On the top of the mountain.

After the mercenary captain threw out the armor-piercing grenade, he quickly pulled the third mercenary back.

He laughed loudly,"Hahaha! Fortunately, I was careful this time and secretly hid an armor-piercing grenade! Otherwise, this monster White Feather Eagle will send us to hell!"

The third mercenary also smiled,"You are worthy of being the captain.……"

He looked towards the cave and saw a familiar object flying out of the cave and shooting towards here quickly!

His pupils dilated!

Because that was the armor-piercing grenade that the mercenary captain had just thrown into the cave!


The armor-piercing grenade quickly and steadily landed within five meters of them. The next second... the fire wave generated by the explosion of the armor-piercing grenade instantly engulfed the two mercenaries...


A thunderous roar!

The mountaintop, which was a hundred meters in size, shook violently, and the mountain body of five hundred meters shook slightly.

After a few seconds, there was only a charred pit left on the spot, as well as billowing smoke and flying dust.

Ye Yang walked out of the cave and looked up to see pieces of limbs and flesh that were blown up into the sky falling from the air, falling all over the ground, making the mountaintop look very dirty.

For Ye Yang, who cherishes his feathers, this environment is absolutely unbearable.

The wings with a wingspan of five meters opened and waved violently!

A hurricane blew up quickly on the top of the mountain. The strong wind swept a large amount of broken pieces of flesh and blood from the top of the mountain down the mountain.

After a while, the top of the mountain looked much cleaner than before, but there was still a lot of blood to be cleaned up.

The strong hurricane created by flapping wings was exactly how Ye Yang blew the grenade out of the cave!

He shook off the dust on the snow-white feathers.

"Fortunately, I am smart, otherwise the white bamboo in the cave would not be saved.……"

""Ah!!! What a huge bear!!!"

Suddenly, a terrified cry came from the corner of the mountain top!

Ye Yang looked over and saw a young man in his field of vision.

Judging from the young man's delicate appearance, he was definitely not in the same group as the armed team just now.

It turned out that before the mercenary captain threw the grenade, the rich second-generation Wang Shao finally reacted in fear. After seeing the power of the golden eagle, he was completely scared!

So he turned around and ran down the mountain to the corner of the mountain top.

But he didn't expect that after just a few steps, he saw two big bears like small mountains carrying a big tree up the mountain!

Two big bears carrying trees!

This made him feel very shocked!

At the same time, he was terrified...

He turned around and ran back to the top of the mountain, but there was no trace of a mercenary on the top of the mountain at this time. There was only a big pit with black smoke and the terrifying white-feathered eagle!


After the brown bear and the giant panda came to the top of the mountain with the spiritual tree on their backs, they looked around with some confusion. Just now, when they followed the direction of the big white bird up the mountain, they were startled by a sudden loud noise and violent shaking.

The brown bear put down the spiritual tree on his body and showed some interest in the young biped standing not far away.

This biped looked so weak... and white and tender... the meat should be good...

He walked slowly over with his bear paws, and his mouth couldn't help but drool.

"No! Help!"

"I have money! I have a lot of money! I will give you billions if you let me go!"

"Don't Eat Me……"

The rich second-generation Wang Shao, who was fiercely stared at by the brown bear's big eyes, cried out for help in despair!

Facing the brown bear's relentless pursuit, he could only retreat step by step.

Before he knew it, he had reached the edge of the mountaintop. He couldn't retreat any further, because if he retreated any further, he would fall off the 500-meter mountain... and be crushed to pieces!

"Uh uh uh...let me go……"

"My father is very rich! Please don't eat me!"

He lost his mind and was dominated by fear. He cried and begged to the brown bear for the first time. He completely forgot that there were animals present. No animal could understand his words.

Except for Ye Yang who was standing aside.

Ye Yang glanced at the young man standing on the edge of the mountaintop, crying and crying, and didn't care.

Although he had returned to the mountaintop not long ago, he could guess that it was this young man who brought people to the mountaintop with the purpose of capturing or hunting him.


With a piercing scream, the huge brown bear suddenly pounced on him. Finally, the rich second-generation Wang Shao couldn't help but jump off the mountaintop...

The brown bear lost its interest in the target, shook its head and put away its fangs.

Ye Yang retracted his gaze.

"The young man might be a powerful young man, and his death might bring more trouble.……"

But he still didn't regret saving the young man, because even if he saved the young man, it couldn't stop others from coming to the mountain to trouble him in order to satisfy their curiosity or vanity.

Moreover, the young man came here for him, and he didn't have such a good temper. He just died.……

"Hiss... When did I become so indifferent to human life?……"

He was suddenly shocked.

If it were his previous life, and several human lives died in front of him, he would definitely have violent emotional fluctuations, but now... he was somewhat indifferent, and his mood was not even affected.

"Turning into a bird has a big impact on my mood... but it's up to me……"

"Damn! What do you want to do, giant panda?"

Just when Ye Yang was thinking about trivial things, he suddenly found that the giant panda was staring at the white jade bamboo in the cave with its big black eyes, and rushed straight past him towards the cave!


Ye Yang flashed in front of the giant panda.


A wing directly blew the giant panda into the cave.

Ye Yang controlled the power very skillfully, and the giant panda rolled twice on the ground on the top of the mountain and stopped.

Twisting his butt, his eyes were still staring at the fluorescent white jade bamboo in the cave.

How can there be glowing bamboo in this world... It smells so good... It looks so delicious...

He secretly glanced at the big white bird that blocked him, and he must find a chance to sneak into the cave in the future.

Ye Yang's face changed. Black, the little thoughts of this giant panda were all written on his face.

But he didn't care, anyway, he would not let other creatures come to the top of the mountain in the future.

Then he ordered the two big bears to plant the spiritual tree in the big pit created by the mine.

The spiritual tree was placed in the pit and covered with soil.

The spiritual tree was a little withered due to the long-term absence of the roots from the soil. The yellow leaves of the spiritual tree trembled, and the spiritual energy around it quickly gathered.

The yellow leaves visibly recovered to green, and the whole tree became full of vitality!

At the same time, Ye Yang felt that the concentration of spiritual energy on the top of the mountain had increased by more than two times!

For Ye Yang, who was always running the automatic breathing method automatically, the growth rate also increased by two times!

"It took me three or four days to move this spiritual tree. It was worth it!"

Ye Yang said happily.

He held his breath and saw the two big bears felt the rich spiritual energy. Their faces looked like pigs.

"coo coo……"

He drove the two big bears down the mountain, and indicated that this mountain was his territory and forbade them to come up.

The brown bear's behavior was very natural, because he knew that powerful creatures have territoriality.

If he had a body and strength as strong as the big white bird, this group of mountains would be his territory.

Moreover, he felt much more comfortable staying in the area below the mountain than in the surrounding area, and he could become stronger faster.

The brown bear didn't know that this was due to the spiritual energy. Originally, this mountain had extraordinary spiritual energy, and with the two spiritual plants that absorbed spiritual energy, the spiritual energy was overflowing, and the concentration was far higher than other places. The people at the foot of the mountain also received some blessings...

Only the giant panda looked at the top of the mountain unwillingly, still thinking about the glowing bamboo.


On the top of the mountain, Ye Yang, who was looking around with his golden eagle eyes, suddenly discovered the body of the young man who had jumped off the mountain at the foot of the mountain.

"It's really unlucky that the young human corpse is at the bottom of the mountain... Let the Monkey King deal with it and throw it farther away, so that the monkeys can clean up the mountaintop and the cave.……"

What Ye Yang didn't know was that the body of the young man abandoned by the Monkey King was the beginning of the trouble that followed...

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