Reversal of Life With Stock Cheats
Chapter 254
It was one of the basic items, but I didn’t buy it because I wanted to get it from my husband. I noticed it several times, but I couldn’t notice it, so my insides burned.
In the meantime, my friend boasted about his new look, and my father told me about his friends’ daughters who married good men.
Thanks, I got a lot to think about.
I was born as the daughter of a conglomerate family and grew up with no shortage, but how did I end up living like this after meeting the police? Friends who were married of the same s*x lived much more luxuriously, but she had to decorate herself with her own money.
In the meantime, my stomach boiled when I saw my husband who came in late without talking to me and pretended to be friendly.
‘Was it a bit harsh?’
But when I thought of the happy, teasing face of my friend, my stomach started to swell again.
‘I won’t talk to you until you apologize first.’
It was the beating of the daughter of a chaebol family, but there was nothing to apologize for because there was nothing to apologize for in the first place.
Of course, it was Kim Jae-gu who presented the bag to her friend’s husband. It was a strategy to separate Yoo Ju-sung by taking advantage of her jealousy.
“Yu Ju-seong asked how to survive. He said that now is not the time, so wait for the timing.”
“You’re faster than I thought.”
“Dokgo-jin’s loss seemed to make him feel uneasy.”
Because of this, he had to take good care of his loyal subordinates. If you throw it away carelessly, you will lose the popularity itself.
‘I thought it would take longer though.’
I thought it would take a little longer and gave gifts to more people, so it was a bit of a waste, but I decided to be satisfied with things going as planned.
“What should I do?”
“It is said that the first bread is the best defense. If we start investigating them, tell them that we will cover them with all our might.”
“You mean the investigation?”
“Yes. And hand over this material.”
I had cards to attack them. They were data created by wiping off call records. If only the investigative authority was given, it could add credibility to the data.
Of course, Yoo Ju-seong will do the investigation.
‘Blowing your nose with someone else’s hand is the best.’
Even if trouble occurred, there was no damage on this side. Benjamin Chung read the list and smiled strangely.
“Isn’t this a bit dangerous?”
“So, isn’t that what Yoo Ju-seong is doing?”
he wasn’t mine
Yoo Ju-seong received unbelievable data from Benjamin Chung. The materials contained stories about the alleged corruption of people belonging to the coalition, and places to visit to find clues.
‘Where the hell did you get such detailed information?’
It was a detail that could not come out without a spy inside the alliance. If there was a spy, it was clear that he would be the backbone of the coalition.
‘I don’t know who it is, but the opponent must be a big player.’
Maybe even the president. Looking at the current situation, the relationship between Yoo San and the President was not good.
If so, I had to try.
Well done. I mean very beaten up
Life is a comedy seen from a distance, and a tragedy seen from close up. It was the famous actor Charlie Chaplin.
As he said, watching the fight one step away couldn’t have been this much fun.
‘okay. Yujuseong is good at it. I mean really beat up.’
Yoo Ju-seong blew the first bread. It was a track that was laid out to blow the first bread, but he proved that he was not just an incompetent pants manager.
Two of the coalition’s members were seized.
‘I guess he wasn’t close to the president.’
The power of the prosecution was needed to obtain a search and seizure warrant. And it was the president who could move the prosecution.
‘Even if this property can be moved.’
Real life will change soon.
As the next president was expected to be Lee Yoo-san, his influence was considerable. However, after the general election, his evaluation plummeted.
Although he was still predicted to be the most likely presidential candidate, the prospect of losing to Seol Kyung-taek in the presidential election was overwhelming.
‘There’s no way the president suddenly joined Seol Gyeong-taek’s line.’
It would have been better to send Yu-san and see that another hand had come out that could have him run. It was true that Lee Yoo-san continued to write porridge.
It was clear that he had decided that it was better to throw away the shield than take the risk.
‘Still, it’s only two people.’
It was clear that he didn’t want to pretend to be with the rest.
Yoo Ju-seong didn’t seem to think so.
According to a police insider, Yoo Ju-seong ordered more investigations into chaebol groups. It was clear that he was diligently researching using the materials I sent him.
Even if he looked stupid, the commissioner was the commissioner.
A few days later, arrest warrants were requested for the two presidents. The reasons were embezzlement, collusion, and breach of trust.
‘Because it was a daily routine for the members of the coalition to pour work into my back pocket.’
Since the members drove each other, it didn’t get caught from a legal point of view, but the problem was that they left the difference and kept it in their pockets.
It was only natural that he entered into an act of breach of trust, as he signed on to buy something that could be purchased at a lower cost with a higher amount of money.
‘It wouldn’t have been a problem if it was one, but there are dozens of cases.’
Investors who lost money after investing in stocks were quite angry.
The two groups were fighting hard, so there was nothing for me to do. Because the police investigation did not require the power of public opinion.
‘I guess I’ll have to wait until the situation is sorted out.’
He told Benjamin Chung to support Yoo Ju-seong in whatever he needed to defeat the Yusan Alliance. Still, he didn’t attack his father-in-law, perhaps because he felt guilty about beating his father-in-law.
‘Because the father-in-law’s property is no different from the person’s property.’
You didn’t have to touch him unless you were going to divorce. He even left a message on his SNS saying that he would never commit suicide.
He couldn’t have been unaware of the cases of countless people who were killed by the Yusan Alliance.
While the mud fight was going on, I felt like I could get along comfortably.
It was fortunate that I decided to live in a nice area. Most of the children in Ha-yeon’s elementary school were from wealthy families.
Among them, there were many materials from chaebol families, such as Sung Joo-hyeok, the son of Sung So-hee. So there would be no need to target the child at school.
“Ha Yeon-ah, have a good day at school.”
Still, I was anxious, so I attached the GPS to my clothes. This was because I wasn’t used to carrying my phone 24/7, and it could have been stolen and dropped.
They walked me to the school gate and picked me up in front of the school gate, but I didn’t know when and where to coax and take the child.
‘I told you not to listen to people you don’t know.’
I just hoped that naive Ha-yeon wouldn’t have a chance to carve it into her bones.
‘Still, I feel relieved now that I’m in Korea.’
At least there were very few crazy people running around with guns. As gun possession is not illegal, the US gun market was much larger than that of Korea. Thanks to this, it became easier for those without a license to obtain firearms.
But Korea was different.
In the first place, there were almost no places to sell guns, so it was no different from a gun-free country. Shooting ranges started to become popular among young people, but not many compared to the United States.
So, the bodyguards of Titanium Security should be able to protect it properly. Even if you are a super bodyguard, you can’t catch all the flying bullets.
I took Ha-yeon and returned home.
All the employees who had gone on vacation returned, and the house was crowded. Choi Ji-hoon also returned with his family, but after returning to New York, he appeared in the living room more often.
“Oh, that’s cool.”
Hearing his father’s voice, he looked into the living room and found Choi Ji-hoon rubbing his father’s shoulder.
‘It’s like a real family.’
My parents felt sorry for Choi Ji-hoon, who was no different from an orphan, and took good care of him. Choi Ji-hoon also followed his parents well because he wasn’t a bad guy by nature.
“Father. I’m here.”
“Yes. Did Ha-yeon take care of you?”
“Yes. What about your mother?”
“He said he slept one more time because he was tired.”
At my parents’ age, it seemed that flying felt like hard labor. After my father got better, he added a hobby to exercise, so it was fine, but my mother was particularly tired.
‘Should I call a Pilates instructor and let him do it?’
I’m anxious about bringing a new person into my house right now, so I’ll have to do that after the presidential election. It is better if there is someone among the bodyguards who can do yoga or Pilates.
Seo Kang-jae, along with the Blue Team, went to collect data with the robots he received from Robora Rob. I was quite angry that Ha-yeon was put in such a danger in America, but it was nice to be reassured thanks to that.
The robot was programmed to explode itself if caught or exposed to certain circumstances. The surface is made of a hard material, so people will not suffer much damage, but the chips are said to be designed to burn properly.
So there won’t be anything to catch the tail.
Now, if you quietly manage your personal connections and do quests, the results will come out.
the president’s home.
At the dinner table, his wife, son and daughter-in-law were sitting together. There was luck, but there was no children’s clothes, and I tried to have a second child after giving birth, but I did not get good results.
To him, his only son was a lovable and precious existence that would not hurt even if he put it in his eyes.
Besides, his son was following him as a member of the National Assembly. Compared to Yusan Lee, his political career was still short, but he still became a member of the National Assembly three times.
In this general election, the 1st party was elected confidently even in the midst of writing porridge. That’s with a 70% approval rating.
‘I’d rather push my son straight to the presidency.’
The son still had a short political power. I thought it would be difficult to hold on to the presidency with a career that had just begun to exceed 15 years. So, I tried to push Yu-san Lee into the presidency and have him run after laying the groundwork.
‘Because things don’t go as planned…’
he is old Because he was old, he only adhered to the old ways, and despite his power, his age was losing. It failed in the general election, and the recent failure to recruit personnel from other parties was proof of that.
I’ve been contacting and talking to other people, but things didn’t seem to be working out.
He lost his trust in the new character, Kim Jae-gu, because he couldn’t get enough of it.
‘A person who has lost trust cannot become president.’
It was the conclusion the president made.
He was preparing a new strategy on the premise that Mt. Yu would lose. It was to advance his son to run.
‘He is also a member of the National Assembly for the third term, so he does not fall out anywhere. If only Mt. Lee disappears, it is certain that the party members will support it.’
If Lee Yu-san could not lay the groundwork for his son to be elected, there was no reason to push him to the presidency. Even if he was pushed by Seol Kyung-taek, a newcomer to politics, there was no need to mention it.
He looked up and saw his son sitting in front of him. The son was quietly eating.
“Yes. Father.”
“How about running for office this time?”
“Isn’t Lee Yu-san supposed to run this time?”
Ryu Gwang-heon raised his head and looked at his father. Unlike Mt. Lee, it was a face that showed a young gun. He smiled and looked at his son.
‘Since he is handsome compared to Yu-san Lee, he must be good at attracting the middle class as well. It would be better to appeal as a politician with a new image.’
If a rich man becomes president one after another, it will go down in history. Wasn’t there a period between the famous President George W. Bush?
It was going to be a historic incline.
“This heritage is over. The approval rating continues to decline. Those who are greedy and cannot put down what they have in their hands cannot innovate.”
“They say it’s greed…”
“Doesn’t the Employment Flexibility Act continue? Even though there are people protesting because of it. You fool… It’s not too late to do that after you become president.”
“I have heard and seen it.”
“I miss the honey jars of the businessmen. But I can’t do anything big when I’m dragged around by them. Yusan is over.”
“Can I win if I go out?”
“It won’t be easy.”
Ryu Gwang-heon’s expression darkened.
“But it’s more likely than Mt. Lee. Put my supporters on my back and judge Mt. Lee to gather the middle class.”
“Are you saying to snipe this property?”
“Yes. If Mt. Lee is already shaken, if a problem related to his corruption breaks out, he will not be able to stand it. There are only a few big cases as far as I know.”
When the presidential election started, it was an image battle. You have to find the opponent’s weakness and bite it, but Seol Kyung-taek did not have any major weaknesses.
In contrast, Mt. Yu was a leaky gourd.
So it was good to take this opportunity to definitely cut it and gather a new support base. The party’s supporters will continue to support the party, and Lee Yoo-san’s personal fans will see his infidelity and fall away.
Conversely, if Ryu Kwang-heon judged him, he would be able to absorb some of the middle class while retaining the party’s supporters. You will have an image of a clean and trustworthy politician.
Yusan and the win rate seemed to be equal. Then there was no reason not to push him when he was in a position of power.
‘I think Yu-san will hate me for this.’
However, the relationship between the two began to crumble not too long ago, so there was no guarantee that she would push her son later. The message I received a while ago was the main thing that made that decision.
‘There is evidence that Lee Yoo-san ordered the murder, and he will explode it in this presidential election…’
A man of that caliber could have committed several murders. However, it was not allowed to be caught by others.
If a person capable of finding out the President’s number and sending it to him had tracked Lee Yu-san’s back, it wouldn’t have been difficult to catch the tail.
‘If by any chance he loses this presidential election…’
Ryu Kwang-heon’s path to becoming president will be more difficult. Because the power of the president who stepped down from the front line was infinitely weak compared to the incumbent.
So I decided to go now.
The president took out a USB and put it on the table.
“Now is the right time. Explode.”
“You mean now?”
Ryu Kwang-heon swallowed his saliva.
“Yes. When the presidential election begins and explodes, there is no time to recover the party’s image. I have written down the manual and helpers, so do it.”
“Yes. Father.”
Ryu Gwang-heon grabbed the USB.
It was a bluff that he knew the evidence of Lee Yoo-san’s murder order. However, I believed that if the investigation I was doing was over, I would be able to reach Yu San through Yu Ju-seong and Lim Ho-jin.
‘Is there something more worth grabbing the tail for?’
So, I decided to meet Shin Hee-seok and Dokgo-gap. Shin Hee-seok was away on an overseas business trip, so I met Dok-go-gap first.
‘I’m glad Ha-yeon recovered.’
The child brightened a lot while playing with Happy. I requested a business trip consultation from a professional counselor, but they said that I had to wait a week for the express consultation as the waiting time was delayed.
I had applied, so I was going to visit the house in a little while.
However, the symptoms of separation anxiety have improved a lot, so I can go out without leaving my child like this.
I left a well-prepared table and sat face to face with a pair of handcuffs. Because he was the one who was able to extract information from Dokgojin, who was doing the dirty work for Yusan.
“Chairman Kim Jae-gu asked to see him in person, what happened?”
“Sometimes, it’s about seeing each other’s faces and having a meal. Talking about going back to work. Talking about how to defeat Yusan.”
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