On the outskirts of Jianghai City, amidst the mountains and ridges.

A group of people were divided into several groups in the forest and were exploring the surroundings. Some of them were holding cameras and filming in depth.

These people were reporters from various media outlets. Since the official announcement of Jianghai City yesterday that there were wild beasts roaming in the outskirts of Jianghai City, all citizens were warned to be cautious when going out to the suburbs.

In addition, the bodies of a big gray wolf and a Siberian tiger were released online. What shocked people was that these wild beasts in nature were actually hunted and killed by a single creature.

This not only made the citizens in the city feel an unknown panic, but also made them curious in their hearts, what kind of wild beast in nature could kill a pack of wolves and an adult Siberian tiger?

As a result, a large number of media reporters in Jianghai City who were watching the wind came to the suburbs with their teams.

A female reporter with graceful curves in a professional suit smiled sweetly and spoke slowly to the camera with a wireless microphone.

"Hello, citizens of Jianghai City. We are now in the mountains outside Jianghai City. You can see that the dense forests here are more lush and prosperous than before. According to relevant experts, this is affected by the energy in the air, which is what we call aura."

After a pause, the camera switched back, and the delicate-looking female reporter continued to speak,"I think all citizens know that the official of Jianghai City issued an emergency notice yesterday that there are powerful beasts in these mountains and ridges, so be careful when traveling. Today, let me, Wang Xiaoli, take everyone to explore the depths of the dense forest and reveal to everyone what kind of beast can kill wolves and adult Siberian tigers."

Although there are many media reporters from Jianghai City who went out this time, this female reporter has the most viewers. After all, most humans like beautiful things. The female reporter in front of her is beautiful, has a sweet voice, and a gentle temperament. She is a rare beauty.

Wang Xiaoli looked at the number of people in the live broadcast room and was excited.

This live broadcast report is about her performance and bonus. Seeing that the number of viewers is still rising rapidly, she is very shocked!

"It seems that the citizens of Jianghai City are very concerned about this matter. Xiaoli, you must seize the opportunity! Promotion and salary increase will come in one fell swoop!"

After cheering up in his heart, he led the photography team to explore the depths of his body. There were some people holding shotguns around, who were responsible for protecting their safety.


Wang Xiaoli's live broadcast room

"Our Jianghai City's nature conservation work deserves to be awarded! Look at these green mountains and green forests. How can you find them around second- and third-tier cities?"

"Yes...and there are a lot of wild animals living in this jungle"

"Do you think there really are unknown ferocious beasts in the suburbs?"

"I think so. I don't believe the officials in Jianghai City would lie to us.……"

"You are right, but I don't know how powerful this beast is. It can kill wolves and adult Siberian tigers."

"Look! Xiaoli encountered a leopard!"

"Stupid! This is a leopard cat!"

Wang Xiaoli and her photography team stopped because a little guy appeared on their way. He was covered in leopard prints, had a cute big face with long whiskers that were characteristic of a feline, and blue water-drop-like pupils that looked warily at the people not far away, standing still.

"It's a leopard!"

Wang Xiaoli was shocked to see the"leopard" appearing more than ten meters away, and couldn't help but retreat.

The few people who had been alert and raised their hunting rifles looked forward, but they breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"This is a leopard cat! Don't worry, as long as we don't do anything extreme, this leopard cat won't attack us!"

This relieved the tension of the photography team and female reporter Wang Xiaoli.

"Leopard cat?"

Wang Xiaoli knew something about this creature. It was said to be a protected wild animal in foreign countries. Because of its small and cute body, its appearance far exceeds that of ordinary domestic cats, and its high IQ, it is secretly raised by many people.

However, the habits of leopard cats are not acceptable to most people, and they are extremely aggressive, so many leopard cats are abandoned, which also results in a large number of leopard cats wandering in the wild.

This leopard cat may have been illegally traded into the country.

Seeing this petite and cute leopard cat, Wang Xiaoli wanted to go up and pet it. It was so cute.

The camera lens also froze on the vigilant leopard cat.

In an instant, the live broadcast room passed by,"awsl!""So cute!"I really want to stroke it……"

Wang Xiaoli took a deep breath and smiled sweetly,"This is a wild leopard cat, a protected animal. Please don't harm it, let it live freely in nature."

Then she turned to look at the leopard cat, who was also looking at the bipedal beast in front of him.

Big... I can't beat it... It looks weird... It might be poisonous...

The leopard cat was thinking, and suddenly he trembled all over, and a strong sense of trembling rose from his heart.


With a loud scream, it rushed towards everyone and turned into a brown figure before disappearing in front of everyone.

This startled the entire photography team.


"I was so scared, I thought this ocelot was going to attack us.……"

"I have to say this ocelot is really fast. I don't know why it left here so quickly.……"

"Yeah, there's no danger here.……"


Wang Xiaoli looked at the direction where the leopard cat disappeared. She didn't take it seriously like her colleagues around her. Instead, she felt that there was some danger.


Like a thunderous explosion, a cry that resounded through the sky came with a bang!

The brain instantly went blank, losing the ability to think, and gradually the sound waves spread to the distance. Everyone looked at each other in horror and confusion, not knowing what had happened.

"What kind of creature’s cry is this? It’s so scary!"

"Reporter Xiaoli, please get out of here! It's dangerous!"

"Wow, are there really powerful beasts outside of Jianghai City?"

"Isn’t this nonsense? Reporters, run away!"


Just as the live broadcast room was noisy, the reporter and the surrounding staff also heard the leader's voice in the headset, telling them to leave the suburbs quickly!


Just as a large number of people evacuated from the forest to the road, the forest rumbled and the earth shook violently!

It was as if the whole earth came alive!

"Is this an earthquake?!"

"No! It's a beast tide!"

"Everyone, find a place to hide!"




Groups of panicked beasts formed a huge beast tide and rushed out of the forest.

They happened to hit the retreating people, and suddenly with a loud bang, a large number of people were trampled by the beasts and turned into pieces of meat paste...

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