Dense forest outside Jianghai City.

The sun was high in the sky, and it had been twelve hours since the assault company of soldiers had started fighting.

At this moment, there were less than twenty people left in the assault company of one hundred soldiers.

However, as long as they did not walk out of this hundred-mile mountain forest, they were still in danger of being attacked by a group of lions.

After the four members of the team led by female reporter Wang Xiaoli determined the direction of escape, they did not stop and rushed deeper into the dense forest without daring to stay any longer.

Since the wild animals in this dense forest were either subdued by the lions or left because they were afraid of the lions, there were few large wild animals left.

So they were not attacked along the way.


While moving forward, the female reporter Wang Xiaoli, who was protected by the soldiers Daniu and Erhu, suddenly shouted!

"What happened?"

The big bull leading the way asked in confusion.

Wang Xiaoli was trembling all over, her face was pale, and she suddenly felt a familiar feeling in her body. It was so familiar!

She shouted!

"There is a ferocious beast approaching here!"


The other three were shocked!

The two soldiers in front and behind the team immediately raised their guns and looked around with alert eyes, ready to fight at any time.

But after a few minutes, there was only the slight sound of the mountain wind and the breathing of the crowd, and nothing happened.

"Oh... Sister Wang, stop joking. It's really scary."

"Let's take a break first. It's tiring.……"

Photographer Xiao Li relaxed. The non-stop escape along the way had exhausted him physically and mentally.

He happened to see a big tree with dense branches and leaves not far away. He walked over and leaned against the tree, which gave him a slight sense of security.

The other three did not let down their guard because the two soldiers had been following Wang Xiaoli and knew that this female reporter had a keen intuition about the dangers of wild animals.

They also felt that something was wrong with the surrounding environment. They had felt that they were being coveted along the way before, but not here.

Something must be wrong when something is abnormal!

This feeling made the two of them very uneasy.

"Come here quickly! Xiao Li, there might be something wrong here!"

Wang Xiaoli's face turned pale, and she shouted anxiously to Xiao Li who was resting under a tree nearby!

Her intuition was still sending him a danger signal!

Xiao Li looked unconcerned, and looked around. The surrounding terrain was very open, and there were no obstacles such as bushes and weeds, which meant that there was no possibility of wild animals ambushing them here.

"Don't worry, sister Wang. How could there be any danger here... Unless those lions can fly,……"

" seems to be raining……"

Before I could finish my words, water drops appeared on my face. I raised my hand and touched it.

"Hiss... so sticky and smelly."

He looked up suddenly and saw a big cat crawling on a thick branch of a tree, looking down at him.


The low roar was like the sound of a car engine! He was locked in by a pair of green pupils and was completely unable to react!


With an attacking roar, the lioness who had been lying in ambush for a long time pounced towards the tree!


Photographer Xiao Li was thrown to the ground and had no reaction at all. By the time he reacted, his body had already lost control. He was dragged away by the lioness, who was more than three meters long, without any resistance.

Only the camera was left!

"Damn it!"

Soldiers Daniu and Erhu did not shoot, because it was proven that the bullets from guns could not cause fatal damage to the lionesses.

The lionesses were too fast, and the sneak attack was completed in just a few seconds!

They did not give them the opportunity to aim at the head and eyes and other vital parts.

Wang Xiaoli, with a pale face, watched the lionesses running away with palpitations, and picked up the camera from the ground.

She took a few deep breaths.

"Let's get out of here quickly, I have a feeling the lions will come and hunt us soon!"



In fact, Wang Xiaoli's intuition was correct.

An hour later, after eating her prey, the lioness called another nearby companion to follow the traces of the few people.

When the lioness and her companions came to a forest, they stood on all fours, and looked forward with some fear in their brown pupils.

Because they knew that the forest ahead was the territory of a terrible animal, otherwise their lion group would have gone deep into the forest under the leadership of the male lion.


After thinking for a while, the desire to eat the bipeds and become stronger overcame the fear.

The two lionesses continued to move forward quickly.

Wang Xiaoli and the other two who were moving in front of them felt the unusual movement of the birds in the dense forest behind them, and a terrifying aura was approaching them quickly.

"It seems that the lioness is not far from us, which makes them give up sneak attacks and adopt a large-scale hunting method. It seems that this should be the territory of the ancient white-feathered eagle!"

"Our guess was right. The lions were afraid of the ancient white-feathered eagle! But we underestimated the lions

' desire for our human flesh and blood!"Wang Xiaoli's delicate face was stunned, and she felt the man-eating breath approaching rapidly.

"what to do……"

Soldier Daniu did not hesitate,"Comrade reporter, please keep moving forward quickly and be careful of the animals in this forest. We will stop the lioness for you!"


Seeing the resolute expressions on the faces of the two soldiers, Daniu and Erhu, Wang Xiaoli said gloomily without saying anything.

"I feel like it's useless for me to run. These lionesses will obviously not let us go. Please two big brothers shoot me to death later.……"

"I don't want to watch the beasts eat my flesh and blood."

Soldier Dahu was silent for a moment,"Okay then……"


A few minutes later, two strong lionesses came running from a distance!

The appearance of the two lionesses surprised the three men, but the two soldiers did not sit there and wait to die. They raised their rifles and shot at the lionesses' heads!

"Go to hell, you beast!"


The two lionesses, regardless of the cracked surface on their bodies, rushed straight towards the three people!

This forest made them feel very uneasy, so they had to kill and devour the three two-legged beasts in front of them in the shortest time!

Da da da!

The bullets exploded on the two lions, but the lioness reacted quickly and dodged the bullets flying towards the vital parts of the head! The lioness was extremely fast! In the blink of an eye, she had rushed to within ten meters of the three people!

A trace of cruelty flashed in her brown pupils! There was also a man-eating light!


Just when the three were in despair!



Two loud explosions!

The two lionesses shot out in opposite directions and fell heavily to the ground more than ten meters away!

The three looked over and saw that the lionesses' heads had split open and turned into a ball of tofu! The body fell quietly to the ground without a single movement.

At the same time, a golden figure more than three meters tall holding a long stick appeared in the three people's field of vision...

PS: Thank you all for your concern!

Thank you all for your long-term support...

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