takuya was unharmed, just choked by the dust.

Kimura Takuya extended the chakra whip from the small dragonfly wings and buckled himself off the wall.

He breathed a few breaths of fresh air.

"Hiss! Although the attack just now caused the chakra wings to collapse.

But it can defend against the hateful attack of the three ninjas of Konoha. This defense is not broken by ordinary jonin!

And I just used the chakra of an ordinary genin. If I use the jonin chakra, it will not be broken so easily!"

"Great! Takuya, how about giving me this sample?"

Jiraiya appeared from nowhere, and he saw the defensive power of this thing at a glance.

He immediately said that he urgently needed it!

With this, he will no longer be afraid of being beaten for peeping!

"We are familiar with each other. Although this is a sample, it is the best of the best handmade by me. It may not be cheap."

"No problem! I am the Toad Sage, I have plenty of money!"

"One hundred thousand taels, thank you, cash or credit card?"

"Why is it so expensive?"

"It's just the price of a B-level mission. You can't afford to lose or be cheated!

One-time purchase, lifetime warranty, absolutely worth the money!"

Kimura Takuya asked for a lion's mouth, but one hundred thousand taels is nothing to Jiraiya.

The reward for a B-level mission is already there, Jiraiya waved his hand.

He summoned a toad and took out his savings from the toad's mouth.

He bought it on the spot.

Kimura Takuya was also very happy and installed it for Jiraiya on the spot.

"Blood and flesh replacement technique!"

After healing his wounds, he recovered his pain nerves.

Kimura Takuya patted Jiraiya's back.


"It's amazing, haha!"

Jiraiya immediately showed his wings and flew around the office, very happy.

Others ignored Jiraiya and started to discuss arms procurement with Kimura Takuno.

"Okay, let's talk about the purchase price."

"Well, Takuno, you said last time that you can get a preferential price, right?"

"Yes, the original price is 100,000 taels, and a large order can be done at 80,000 taels."

The Naruto Soldier's Book is set that one tael is equal to 10 yen. According to the current exchange rate of RMB to yen is 1:20, which means that one tael is equal to 50 cents RMB.

One hundred thousand taels is 50,000 RMB, and 80,000 taels is 40,000 RMB.

This is not cheap.

But compared with modern troops, an ordinary US soldier's equipment costs more than 200,000 RMB, and the equipment of special forces is even more expensive, and it is common to double it.

A high-precision sniper rifle costs hundreds of thousands.

Not to mention aircraft, cannons, tanks, and other equipment.

But the Konoha high-level officials still think it is too expensive.

"Kimura Takuno, this price is still too high. We want to equip all ninjas, including students of ninja schools.

This dragonfly wing is not a permanent equipment and needs to be replaced regularly.

How about this, 40,000 each?"

"50,000 is the lowest price. You have to pay for the embryo. I can teach you how to make the embryo."

"Okay, that's it."

The speaker is the third generation. The old man thought he could get the production technology.

Little did he know that the most important thing is the weaving method of the built-in circuit and the real transformation technique. These two are the real technical barriers.

They couldn't break through at all, but took over the dirty work, which made Kimura Takuno laugh secretly.

But what kind of old man is the third generation?

Doesn't he know the problem of technical barriers?

In fact, he just bargained in half and didn't expect to cut much.

After all, the dragonfly wing is something that will be sold for millions.

After the Genin equipment, you can play the level of Chunin for a long time.

Moreover, the combat power is even stronger than that of ordinary Chunin, and it lasts longer!

What's more terrifying is that after Chunin equips it, it can at least reach the strength of Special Jonin, not to mention the elite Jonin level?

After the elite Jonin equips it, wouldn't it be the average Kage level per person!

This equipment can definitely raise Konoha's strength to an unprecedented height!

So the third generation was prepared to bleed a lot, but he didn't expect it!

Kimura Takuye was so sensible that he directly lowered the price to 50,000 and also gave the production method of the embryo.

Not bad, not bad, Tsunade's apprentice taught well.

He gave face to the master.

The third generation and Kimura Takuye both felt that they had made a profit.

Konoha has more than 30,000 ninjas, and one for each person is 1.5 billion taels.

And this thing has to be replaced every three years. After all, it is just made of wood. Although it has been specially treated, it is not suitable for long-term use.

And it will also be damaged in battle.

Kimura Takuye made a simple calculation in his head, and calculated that it would make a net profit of 600 million taels a year!

Sure enough, selling arms makes money!

An elite ninja like Kakashi only has an annual salary of one million taels.

Many of the tasks he has done are Anbu tasks, that is, tasks assigned by the village, which only have points but no rewards.

The tasks with rewards are all commissioned by outsiders. Adding these together, the annual salary of elite ninjas is only at the level of one million taels.

The consumption level in Konoha is also very high. A bowl of Ichiraku Ramen costs 60-70 taels, and it is a low-end version without any meat.

So although Naruto likes to eat Ichiraku Ramen, he does not eat it for a long time. Most of the time, he eats instant noodles at home.

"Then it is settled. In addition, the price of the Soul Lantern Project..."

Then everyone finalized the price of the Soul Lantern Project.

This is cheaper, which is just insurance. Only the resurrection of the body after death requires cost.

The other technical costs are very low. When installing the Dragonfly Wings, the collection of summoned flesh and blood and the reverse engraving of the chain summoning technique can be done together.

The charge is 1,000 taels per person, which is fully subsidized by the village.

The resurrected body required after the trigger is charged at 100,000 per body, with the village subsidizing 50% and those with major contributions subsidizing 100%.

This is not expensive. For those who have no merit, it is just 50,000 to buy a life. Who would not want to?

In order to ensure that the psychic formula will not become invalid, it must be re-engraved every year, which is equivalent to a fixed income of more than 30 million per year!

And it can also be sold to civilians, but for civilians, the village will not subsidize them.

Including civilians, the life insurance premium of the Soul Lamp Plan every year is a small goal of pure profit!

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