Outside Jianghai City, there is a vast sea of forests on the land.

Around Shenfeng Mountain, the big brown bear, the giant panda and the golden monkeys were trembling all over.

They didn’t recover from the trembling until the huge figure that was constantly bringing huge pressure from the sky disappeared.

The big brown bear, covered in blood, had lightbulb-sized eyes full of shock. The big white bird had become even more terrifying!

The momentum alone was enough to terrify him from the bottom of his heart. He didn’t dare to have any other thoughts. A voice deep in his body told him that if he dared to move, he would die...

The big brown bear’s ferocious face was stunned. How could the big white bird become so strong? It became so strong too quickly...

The giant panda in another forest didn’t have so many thoughts. He shook his dizzy head.


Feeling a sharp pain in his body, he looked down and saw that the bear was covered in blood, and cried out in pain.

Then he turned and walked towards the water source. He wanted to take a bath...

The group of golden monkeys that fell from the tree after being shocked by Ye Yang's aura shouted,"Chiji! Chiji!" After they reacted, they cheered!

Because the boss they surrendered to became even more powerful, this was a good thing for them!

Of course, it was not only the animals who knew that Ye Yang was powerful, but also the humans living on the blue planet.


One day later.

Jianghai City Airport was crowded with people. There were many more people than usual, and the pre-sold tickets for a week later were already fully booked!

"Dad, why do we have to leave Jianghai City? I promised Xiaohong that I would give her the red flower awarded by the teacher tomorrow.……"

"Hey, silly child... our family must leave Jianghai City. I have already helped you to complete the transfer procedures.……"

"Ah?! Transfer to another school?! Then I will never see Xiao Hong again! No! I won't leave……"

"No, you must leave Jianghai City!!!"

A middle-aged father shouted to his son who was still in elementary school with a serious face. The little boy's eyes were red because he would never see Xiaohong again. He looked at his mother standing next to him.

But to his surprise, his mother who always doted on him also had a firm face.

"Ah! My little red……"

Such scenes were common at the Jianghaicheng Airport at this time, because after witnessing the terrifying power of the white-feathered eagle, the speed that could not be captured by the naked eye, and even the strange golden light that affected the human brain.

All residents living in Jianghaicheng, as long as they were sane and there were no accidents, wanted to leave the city!

This was still at the airport. On the other side of the road out of the city, the road was already filled with cars with families fleeing!

At the airport boarding gate.

Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue came to see Alice off to return home

"Okay, I'm about to board the plane. What do you need to ask?"

Alice looked at the two girls in front of her with her emerald eyes and smiled.

She had long felt the confusion in the hearts of the two girls.

Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue looked at each other, and Li Minmin, who was more straightforward, spoke first.

"Alice, may I ask who you are? And Little Phoenix... Why is White-Feathered Eagle so powerful?"

They are not fools. This foreign girl came all the way from the Owl Country to Daxia just to see Little Phoenix. What's in the black box for Little Phoenix?

Too many doubts...

Alice shook her head,"I can't tell you my identity... and I don't know White-Feathered Eagle. You should know him better than me."

The emerald eyes looked towards the boarding gate in front and took a step,"Anyway, I can only tell you one thing, White-Feathered Eagle is definitely not a simple ancient creature... and it will not be the last beast to appear on Blue Star.……"

"It won't be the last... beast... what does it mean?……"

Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue watched Alice walk into the boarding gate with mixed feelings.

They also saw with their own eyes the form of the little phoenix white-feathered eagle, which was more than twice as big as before! What shocked them even more was the indescribable momentum.……

"It seems that Alice is right. The little phoenix is definitely not a simple creature.……"

"Let's have less contact in the future.……"

At the same time, the two of them tacitly did not tell anyone that the little phoenix was just a sparrow that had just been born half a month ago...

In the end, when millions of Jianghai City citizens were in a panic and the city order was in chaos, the Jianghai City officials stood up and announced that the mayor had gone to the capital Longcheng to attend a meeting and would definitely guarantee the safety of the citizens, which made the panicked Jianghai City residents feel a little relieved.


In the towering building in the center of the city, in the capital of Daxia, Longcheng, there were hundreds of people sitting in the conference room, and people were entering from the door of the conference room one after another.

The hundreds of people in this huge conference room were all bigwigs in various fields of Daxia. After seeing the power and strange power displayed by the ancient creature white-feathered eagle, the leader of Daxia convened a meeting of the highest level, and officials from cities across Daxia also gradually rushed to the conference room.

A middle-aged man in formal clothes and with a tired face entered the conference room, and immediately the eyes of hundreds of people in the conference room turned to this figure.

"The real master finally came……"


The mayor of Jianghai City walked into the meeting room and, after receiving a look from Chief Xia, sat down in the empty seat near the front of the meeting room.

Jianghai City was only a second- or third-tier city in the south. In the past, he would not have been qualified to sit so close to the leaders in such an important meeting. However, the situation was urgent.

"Comrade Lao Lin, after a long discussion, we have come up with a few suggestions in front of the White-Feathered Eagle. Please listen to them first."

"Okay, Chief.……"

The leader of Daxia said directly

"1. Mobilize the military forces of the military bases near Jianghai City to kill or capture the ancient white-feathered eagle outside Jianghai City."

"Second, mobilize the military forces of the military base near Jianghai City to monitor the ancient white-feathered eagle outside Jianghai City."

"Third, establish an air defense sentry station in the direction of the mountains of Jianghai City."

The first suggestion was very obvious and direct, to use military force to kill the ancient white-feathered eagle.

The second suggestion was much more euphemistic, just monitoring.

As for the third suggestion, it was to directly turn the active into the passive, a completely defensive posture.

Everyone in the conference room looked at the mayor of Jianghai City who was sitting in front of them. No one spoke, just watched quietly.

The territory of Daxia is vast, and the mayor of each city has a great deal of autonomy over the city under his jurisdiction, of course, this is under the premise of not violating the iron law of Daxia.

Therefore, how to deal with the ancient white-feathered eagle that appeared on the outskirts of Jianghai City depends on the decision of the mayor of Jianghai City alone.

"I choose...three!"

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