
"Captain Qiao Si is so amazing that he actually severely damaged the giant black snake!"

"As expected, this laser weapon was developed by our country, it is so powerful!"

"Suka Bulie!"

"The people in the scientific research department said that they can use this laser gun to hunt the ancient white-feathered eagle. Now I believe it!"

The members of the elite team of Mao Xiongguo cheered!

When they climbed to the top of the mountain, they found the horror of this black giant snake, and its physical defense was extremely strong.

If they were not holding the scientific research weapons secretly developed by Mao Xiongguo, they would definitely be scared away by the momentum brought by the black giant snake.

Mao Xiongguo's overall economy is not high, and the reason why it can be ranked among the great powers of Blue Star is because of its military strength.

Simply put, it is unhealthy development, which puts a lot of domestic resources on military armed forces, resulting in Mao Xiongguo's terrifying military strength.

Unlike the cheers of the team members, the captain of the team, Qiao Si, suddenly felt nervous.

He was clearly aiming at the head of this terrifying black giant snake just now...

A laser gun equipped with an optical sight is impossible to be crooked within a distance of 100 meters!

"Could it be that this giant snake dodged the laser gun's attack?"

At the same time, he had a huge doubt in his mind.

He looked at the top of the mountain with doubtful eyes.

"The cave is empty... no living creatures exist.……"

"Where did the ancient white-feathered eagle, the target of the mission, go?"

His consciousness returned to the present,"All members are ready to fight, and we must clear the top of the mountain as soon as possible!"


When the soldiers of the Bear Country saw that the laser rifles in their hands could hurt the black giant snake, they were no longer so afraid.

They raised their laser rifles and aimed at the body of the black giant snake...

The black giant snake turned around, and when he saw that it was a group of small and strange"monkeys" that hurt him, he was horrified!

What kind of monkeys are these that can hurt me?!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Several white hot lasers cut through the air and shot at the black giant snake. The dark snake scales broke immediately, and the flesh and blood were dripping. The black smelly blood rain was splashed, and the pupils of the black giant snake kept rolling on the ground.

On the other side, the big brown bear Xiong Da, the giant panda Xiong Er, and the monkey king Wukong had gathered behind the spirit tree.

"Roar... Is this the power of bipeds and humans... So scary……"

The giant panda Xiong Er stared at the bipedal human with fear in his panda eyes. He felt an extremely dangerous aura from the white laser and was afraid that his body could not withstand a laser attack...

Unlike the black giant snake's ignorance, after a few days of learning about the knowledge of Daxia culture, they knew that bipedal humans were very scary creatures.

The big brown bear Xiong Da was also a little scared. He had clearly crushed and killed many bipedal humans before, but why did the human biped in front of him have such a powerful weapon?!

On the other side, the monkey king Wukong, with a furry monkey face, looked at the weapon in the bipedal human's hand, then glanced at his palm, thinking...

The little white fox Ali breathed a sigh of relief.

"Chirp... Although I can't control the big snake... But it's easy for these two-legged humans with weak mental power!"

A smile appeared on the cute little face with snow-white fur,"Chirp! When big brother comes back... he will definitely praise me!"


Dark clouds gathered, and golden thunder roared in the sky.

The helicopter was above Shenfeng Mountain. The scene on the top of the mountain was so intense that no one noticed them.

"How could the Bear Country have laser weapons?!"

Laser guns have been around for decades, but they are just useless weapons that can only temporarily blind the target. They are far less powerful than the laser guns in the Bear Country's hands.

This is simply a laser weapon that appears in science fiction movies!

"It must have been developed by the Bear Country... As a military power, this is understandable."

Someone from the Jianghai City reconnaissance unit said,"But how did they appear here?"

"Regardless of this, I will try to find a chance to get the spiritual fruit from the tree later."



On the top of the mountain.

The laser weapons of the Bear Country caused the black giant snake's body to roll violently back and forth on the ground, and the mountain was shaking.

"How strong is this monster's vitality?! Why hasn't it died yet?!"

""Hula! Don't be so angry!"

Gradually, a layer of black blood mist appeared on the top of the mountain...

The black giant snake became even darker, stained by the blood overflowing from its own wounds, and its momentum became even more terrifying, like a man-eating evil ghost crawling out of hell.

""Hiss... ants... die!"

A stream of black liquid sprayed out quickly!

Several soldiers from the Bear Country were stuck, and they didn't even have time to scream. The laser rifles in their hands instantly turned into a ball of black blood.

The Bear Country elite team swallowed their saliva and looked at the blood on the ground.

If the air was not filled with a strong sulfur-like corrosive smell, they would have thought that their teammates were transformed into nothing by the magician's magic!

But that was not the case!

"Everyone be careful! This giant snake is also a paleontological monster!"

If you can't explain the beast, it can only be a monster!

The black giant snake that sprayed corrosive venom was a little weak, and its body seemed to be affected by something.

Then it rushed towards the Mao Xiong country team in the corner of the mountain top. He wanted to eat alive the group of"monkeys" that had seriously injured him!

The terrifying breath brought by the black giant snake and the strong smell of blood made the Mao Xiong country team a little scared, and they attacked frantically with laser rifles!

However, with the firepower of a few people missing, and the black giant snake was accustomed to this kind of severe pain, the black giant snake had rushed to the front of the Mao Xiong country troops in the blink of an eye. The abyss swallowed three people in one mouthful.

The remaining few Mao Xiong country soldiers turned around and wanted to escape, but their speed was not as fast as the black giant snake, and they were swallowed in the blink of an eye.

Only one person was left, and that person was Captain Qiao Si of Mao Xiong country.

Captain Qiao Si silently took out a blue oval sphere from his backpack


"Even if the ion grenade can't kill a monster like you……"

He looked at the mountain and the fruit of the sacred tree on the top of the mountain.

He smiled wildly.

"It will definitely be able to destroy everything here!"

"Long live the Bear Country!"

Press the safety device!


There was a shocking explosion!

The whole mountain was engulfed by the blue fire wave, the mountain shook, and cracks appeared...

It was like a standing human being, whose head was hit by a 100-jin iron hammer. The mountain was shattered, and the whole mountain shook violently...

Finally, the mountain collapsed!

PS: It will be finished in two days. Writing, which requires talent, is really not suitable for me. I'd better work honestly. Working two part-time jobs is too tiring. I have no time for entertainment. It's not worth it just for a little royalty...

Think about the bold words of one million or two million... I'm still too young.

Thank you to all the friends who have supported me along the way. Goodbye!

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