In the Biological Research Institute of Jianghai City.

All the researchers looked at the snow-white tiger that had just hatched in front of them.

What was striking was that the two fangs of this furless tiger had already developed.

What attracted people's attention was that this saber-toothed tiger had grown a pair of wings!

The two-winged saber-toothed tiger, which had eaten its own eggshell, looked at the group of people in front of it with a pair of golden pupils in confusion.

He was just born now.

Although his body was already the size of an adult dog, his cognitive ability was at the initial stage.

He didn't know what his relationship with this group of two-legged beasts was...


An anesthetic needle accurately pierced the body of the two-winged saber-toothed tiger, and the anesthetic was successfully injected into the body.

The two-winged saber-toothed tiger was shocked, and after a few breaths, it lost control of its body and fell to the ground...

Soon the researchers tested the body of the two-winged saber-toothed tiger inside and out.

The data results made them excited!

"The cell genes of this two-winged saber-toothed tiger are not defective, and it can grow like a normal animal!��!"

"The saber-toothed tiger has such a huge body when it is just born. I really look forward to how powerful this saber-toothed tiger will be when it grows up.……"

"This creature must carefully observe all data, which may reveal the mystery of spiritual evolution for us humans!"


On the outskirts of Jianghai City, Shenfeng Mountain. The spiritual energy in the air of Blue Star is getting richer and richer, and the thin white mist is like a layer of haze that has been covering the top of the mountain for a long time.

Drops of white dew appear on the branches and leaves of the spiritual tree on the top of the mountain, and the leaves sway slightly, tirelessly swallowing the gathered spiritual energy.

Not far away, the fluorescent white jade bamboo stands on the top of the mountain, its roots deep into the rocks, and each bamboo joint has become thicker and stronger than before.

In the cave, there was a rhythmic sound of heartbeats.

A huge white bird walked out of the cave with its thick and powerful white feet.

In the sunlight, his snow-white feathers flashed layers of halos.

"Tip: The supreme breath cells in your body feel the energy of the sun's rays, wake up from their slumber, feel happy, and start to function.……"

"Tip: After a day of hard practice, your basic breathing skills will improve!"

"Tip: After a night's rest, your skills and mental induction are in full swing, and your skill proficiency has improved!"

The familiar voice sounded in Ye Yang's mind again...

Ye Yang's expression did not change. He had been listening to this voice for almost two months and had already gotten used to it.

Looking at the two spiritual plants on the top of the mountain, the white jade bamboo has grown from more than one meter long to three meters now!

And the spiritual tree has also grown from the original ten meters to fifteen meters!

To the naked eye, the two spiritual plants are now surrounded by a layer of diluted spiritual white mist, and you can tell at a glance that these two spiritual plants are treasures!

In order to prevent himself from accidentally destroying the white jade bamboo in the cave, Ye Yang So he moved the white jade bamboo out.

What made him even happier was that small green buds had begun to hang on the branches and leaves of the towering spiritual tree!

This made him look forward to it. The spiritual tree was already very extraordinary. If it produced spiritual fruit, how amazing would the effect of the spiritual fruit be!

The spiritual tree was just like him, absorbing spiritual energy 24 hours a day. The amount of spiritual energy contained in the spiritual fruit must be very huge! The white jade bamboo had also changed a lot.

When Ye Yang dug him out of the cave, he clearly saw that the roots of the white jade bamboo had split. Maybe in the future he would have a white jade bamboo forest!


Just when he was in a good mood and reaped the satisfaction of cultivating and planting, his heart suddenly skipped a beat and he felt an inexplicable palpitation.

A trace of doubt flashed across his golden pupils. The body's intuition is usually not wrong.

"Is there some danger approaching?"

"Or is it that some humans are planning to target me?"

After thinking for a long time, I still couldn't figure it out.

"Forget it... I can just hide in Jianghai City."

The eagle's eyes were full of ruthlessness. He didn't believe that humans could ignore the danger of millions of citizens and attack him.

He looked down at the mountain.

Seeing that Big Bear had grown to a size of more than seven meters, he nodded with satisfaction. Big Bear had eaten the most flesh and blood of the male lion, and had been nourished by the spiritual energy at the foot of the mountain recently. Ye Yang felt from his breath that his evolutionary level had reached"E+"!

Xiong Da is currently the strongest of his three younger brothers.

Ye Yang nodded with satisfaction. The stronger the younger brother is, the more benefits he will get.

When Xiong Da's evolution level reaches"D"At the level, he should also awaken the skill of telepathy, which can help him deal with many things, such as guarding the outskirts of the forest, or looking for spiritual fruits.

At the foot of the mountain, there were only a few mother monkeys with their cubs, including the human's cub. The monkey king took the adult monkeys out to wander again in search of spiritual fruits.

The giant panda Xiong Er ran away to an unknown place. Needless to say, he went out to look for food again.

"Wait... where did that Husky go?"

Ye Yang suddenly remembered that the two girls brought that Husky a few days ago.

"Never mind, let him run away.……"

Ten miles away from Shenfeng Mountain, there are many ferocious beasts in this forest.

Dahei Erha deserved to die. He would never be a nanny.……


A corner of the forest.

The big black Husky looked at the end of the road. After a few days, his owner had not returned here. Only then did he realize that he had been abandoned by his owner. He felt depressed.

He turned around and looked at the mountain at the end of his field of vision, his pupils trembling with fear.

He didn't dare to get close to the mountain at all. The terrifying bird on the top of the mountain could actually communicate with him!

More importantly, he felt a familiar smell from the big white bird...

The Husky species is very smart, and with the enlightenment of spiritual energy, his wisdom is more developed than that of ordinary creatures.

So after the Husky was sure that he was abandoned by his owner, he began to wander in this forest.

The surrounding mountains and forests are dense and green, with a large number of wild animals living there, and the spiritual energy content in the air is far higher than that in the city.

This made the Husky, who was in a somewhat decadent mood, soon become happy and playful!

""Woof woof woof!"

He kept jumping in the forest!

He didn't stop until a huge gray figure blocked his way.

The two pairs of big eyes and small eyes stared at each other for a long time.

Erha's face was full of confusion. Why did this fellow look so fierce...

The big gray wolf stared at the"fellow" in front of him with a pair of wild wolf eyes in some confusion. He always felt that the breath of this fellow was a little different from his.

But after careful feeling, he couldn't tell what was different...

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