“No, the demon king did not come, only the majestic Gilma. Hajun Gilma and I are all together… … .”

“okay? Then I’ll go too. Let’s go too, Grand Duke.”

The Archduke asked with a surprised face at my words.

“Can I go too?”

“What can’t be done?”

The place where the Archduke and the Harmful Judge are now was our house. This is because the houses of the Archduke and Beopsa collapsed due to gates opened all over Seoul.

‘My house! I haven’t paid off the loan yet!!’

The appearance of the judge who cried out is still good in his eyes. Anyway, I brought the two of them who had nowhere to go.

Dohain jumped and objected, but my brother welcomed the two of them saying it was okay because there were plenty of rooms left anyway.

‘It is forbidden to approach Houn within 100 meters.’

‘Isn’t that just saying that you shouldn’t live with Miss Houn, Ha-jun-nim… … ?’

Well, I didn’t like it that much, though.

Anyway, after many twists and turns, the Duke and the Duke were taken care of by our house. I scratched my head and asked the Archduke.

“Is everyone in your room?”


The reason the guild chief U Mahan came to deal with the damage situation related to the gates that were opened all over Seoul.

I heard that Houn and Hwarang also suffered some damage from the gate.

Right now, it’s in the midst of recovery.

“The judge must quickly restore his magical powers… … .”

Only then will the collapsed Hangang Bridge be restored and the ruined Hangang Park will be restored to its original state. The Archduke admired me as I narrowed my brow and pondered.

“Gilma-sama has no choice but to roll a judge in her head… … .”

“Of course.”

say that

I smiled broadly at the archduke and knocked on my brother’s door.

“Brother, I’m going in.”

It was not only the people the Archduke had spoken to in the office that he entered.

“uh? you are… … ?”


– Wow.

Rika, who is still in our house, walked out from the inside. After that, a fairly familiar man looked at me and nodded.

“I’m glad you’re safe without any injuries, Mr. Do Haun.”

I frowned at the voice I heard and walked to the side of Dohain. I could feel the Archduke following me and watching me.

I narrowed my brow and sent a message to the Archduke.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Why is that bastard here? Didn’t you tell me you had that bastard too?

|Pr. Northern Prince| : I mean there wasn’t! I really didn’t!!

I struggled to swallow the sigh that was about to burst out at the reply that came back as if it was unfair. My brother and the guild leader Umahan came out and looked at Ji Han-gyeol once, then tilted his head.

“Houn-ah, do you know Team Leader Ji?”

“God… Hmmm, do you think Team Leader Ji is an acquaintance with Miss Do Ha-woon?”

Brother and Umahan looked at each other and frowned. I shrugged my shoulders, wondering if there was a fight between them.

“We don’t know each other that well. Do you know each other a little?”

“It didn’t seem like a little bit.”

Dohain looks at me and smiles bitterly.

“Isn’t that the ‘acquaintance’ I met at the center, Do Haun?”

Belatedly, I remembered what happened at the center. Damn you, Dohain bastard! Forget about that!

At Dohain’s words, my brother looked surprised and asked me.

“Houn-ah, how do you and the team leader know?”

“Chief Ji is an expert in the field, so he is not seen well in the center.”

At Mahan’s words, I clicked my tongue inwardly and looked at Ji Han-gyeol. Ji Han-gyeol, who met my eyes, flinched and coughed in vain, turning everyone’s attention.

“I had a personal meeting with Do Haun.”

“Personally? When the hell did that happen?”

Ji Han-gyeol glanced at my brother’s persistent question and answered with a crawling voice.

“That… It’s personal… … .”

“So you’re not asking what that personal thing is?”

Ji Han-gyeol sighed deeply at Doha-in’s annoying voice. Then he looked at me, his gaze as if begging me for forgiveness.

What, why are you looking at me with those anxious eyes?

After a moment of doubt, I realized why Ji Han-gyeol gave me such a gaze.

“Do you know Mr. Dobin by any chance?”


“Why… He played the role of the Crown Prince in , which is now suspended… … .”

“Ah! Dobby!! Yes, I know, but why is he here?”

Doha-in, who was a fan of , asks with a frown on his face. At that question, Ji-Hyeol said with a blush on his face.

“Because I and Houn met at Dobin’s fan meeting.”

“… Yeah?”

Without realizing it, I questioned.

I could feel everyone’s gaze on me, but I didn’t respond and just clenched my mouth.

What the fuck is that bastard talking about now? You and I meet at whose fan meeting site?

As I opened my mouth blankly, I felt the phone in my pocket ringing. I hurriedly came to my senses and looked at Ji Han-gyeol, and saw Ji Han-gyeol pointing to her phone with a wink.

I smiled awkwardly and picked up the phone saying it was an urgent call. Dohain scoffed at you saying that the only urgent contact you would have was a meeting with the professor, but I ignored it.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

[010―■X■X―X□X□]: : Match the words appropriately. Or are you telling me to make up a story here?

“… … .”

I contorted my face, tried to untie it, and smiled broadly.

“Yeah, dobby color… not teeth! Dobin, we met at the fan meeting site!”


“Huh! Really!!”

I nodded vigorously and continued.

“At that time, I thought that the reason we talked to each other separately was to share Dobin’s photos with each other?”

fuck off.

I don’t know if it’s a cute cat, why am I sharing a picture of a dobby kitten! I don’t have anything saved!!

But I had no choice but to say that.

I was crying and raising the corners of my lips as if eating mustard, when the Northern Prince sent me a message.

|Pr. Northern Prince| : Gilma, didn’t you hate him? Or was he just pretending to hate him?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : No, I don’t like it.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Right now, I’m talking properly with that bastard.

The Archduke glanced at Ji Han-gyeol and sent me another message.

|Pr. Northern Prince| : But why do you have to do it?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : How do I know? Concentrate on the conversation.

The Archduke sent a message asking how to focus on this wonderful conversation, but I pretended not to see it and looked at everyone.

Dohain looked at me suspiciously and said.

“Aren’t you not interested in celebrities?”

“Looks recently.”

“Come to think of it… … .”

My brother muffled the end of his voice and looked at the elegant guild leader. Umahan frowns on his face as if why is he staring at him.

My brother smiled at him and said,

“My houn said that your younger brother likes it too.”

“Why the past tense? You must still like it, guild leader Doha-Jun.”

It’s not.

I looked at the elegant guild leader with a disgusted face. Seeing my disgusted face, Umahan suddenly shows a face that has been hit in the face.

I shrugged my shoulder once toward U Ma-han and asked Ji Han-gyeol.

“More than that, why did you come here?”

“I have something to tell Do Haun. I have to pass it on to Ma-Hoon Woo, too, but I entrusted it to the head of the guild, U Ma-Han.”

“… … ?”

As he tilted his head, Ji Han-gyeol pulled out a document from his pocket and held it to me.

“This is Mr. Dohaun’s Awakened Certificate. The grade is S grade.”


I thought it would take a week. That’s because gates were happening all over Seoul at the same time.

It was said that it was closed soon thanks to us, but it suffered quite a lot of damage and there was a commotion here and there. It was the center’s hunters who put the chaos to rest.

I heard that Houn and Hwarang would also help the center as soon as the guild repairs the damage.

My brother looked at the certificate I received and smiled at Ji Han-gyeol.

“Thank you for bringing it to me in the middle of your busy schedule, Chief Ji.”

“I have something else to tell you, so I brought it with me. It’s not often that Houn and Hwarang are together.”

Ji Han-gyeol said that and looked at me.

“Mr. Dohaun, I heard that the reason you received the Awakening Certificate was to establish a guild.”

“… How do you do that?”

I wondered if they had talked to each other before I came, but my brother, Dohain, and the guild leader Umahan were showing their surprised eyes. Seeing a face like that would mean that there is no story going on.

So how does that bastard know that?

As I frowned slightly, I suddenly remembered what happened at the center.

‘Do Ha-un, are you planning on revealing ‘return’?’

‘That’s why you came here and got your Awakened Certificate, right?’

Damn, that’s what you heard from me. And it seems that the story was told to the high-ranking people.

damn it.

I clicked my tongue briefly and said to Ji Han-gyeol.

“I think so, but I don’t know if I will be able to establish a guild because the center is busy right now.”

“The center will immediately approve Mr. Dohaun’s guild. I am ready for that.”

At Ji Han-gyeol’s words, I widened my eyes. Ji Han-gyeol looked at me like that and added:

“You can do it right now, if you want.”

In the meantime, the documents presented to me were essential to know in relation to the establishment of the guild and things like that.

I had read the reports I had reviewed with the Harmful Magi, so I skimmed them and handed them over to the Archduke.

|Pr. Northern Prince| : Why are you giving this to me?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : These are things you should know, so I’ll give them to you. So don’t gossip and read.

The archduke pouted his lips. I ignored it and asked Ji Han-gyeol.

“What does the center want?”


Suddenly lowering his words, the Doha frowns at his face, giving him attention. However, Doha-in lowered his words to Ji-Hyeol, just like I did, in response to Ji-Hyeol’s answer.

“I want people’s attention to be diverted elsewhere.”

“What? Are you saying that you are going to use the guild that my sister will set up now, now?”

Ji-Hyeol nodded his head without revealing an expression.

“Because there are a lot of celebrities. From the office worker Hunter H, to the guild leader Umahan’s younger brother and… … .”

Ji Han-gyeol looked at me and raised the corners of her lips.

“Up to Mr. Dohaun.”

The smile he saw seemed unlucky. As soon as Ji Han-gyeol finished speaking, Doha-in smashed the table and got up.

“So, anyway, you’re going to use my sister’s guild!!”

“It sounds quite unpleasant, manager Ji Han-gyeol. ”

“I’m sorry if I sounded like that, guild leader Do Ha-jun. But, as you all know, things are not so good right now.”

Everyone shut their mouths at Ji Han-gyeol’s words.

All gates that occurred simultaneously in various parts of Seoul were closed in a short period of time, if short, an hour.

Nevertheless, the damage suffered was considerable. I heard that there are dozens of buildings that have collapsed. They are working hard to recover, but not everyone is sure when they will be able to return to their daily lives.

Ji Han-gyeol takes the guild-related documents that he had handed out to me from the Archduke and says:

“You can refuse. But it seems like they want to accept it from above.”


I thought I was referring to the high-ranking officials at the center, but it wasn’t.

“I’m talking about the very high people who made the center. You don’t care.”

At Dohain’s words, I said, “Oh.” He sighed briefly and looked at Ji Han-gyeol. Ji Han-gyeol was preparing to get up with papers.

I glanced at him, snatched away the papers, and picked up a pen.



Doha-in and his brother tried to stop me belatedly, but they had already signed the papers.

With a bashful smile, I handed the documents to Ji Han-gyeol.

“Is this okay? Do they make the plates?”

Ji Han-gyeol said as he handed over the documents from me with a dissatisfied face.

“Soon, we will be in touch.”

He didn’t tell me who to contact.

I have a story to share with Ji Han-gyeol, so I wanted him to contact me regarding this if possible.

With the papers in hand, Han Kyul nodded his head toward us all and opened the door. Afraid of that, two young children ran into the room crying.

“Mommy! It’s bad!! Beanie keeps making Rimi Mamma unable to eat!!”

“Dad! Rim-i keeps trying to eat sparrows!”

“… … .”

I could feel the gaze of my brother and Dohain focused on the Archduke who was sitting next to me. The guild leader Umahan coughs in vain and hugs Yubin.

“Yubin, can we go out for a while? Chief Ji, I will see you off.”

Wait a minute, the guild-leader who is sassy?

I stared at the silently closing door in dismay. Suddenly, the door was closed, and the room became as quiet as death.

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