Three days later.

In the third grade girls' dormitory of No. 3 Middle School.

Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin sat on stools, staring at the gray-brown bird nesting on the balcony.

"Minmin, I feel something is not right... People on the Internet say that it takes more than a week for a baby bird to open its eyes, how come the little phoenix is like this now?"

On the balcony, under a few rays of sunshine.

A little bird with gray-brown feathers was lying there, no different from an ordinary sparrow, except that there was a beautiful wisp of fiery red feathers in front of its head, and a pair of small eyes that were very smart and spiritual.

Only three days had passed, and Ye Yang's development speed was much faster than that of ordinary baby birds. Not to mention that he had opened his eyes, even his feathers could cover his body.

Because Ye Yang's whole body was fiery red when he was a baby bird, Ran Xiaoyue named him Little Phoenix.

Ran Xiaoyue's beautiful eyes flashed with surprise,"It's true! Even the feathers have grown out!"

Li Minmin, who was standing aside, seemed to be thinking about something after listening, and suddenly stood up!

"Xiaoyue, what do you think... could the little phoenix be the monster rumored on the Internet?"

Ye Yang, who was lying on the balcony basking in the sun, opened his eyes a little when he heard the words, and squinted at the two beautiful young girls who were close to him.

In the past few days, he had heard a lot of information and many strange things from the two girls.

First of all, he was sure that this was a world with the same background as his previous life, but with some different details. For example, the country he was in now was called Daxia.

It was just a different country name from his previous life. As for some weird things... there were a lot of rumors on the Internet, such as an old rooster breathing fire, a snake as thick as a bucket, and animals in the zoo roaring and crowing at the moon in unison in the middle of the night...

Some people speculated that the behavior of these animals might be a sign that there would be a major event in nature in the near future. Big changes...

But you have to know that these animal phenomena often occur all over the world. What changes in nature can affect the world?

Could it be the Ice Age, crustal movement, and other prehistoric disasters with huge impacts?

Many humans began to panic, so relevant departments around the world began to investigate, but no news was released.

And some netizens with wild imaginations saw the drastic changes in animals and said that this might be the animals evolving rapidly!

Anyway, no matter what, many humans are now panicking, and official departments have also called for people to hand over strangely changed animals to the local authorities to ensure their own safety...

Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin looked at each other and shook their heads together.

"No, the little phoenix will definitely not hurt us."

Ran Xiaoyue said with certainty in her heart. Although she had only picked up the sparrow egg a few days ago, her intuition told her that this smart and clever little phoenix would not hurt her.

Li Minmin also nodded in agreement,"This little phoenix is obviously a sparrow, but it has a beautiful red feather on its forehead. It looks really extraordinary.……"

The two girls behind him surrounded Ye Yang again and chattered like two orioles.

Ye Yang naturally ignored the idle chatter of the next two girls. He was thinking secretly in his heart...

Although he had just opened his eyes not long ago, he learned a lot of information about this world from the two girls, Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin.

First of all, the technological level of this world is the same as his previous life.

He originally thought that he came to a parallel world, but he learned an important information from the two girls' words.

I don't know when it started, but recently animals all over the world have transformed very differently, their IQs have increased, their bodies have become larger... It seems that they are evolving.

"Could this be the beginning of the spiritual energy revival in the novels of the previous life?"

He speculated that the background of the spiritual energy revival was not groundless. Not only the changes in the animals in the world now, but even he, a sparrow, could sense the unknown energy flowing in the air.

Unfortunately, he could feel this weak energy, but he could not absorb it.

The only thing he could absorb now was the energy contained in the sun's sunlight.

However, he believed that the energy contained in the sunlight absorbed by himself was of much higher quality than the energy in the air, and the benefits he obtained far exceeded those of other creatures. After all, he was a bird with an automatic upgrade system!

"Ding, your supreme breath cells are bathed in the sun, feeling very comfortable and efficient.……"

"Ding, through the unremitting efforts of your supreme breath cells, they continue to infect the surrounding ordinary cells……"

"Ding, you currently have 100 supreme breath cells in your body, activate the special skill - basic breathing method!"


Ye Yang, who was lying on the balcony, was shocked!

He had gotten used to the mechanical prompt sound of the system these days. It was all the Supreme Breath constantly infecting the ordinary cells around.

He always sighed that the Supreme Breath cells were really a qualified 007 workaholic, and they never rested as long as they were bathed in the sun.

However, the efficiency of the Supreme Breath infecting cells was not very fast, because he had very little sunlight in the past three days.

After all, he was still a fledgling, and without the help of Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin, he could not come to the balcony by himself.

Now he has 100 Supreme Breath cells without knowing it! The system prompt sound also brought changes!

He actually activated the skill - basic breathing method!

"System panel!"

Host: Ye Yang

Race: Sparrow

Level: Ordinary

Bloodline: Unawakened (100 Supreme Breath Cells)

Skills: Basic Breathing Method (Beginner)

The system panel really changed. In the skill column that was originally empty, the words"Basic Breathing Method" appeared.

"This will definitely help me become stronger!"

Ye Yang suppressed his excitement and focused his mind on the"Basic Breathing Method" on the system panel. A piece of information appeared in his mind.

After a few seconds, he understood the role of the basic breathing method.

Although the basic breathing method is the most basic breathing method, it is easy to operate and can absorb the energy in the air into the body according to a certain breathing rhythm, strengthen one's body, and make oneself stronger.

Ye Yang immediately controlled his breathing, held his breath, and looked at the air outside the balcony with his smart eyes.

He had been coveting the energy in the air for a long time...

But before he could make any extra movements, a familiar mechanical prompt sound came to his mind.

"Ding, your basic breathing method has just been born. After sensing your hunger for energy in the air, it begins to absorb the energy in the aura.……"

"Ding, your basic breathing proficiency increases……"

After the system prompt sounded, Ye Yang suddenly felt a stream of warmth in his body that strengthened him. His smart little eyes glared!

"Oh my goodness! Even basic breathing techniques can be upgraded automatically!"

"This is like becoming stronger just by lying down!"

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